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Everything posted by Clintosaurus

  1. How about the end of the Dallas game? Crazy stuff with the snap penalty and the FG smashing into the upright. Made quite a noise too.
  2. Looks like nearly everyone (possible everyone) is getting points this week. Barring a disaster in San Francisco.
  3. But still stink. Worse than one of Van Houtens'.
  4. If it gets us a flag who gives a [censored]? Sad to Jesse go but business is business.
  5. This also got a run on the racing station in Brisbane this morning. It's the worst kept secret in the AFL.
  6. Surely all part of the theatre that FoxFooty 7-9 tomorrow night will culminate.
  7. They don't help her by making her regurgitate the [censored] said on Twitter. She is ex-MFC so worthy of some pleasantries.
  8. Hutchy makes money anyway from all the ads.
  9. I would be 0% surprised if this happens.
  10. Sam Collins signed by the Suns.
  11. He thinks he is Sonny Weaver Jr but is more likely to end up Jeff Carson.
  12. Mine disappeared last week. Cannot deal with mobile QBs. D is a shambles and Bortles in full derp mode.
  13. Clarko don't care what he gives up and it got him 4 flags. Draft picks are somewhat speculative compared to known quantities, so why not. I'd take 5 and 23, give GC 5 for May and KK then try package up 23 and 33 to get something higher.
  14. We will want 3 first round picks next year.
  15. Amateurs. No doubt Josh will have Plan B to get Steven May.
  16. Done. Welcome Braydon and goodbye Dom.
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