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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. *MoeSyzlak dies in a freak bin related incident*
  2. Well thank Christ that’s sorted. Will be interesting to see what changes are made in the club for the rest of the year…
  3. ‘In the aftermath of the Kings Birthday injury, Melbourne and the AFL had a principle objective to clear the medical process, which looked awful to us on the outside and I think the guiding principle was to protect from future litigation’ ’They Actively tried to create a picture that everything was fine. Publicly documented statements from the club and the league that Tracc was in good spirits and recovering well, when in fact, he was in a critical condition in ICU and family members thought he might die. So when you get that so long, that leaves scars, and those scars are what we’re seeing now’ So I had a look at the MFC statement on June 12th when Tracc was still in ICU and Alan Richardsons quote are: (https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1576895/alan-richardson-on-christian-petracca-condition) “Christian is in good spirits and making positive strides in his recovery,” Richardson said. “Christian is expected to be moved out of the ICU and into a general ward by tomorrow morning, and discharged from hospital in the coming days,” Richardson said. "I want to make it clear that we have full confidence in how our medical team responded and the procedures they followed. Their expertise and swift actions have been crucial in managing Christian’s injury and subsequent recovery," he said.
  4. You too Wayne, have a good Saturday 😊
  5. Oh I don’t hate Kate, I know basically nothing about her, haha I just don’t want us to be a basket case and feel like her rhetoric was poorly chosen and as a result, (fairly or unfairly) just poured fuel onto the fire. Which we didn’t need right now. It’s up to her to choose her words carefully as obviously journo’s will latch onto phrases or words you repeat and use it against you if they can. Urrrgghhh
  6. From memory, I don't think Whateley said that Roffey claimed 'that the whole issue' was a media beat up. That's you saying that's what he concluded. Is that what he said? If you can find a quote then I'll happily take your point. As I said earlier, my memory was that he said 'if melbourne thinks this is a media issue then that amounts to denial'. Again, going off memory so maybe I'm wrong. 1) "stand-off" is an accurate account of what is being suggested in media reports. She merely disagrees that it is a stand-off So it is accurate, but she disagrees that it's accurate. Needlessly confusing position to take. Could be inferred as a deflection, especially in an interview as a club president of a club in crises. 2) I've highlighted her denial because that is a direct answer to your accusation. My accusation isn't 'Kate Roffey is saying this is all a media invention' and she did a good job of denying anyone is saying it is a media invention, because that would be a ludicrous position. I wish she hadn't kept deferring to the media in her earlier answers so Whateley didn't get a 50 yard run up to be able to ask that question legitimately. 3) That is simply a statement of fact. It is a statement of fact. I think it's the 4th and 5th time she mentioned the words media. Starts adding up in a short amount of time in an interview. 4) What do you think she means by "media issues"? I don't know specifically what she means. I can only surmise she was talking about the fact that it is at this stage a claim with zero refutation from Tracc that he want's to 'go to a big club'. Would be weird if it was untrue and he still hasn't said anything? 5) Nowhere in the Kate's response, or in the response from anyone at MFC, has it been suggested that it is all a media issue. That was Gerard's summation. To deny that there is a media component that is complicating the matter of reconciliation between the Petracca camp and the MFC is silly. I don't think anyone is suggesting that the word 'media' can't be used in a discussion about what Christian is confronted with. So you're saying that Gerrards summation was that this is 'all a media issue'. Again, if you can link me a quote that'd be good as I don't remember him saying that but could be wrong. So again, Roffey left herself open to that question by repeatedly mentioning the media in totality. Wasn't necessary unless she was going to overtly refute incorrect claims made in the media. Which she also didn't do. Was a bad strategy because it comes across like you have something to hide (even when you don't necessarily) And thus, she became the story which I think is pretty obvious? If you disagree that's fine, but there is a reason why many people say this interview was really poor. You might not be one of those folks and that's A-OK. 'I hope my response reaches the lofty good oil you seem to have annointed your thoughts on the matter with...' Dunno what I said to make you say this but I guess I'll just say: indubitably *smokes pipe*
  7. When Whateley asked her if she was troubled by the stand off between Melbourne and CP, her answer was: 'I don't think this is a stand-off, that's a media portrayal of it' Before Whateley asked her later on '“It feels like you're deflecting this as a media construct rather than a reflection of truth' (which she went on to deny she was implying), she had mentioned the media, 5 times. “I don't think this is a stand-off, that's a media portrayal of it' “The first thing I just want to point out to people, and I think this sort of gets lost in the media world, because we're dealing with the people, the individuals and when you're looking at it in the media you're not actually seeing the person. “It's an incredibly difficult time for Trac. Full stop. Incredibly difficult time. What he's been through is significantly traumatic and now what's playing out in the media is very difficult for him as well. “So again, I'm not going to comment on the media issues. He's a contracted player at our club. It's not a completely outlandish thing to say something like 'If melbourne think this is a media issue then that amounts to denial' which I'm pretty sure Whateley went on to say, after a (in crises) club president kept littering the word 'media' in answer to issues between CP and the club. She dropped that word so many times that for Whateley to even have a run up to ask the 'media construct rather than a reflection of truth' question is ludicrous and the interview was failed right when he asked that. Unless you come back with a zinger of a response, you just look suspicious and like you ARE trying to deflect, even if you're not.
