I was there tonight and like Doug, would have loved if more were. However I appreciate factors such as, but not restricted to: weather, people travelling interstate or OS to avoid Winter, Olympics on TV, economic situation, carpark shut, bad scheduling, Covid, rsv, flu and other medical conditions etc prevent some people from attending. But good on you Doug for trying to rev up support for the Dees
People who couldn't attend, don't have to take Doug comments to heart.
At least the loss was less than a goal.
This exact day 28th July back in 1979, 45 years ago, I was at Waverley watching the Dees play Fitzroy in Rd17. Final Score: Fitz 36.22.238
Melb 6.12.48
Crowd VFLPrk 12,149
It shattered me but each year I return.
I'm sure those absent tonight will also return Doug.
Go Dees. I love 'em