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Posts posted by ucanchoose

  1. Just now, Gipsy Danger said:

    Effectively 6 away games in a row from round 6 to round 11 (can’t really include Alice springs as a home game). How does that happen?

    why can’t it just be home one week away the next, repeat

    ummm you answered your own question.  if we have games in Alice then we can't possibly have one home one away.... unless you want the AFL to give us more home games than any other team

  2. 5 minutes ago, Sargent Shultz said:

    perhaps we (coaches and supporters) should look at this fiasco another way.

    What does MFC gain by trading JW? A round 30 (and drifting) pick in the draft who, in 3-5 years MAY make an impact.

    What does the MFC lose by trading JW? The opportunity for Goodwin and Co to work with a 150 game player, with elite skills, who COULD be the difference between MFC doing a Richmond or Doggies next year- witness JW's game when we first played Collingwood. Final 5 minutes of the last quarter when he kicked the sealer at one end and stopped a certain goal at the other. You just don't see those performances from some on our list we are keeping

    I love it when people hand pick one moment out of a career.    


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  3. 19 minutes ago, brendan said:

    What would you think is fair, imo what I have put up will be pretty close to the mark if it's less then we have got the deal of the century 

    I think it's fair that he's out of contract and other clubs get their players for less than that.....   

    Hardball.....  We don't need to mortgage our future

  4. 15 hours ago, Demon77 said:

    I'm shattered now, just read the Crows club board on big footy and someone posted that Lever was showing off his new toy on twitter.

    A coffee machine.

    Big commitment, can't see him coming now.

    If it was his new snowboard or Range Rover I would have said it was signed and sealed

  5. 7 hours ago, McQueen said:

    I missed the game in its entirety.

    Was busy having a shag.

    Better than a shag....  I can get a shag any time.

    Watching a game like that in the last 10 minutes plus extra time might not come around for a very very long time

  6. 2 minutes ago, Chook said:

    I can't think of too many who were confident of a win. Most people were saying that IF we deserve to be a finals team, we should beat Collingwood. Well, we don't…and we won't.

    It's a shame that after such a good year we're going to end the season (or best case scenario, go into finals) with such a sour taste in our mouths.

    Have a read of the first three or four pages....  Quite a few 

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