  8. There’s a defamation court case looming over all of this, which is seemingly inevitable. The media is going to go to town on it and could dwarf this situation incredibly. If we think there’s pressure on us now, just wait until all of our dirty laundry is aired in a court case for the media to sift through. All the questions, all the innuendo, all the ‘what did X know’ etc. etc. etc. etc. Hopefully it’s not during the season I guess? I don’t have all the answers to this, but reviews/resignations/sackings is going to happen at some stage. We can get in front of that situation now for the sake of the club and move on from this administration and get in a ‘fresh start’ or we can hope the current administration can not let it affect the club whilst still being in charge… How’s that going right now? Change is inevitable and things are without a shadow of a doubt going to get very very messy.
  9. ‘I listened to what she said there and it’s just not true, I mean, there is no proper meaningful correspondence between CP and the club right now, so when she says it’s an open forum and this is a football matter, he’s not communicating anything as he doesn’t trust these people at the moment’ Interesting quote by Barrett.
  10. Yeah maybe. I think the first rule of journalism also applies to media facing representatives of any organisation: ’Don’t become the story’ Rightly or wrongly, that’s what’s happened here and even 5 out of 10 doesn’t cut it when the knives are out from a media perspective IMO
  11. To be fair, if she’s going to be a club President, being proficient in front of the media goes along with the role. It’s not really anybody else’s fault if she did poorly? And yes I understand some people will have a go at her no matter what she says, but there’s also the possibility that she also did a bad job.
  12. I get we may have differing views on this and that’s fine. I personally thought the Roffey interview was really poor communication for a club president. She didn’t choose her words very carefully and came across (to me anyways) as kinda flippant, trying to distance herself from the situation and not being careful about ‘optics’, which whether people like it or not, are important especially when all eyes are on us. I’m also not saying she was trying to distance herself, but her choice or language, would be the same as someone that is trying to distance themselves. Thus, very poor choice. So this is only a small, and I stress small, example, but I haven’t seen it mentioned. When she was talking about the club speaking to Tracc since the injury, she said, the club had been speaking to Tracc ‘for 5, 3 or 6 months, whenever the injury happened’ (I’m paraphrasing but that is very close to exact words) That is extremely sloppy for a President of a professional sporting organisation, when seemingly, the club is in turmoil? How difficult is it to know that it was basically 2 months ago. Not, anywhere from 3,5 or 6 or whenever the injury happened. I expect a bit more professionalism from the figurehead of our club to at least be across very very basic details when in front of the media? Just made her sound lazy and/or incompetent. In my opinion of course, others will disagree and that’s fine.
  13. Oh yes I understood that part, I just wanted to see what Tom Morris had said as I couldn’t find anything in regard to this specifically
  14. What a perfect year of AFL football. There has never been a football of AFL like this football year of AFL.
  15. FFS this is amateur hour. If you’re going to do an interview, representing the club in a time of (perceived or real, take your pick) turmoil, you don’t add to the turmoil by not having all your ducks in a row and being consistent in answering very straightforward questions. Does anybody have their hands on the steering wheel?
  16. Pick 9, 10 and Kyle Amiss would be pretty bloody good.
  17. Hurrrgghhhhhh. Sounds like that court case is going to be a barrel of [censored] laughs.
  18. Well there’s a big big sound
  19. Freo are choking badly here
  21. Urghhhh he’s in trouble just from the very last action as far as I can see. Yes Moore ducks at the last second but if you watch the replay, Moore continues at the ball but kozzie pivots direction on his left foot away from the ball and towards Moore and ends up going across him. If he continued to run in the direction of the ball, he would’ve had a chance to argue it was more of a ‘collision’ rather than a hit to Moore. The argument will be that Kozzie initiated the contact when he had another option, not change direction and instigate contact first. Reverse the jumpers and make it a prelim final though and we would not have the same outcome in terms of weeks. Would be ‘nah the Melbourne player dropped his knees, it was his fault’ 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
  22. I 100% get what you are saying, but all the vetting in the world can fall short when it comes to someone’s mental state, which put under pressure like an on air interview, can change very quickly in it’s stability. Especially if mood swings are at play which can happen in a matter of seconds. The fact he said yes and withdrew is not a good sign. I’ve made the point Traccs silence means he wants to leave and I now recognise that (even if it’s true) is a massive secondary issue compared to his mental health. So personally I don’t feel comfortable in speculating about anything that’s going on. I’m sincerely not casting aspersions on you or other posters, but I’ve been getting weird vibes for a number of days about questioning why he is or isn’t doing things but that’s just me. I legitimately just want him to be ok as this has all the makings of being way more serious than footy.
  23. He may not be psychologically ready/able/willing enough to do a live interview? He went through a life threatening situation about 3 months ago. That can really affect a person. It has nothing to do with being a maturing man or a leader. Mental health issues can be crippling and can happen to anyone. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is immune from mental health issues.
  24. Mason Cox is slow… but he’s also very very tall. Being a small, outside player than isn’t an amazing kick and mid paced makes his lack of overall skills all the more glaring IMO
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