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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Yeah, AzzKikA shouldn't be asked to go somewhere else when he's posting about a demons related subject, on a demons thread in a demons forum expressly made for demons supporters to do the very thing he did in the first place. He should be fairly criticised if people disagree, not asked to go somewhere else.
  2. Fair call. I’m also not a local council politician and agree local councils are very corrupt and should be abolished FWIW.
  3. Oh people definitely care, that’s why they’ve been avoiding actually addressing my point an waffling on for decades worth of posts.
  4. How could you leave out the most obvious choice? Im a local council politician. Geez.
  5. OMG this is actually painful. Do you think it is a good or bad thing to wish injury on Jeremy Howe WCW?
  6. Thank god someone addressed what I said directly and I’m glad it was you. Full circle. Ok great, didn’t say you’re a bad human. I just disagree with wishing injury on another player and don’t think it’s a good thing to do as it’s hypocritical but you don’t see it that way WHICH IS FINE. There ya go. We did it. We had direct dialogue with what I criticised you for and it only took 5 million other comments to get there. Sheesh.
  7. I love that me disagreeing on a single post about wishing injury on Jeremy Howe has now turned into me sitting in ‘judgement’ and needing the last say. You realise you are doing what I did yes? You are criticising me. For criticising Jaded. Only one of us isn’t addressing the others criticism. I think it’s a bad and hypocritical thing to pick out a random opposition player and wish injury on them. In this instance it was Jeremy Howe. Do you think it’s a good or a bad thing to do this? Yes or No. It’s that simple.
  8. You were serious when you said ‘heh, heh, I’m the resident holier than thou poster on here’? I don’t get it?
  9. Hey steam away, no problem with that. People seem to be real mad at me for criticising a person for wishing injury upon Jeremy Howe which I think is a bad thing to do. Not a big fan of wishing injuries upon random players. if you’re cool with that, just say so? Pretty easy thing to do don’t you think? Would be wonderful if someone could point out why I’m wrong about that being a bad and hypocritical thing to do, but apparently that’s an extremely hard thing for anybody to do. It’s not my fault people cannot directly address the very, VERY, easy to understanding criticism I have made. But whatevs, carry on venting.
  10. Cool, so it will be really easy to explain how any point I’ve made is wrong yeah? Look forward to reading it Dworship.
  11. Didn’t say you were wishing Collingwood players and their families permanent brain damage, but that’s a nice straw man you’ve got there. ‘Go on Toby, test out that mangled arm of his’ Has now turned into: ’wanting a player to hurt their arm or leg’ These two comments are perfectly analogous and you’re really representing what you actually said correctly.
  12. Mate this thread is off it’s head. The things people are saying in here will haunt them for a very long time. I feel sympathetic embarrassment honestly.
  13. Has nothing to do with my original post but here we are. Complete drop in IQ on Demonland tonight.
  14. But that’s sweet yeah? As you and others are doing the same thing, so if they do it, you can do it. Definitely not how hypocrisy works.
  15. If you don’t understand the point of my posts then why are you replying? They aren’t hard to understand.
  16. Did you read back what you wrote? Seriously, did you read that comment and get to the end of it and think ‘yes, I’m happy with this sentiment, it accurately represents what I think and I’m happy to post it on the internet for other people to see.’ Is that the thought process that happened? Or will you read this in 24 hours and regret it do you think? If you don’t regret then that’s all good and I’ll just say these are the words of an absolute meat head.
  17. Ok cool. The next Collingwood elbow that lands on a Melbourne player’s chin, it’s cool because it’s ‘ON’ yes? JVR did it so it’s now open slather. Love the zero logic and complete lack of awareness that’s going on. Remember, my point is based upon Jaded wishing Howe injury. So, if Collingwood fans were to wish JVR or any other Melbourne player injury based upon what JVR did, then it’s all fair yes? Because it’s ‘on’?
  18. What point do you think you’re making? JVR is now fair game given it’s a: ‘very physical game, not for the faint hearted. It can get very argy bargy, even with all that, there’s a line. They crossed it.’ JVR got suspended for an act outside of the game, so he literally crossed a line of the rules. Before you reply with ‘well Maynard crossed the line and he DIDNT get suspended!’ Well I agree with you! If should have gotten suspended! That has nothing to do with my point of not reacting emotionally and wishing injury to other players in the team that didn’t do the act. It’s not hard to understand the hypocrisy of that response if you stop, and think, for 2 seconds.
  19. Once again, I don’t agree with this decision but I’m not on here spewing bile about wishing injury on other players. Take 48 hours and see if you feel the same as I know for a fact that many of you would decry this kind of rhetoric from other fans so it’s pretty frustrating that we don’t hold ourselves to the standards of others.
  20. Ok no worries then, Carte Blanche on wishing players harm then. Glad it’s open season as every club has something to justify it so let’s gooooooo
  21. Ok cool. @WalkingCivilWar @gregdemon The next time we play the pies and some Collingwood player ‘tests’ out JVR’s jaw with their elbow, then I trust you’ll be all there saying whatever injury that happens is fair retribution and supporting Collingwood supporters pointing to his suspension is as why he deserves it. I don’t agree with this call, I don’t like that Cox did that to Maxy, but maintain a bit of dignity and be better than dog Collingwood supporters? Jadeds post was wishing (its implicit in the statement ‘test out that mangled arm’) Howe physical harm, that’s not on.
  22. However frustrated you and I feel, wishing physical harm on a player is not called for. Reverse the roles an imagine what you would say if other teams wished harm on one of our players.
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