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Phil C

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Everything posted by Phil C

  1. Hard to watch
  2. And how’s Fox trying to make a story out of by quoting social media posts. Talk about lazy journalism and proof that it’s not even a bloody story.
  3. That’s your opinion and I’ve got mine. If you think zero impact from a KPF is good then that’s fine
  4. I’ve got an idea. Put on a tracksuit and catch an early flight home. Hand in your keys on Monday and never return!
  5. [censored] off Weid. Soft and pathetic
  6. I was fortunate enough to be there last September 25. Unbelievable!! Good luck tonight.
  7. He was a total fan. To make yourself feel better listen to the MMM call of the GF. Poor bastard must have been calling the game through gritted teeth.
  8. Great quality quarter all round. Love the pressure Dees
  9. The media have to create content 24/7 so they basically pick apart the game in minutiae until there’s nothing left. This isn’t a story at all. His only crime on Sunday was spraying his shot on goal, not burning Spargo.
  10. What tosh. The Brisbane one wasn’t great I admit but talk about overblown nonsense.
  11. My observations from being at the game. ANB was big, just relentless pressure. Hibberd was great, Viney was strong as usual, Tommo looked composed, Brown competed hard and obviously Kozi was amazing. It was quite warm sitting in the sun all day and the boys looked stuffed early in the 3rd, so great to take control and win comfortably in the end. Pro Dees crowd despite lots of Adelaide people living in Alice.
  12. I must have missed that Andy! You guys do a great job, keep it up.
  13. I might sound like a prude but I love that I can listen to a pod without any bloody swearing. I quite like the Deebrief but guys,, drop the constant F bombs. I can’t listen to it in the house because I don’t want the kids to hear it.
  14. The jumper Is pretty awful I reckon but I’m sure some like it. I don’t know why they wear it so often but there’s no way they won’t wear it this weekend. Imagine the carry on if they didn’t…
  15. I won’t be listening live but look forward to the podcast during the week. It will be interesting to see which Melbourne team turns up this week in the Alice. My hometown and I’ll obviously be at the game. The grass will look brown on TV but only because we’ve had about 5 frosts in a row last week. The surface will still be fantastic. Go Dees
  16. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=It+happened+right+in+front+of+me+crows+fan&view=detail&mid=9982ED62388757A8BA8B9982ED62388757A8BA8B&FORM=VIRE&adlt=strict
  17. Uppercut delivered!
  18. Viney is possessed. Unbelievable
  19. God Brown is soft
  20. Great to see the smothering and second and third efforts. Was totally missing last 3 games. Lever impressive, Viney full beast mode.
  21. The Weid plays bruise free footy. I never want to see him play again sorry. Too many squandered chances.
  22. At least I’ve seen them win the flag in my life. It won’t be happening this year that’s for sure.
  23. Weid is soft as butter
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