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Craig Hutchinson

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Everything posted by Craig Hutchinson

  1. The curse twist was added for fun and to get attention . We will see if anyone will join me on Sunday . As I say to kids who play football " have fun and have a crack " . I will be doing that before the game . Go Dees
  2. I started to get excited watching the Richmond practice game . I think it was the Richmond list manager who commented during the game that Melbourne looked faster . The commentator said that the team plan was to move the ball quicker . The RFC coach said it wasn't that . He said that they looked faster over the ground . I thought if we can do that for the whole year it would make a difference .
  3. My last game was 25 years ago in G grade VAFA . The Bloods . Had to stop . The more I slowed down the crankier on the field I got .
  4. Thank you Pates . I now know the song may not been the right one but it DEFINITELY is not the wrong one . I loved the Sandman entrance but I love even more the Bell ringing to let us know our players are about to come on the ground . Sorry if anyone missed the survey that would have liked to contribute .
  5. What about the sideways moving advertising ?
  6. A recent survey on Demonland revealed that MFC supporters want ANOTHER song to sing at home games during the warm up . There were 4 main contenders . 1. Raw Hide - good for the old Demon team . 2.. Lean On Me - good for the old Demons . 3. Always Look On the Bright Side Of Life - good for good whistlers . The stand out choice was " You Will Never Walk Alone " . Soccer supporters had trouble at first with this choice . After hearing it was from a Hemmerstein / Rogers musical they accepted that saying it was a Liverpool's song is like saying I Dreamed A Dream is Susan Boyles song . A group of supporters are going to sing the song near the Punt Rd goals during the warm up .The song is dedicated to the MFC and Mental Health . Please donate to Movember and the Danny Frawley Centre . https://au.movember.com/spud All spectators are invited to sing for a good cause . Wait for 1,2,3 to start . When you are part of the MFC you will never walk alone !
  7. In career best form all 4 would get in my best 22 .
  8. You see the true character of people Mr 56 when they deal with difficult issues ( or on the golf course ) . I do play golf and still surf . I the same weight as when I played football - 90 kg .
  9. I am hungry ( munchies ) for more .
  10. Take a pot shot Sammy .
  11. Much appreciated binman . Your knowledge of the internet is so helpful .
  12. Nothing to do with Weids promise Mania . I am 61 and feeling comfortably numb is normal .
  13. I am going to say Weeeeed every time he gets the ball on Sunday . I will be near the cheer squad and will make sure they hear me . Thanks Gonzo and Nasher .Great idea !!!!!
  14. I love the Baker photo .
  15. Have loved reading stories from members describing Gabbo's run , where they were , what Norm Smith was like etc etc . The old video contributed was great . I checked out Demonwiki ( thank you ) but could not see any video . I am sure its on the internet somewhere . Seems a shame to loose such pearls .
  16. I have seen some fantastic stories and videos this week about the clubs history . As a new member there must be so much I have missed . Are there any archives I can search ?
  17. He doesn't mind the nick name at all but it does refer to the colour of his skin .
  18. Mark Williams has a very high opinion of him . In a pre season interview he said he reminded him of a young Treadre . In the same interview he said Kosi reminded him of a young Wanganeen . I have a high opinon of Mark . He and Yze are our best new additions to the club .
  19. Sorry Tim I just can't stop muddying the water . The internet and google are what I am riding to spread the message . I went to high school in the country .
  20. Great that we have a hard run home as it will be great preparation for the real season in September .
  21. Max at the end is Agent 86 . I loved the new movie ( also recommend Bill ( as good as Life of Brian imo ) ) . Rocinante is Don Quixote's horse . My horse in the Internet and google .
  22. While we have a healthy list and competition for spots in the team we will NOT falter . The passion is there and confidence is building . So proud of the MFC and what they stand for . Go Dees ! Can not remember what happened to NM in 2016 and don't care . Maybe like our year in 1965 ?
  23. Looks like I blew it again Tim . An esoteric thread was not my goal . With 7 comment's ( 3 mine ) it looks like I will be on my pat Malone on Sunday . I will tone down the use of proverbs as they contribute to my esotericness ( new word ) . Said to my daughter yesterday " Once bitten , twice shy babe " . She had no idea what I was talking about . The Ian Hunter song was a favourite in the mid 70's . When you are part of the MFC you will never walk alone .
  24. Norm Smith was awarded Coach of the Century in 1996 . Some good competition in my order - John Kennedy , Barassi and Hafey . McHale before my time and Sheedy and Mathews were too dirty for my liking . The Apollo Mission has been a Don Quixote ( a favourite book ) type quest . A quote from Kathryn Heman’s recent book Fury . “ the hero – a skinny man with a drooping moustache dragging an unwilling horse out from the stable . The horse’s spine droops in the middle like a badly tied hammock . On the ground , a pile of battered , rusty armour rests at the horse’s feet . “ . She then quoted Cervantes the author “ Rocinante . Formerly and ordinary horse . “ I am a formerly ordinary person with nothing but a wild imagination trying to make change . And as Max used to say “ and loving it “ . Ride on Rociante .
  25. Will there be the hint of smoke or some short of Blast off on Sunday at the G before the game ? As some of you would know I joined this site to gain support for an idea . My first go at social media . I am a father of two teenage girls and have been negative on the medium . I was wrong .It is a wonderful source of information . I bought the Red Fox for my father and it was the last book he read . I read it and realised why the Norm Smith medal was awarded to the best player in a GF . The video posted today with Norm Smith's interview , Barassi's and Skilton's insight's of the Man and a story about my childhood idol Hassa Mann almost brought tears . Any great group need a basic foundation . A cause that raises passion and leaders with the principles to make it successful . The video and other posts this week have added another dimension to my view on effect on our club . " Principle's or die . Have favourites but would not play favourites . " The awe of everyone in Melbourne and the reason why the Dees OWNED the G in the 50's and 60's . Maybe similar to how Melbourne thought of Sir John Monash in the 40's .It must have been incredible ! I am going to sing You Will Never Walk Alone ( NWA ) before the game on Sunday . ( For more information please see my post and joke about the Norm Smith curse last week ). The idea has moved forward on Demonland " like an ice skater wearing tap shoes " . I like proverbs and will use them until the cows come home . No agreement on whether we need a song like Port Adelaide and general apathy for the song itself . Lazy , old , need a new song written , what song ( my younger daughter ) and Liverpool's song . I get the first four but saying the song is Liverpool's is like saying I Dreamed a Dream is Susan Boyles song . Liverpool HAVE made it more famous and proved to me that it is THE BEST ( in the whole world ) pre game song after It's a Grand Old Flag . Please google 95000 sing it at the G . Picking a song started with researching the best knowing the Dees deserve the best .NWA was an easy choice I thought . Ha Ha .If we let the AFL choose a song we might get " somewhere over a rainbow" , the CFC chose a Metallica song that went down like a lead balloon ( Pert is from Collingwood ) and the cheer squad committee think Melbourne and AFL supporters do not like to sing .There was agreement that the cause were good . I am going to be at Richmond station an hour before the game . I may print a few pamphlets with the words of the song and the QR codes of the charities . Need approval from the AFL to hand them out at the ground . I will buy a ticket to to the outer , will be near the cheer squad and will sing the song loudly , proudly and slowly . Will I be singing alone ? This is a great site and I will continue to contribute after the weekend under a new call sign . When you are part of the MFC you will never walk alone !
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