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Everything posted by MyFavouriteMartian

  1. How do you schedule this to suit hurt teams.?
  2. I agree with much of what you say. But you really are bordering on total pessimism, 'dmma'. Get a grip of your fears old boy. Don't let them run you, nor ruin you. In fishing, the old rule was always let the little fish go and keep to eat, or to brag/stuff, the big ones. That was all rrse about. The same in the logging fields, taking the biggest trees, and today, with clear-felling, taking everything in the allotted area. Its all wrong.!! You leave the bigger ones alone, to live on, Fish/Trees. These are the genetically superior breeders, the organisms that have the best sets of genes, that have stood the test of Our Past times and environmental conditions, to be the strongest/healthiest. These are the Future, the species to carry on with life; and we come in with chainsaws or the biggest nets and ships, and machinery; to chew them all up, and destroy anything before them. Its us that has had it all the wrong way around__ Exploitation has virtually killed off Creating. I think your right, in that nature or life, will/is fighting back. But this might be unpalatable to many westerners, nay humans. you know_ Que sera sera. It's almost out of OUR hands.
  3. Don't tell me we are moving back towards a Reserves competition, in a way.?
  4. contritre? If you wish to see things thru a half empty glass, I look for the positives in things, or I try to. simple really
  5. OK, losses only if you wish.?
  6. The ratings will help our future for getting better TV fixturing. It won't help this years receipts, but better than a poke in the right eye.
  7. Actually the tv audience, if played in front of an empty stadium, will be maximum numbers. We just won't get gate takings. But we will get huge ratings.
  8. coool, runnin maan... a good lie down and a drink of pleasuuure, and a it of candy on tv, John. maaan.
  9. I think the players have most danger of being infected out in public, then they do amongst fellow AFL players and staff. So the AFL should ban all players from going out into the public sphere. Or,
  10. Just imagine if they suspend the season, or cancel it all together. ?
  11. Most valuable Demon = Ron Barassi. Most valuable current Demons player = out of an even bunch. TMc. Most have not yet put their hands up to claim any accolades. So they don't really deserve any accolades.
  12. Over about 1 month.? Since the virus was announced in December 2019. It's in its infancy, atmo.. If.? it was a release.. A Rogue nation wouldn't release it without having a vaccine. How are the numbers growing in China, at present?
  13. Its about 9 - 10 times more lethal than the Flu, for those who are vulnerable to it.
  14. That makes sense that Weide takes more high marks out in the wider part of the ground at this stage, as his body develops. Only natural that he will get buffeted about, when playing deeper and inside pack situations. weight >>>- https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/tp-melbourne-demons?year=2020&sby=8 I think 'LJ' would just get blocked from his run at the ball, anyway.
  15. WACA, staff... no doubt. Ball collector.
  16. Agh, shytte, a further week away. your right. It will be under a no-fans basis. Well, I reckon that evens out the game somewhat.
  17. Sorry about you having 'COPD', 'dl4e'. Do you mind if I ask how this effects you.? Are you on an Oxy' bottle.?
  18. From Monday according to Nero Scmo. So our Perth game should go ahead on Sunday at 6.20PM.
  19. No.! Its a major risk to anyone who has an underlying respiratory ailment or Heart issues. Maybe some do not even know they are at risk. Asthma sufferers particularly.
  20. HaHaHa, I love 'JC. I thought Sue was a Fem, naturally I am a little naive. But she/he sounds like a Fem. With Regard to this corona virus, I have just been looking for news on bioweapon theories in the past 10 minutes, and so far have found two news articles. of interest. >>> https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1253778/coronavirus-chinese-lab-leak-bioweapon-wuhan-institute-virolgy-francis-boyle-spt https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20200312/p2g/00m/0na/019000c https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2020/03/iran-and-russian-media-push-bioweapon-conspiracies-amid-covid19-outbreak/163669/
  21. Do you believe in Martians Sue.? Or is this one of those female things, and so, one of those overreactions, to a simple concept put forth.? Remember 'be alert', 'not alarmed'.
  22. That's it. Anything is possibly, until we know something more. I'm suggesting we should entertain all ideas in the back of of minds. Conspiracy theories would suggest a blaming attitude, or a fearful attitude. I feel neither of these, but have an enquiring mind to all reasons. I don't have a habit of sitting on my hands and my mind. I let it fly, and discard ideas I don t believe, 'might be'.
  23. I don't think its not, 'ht'. I wonder what the truth is. And in these times of world upheaval, I would like to think people also are thinking of all possibilities. And not just simply the easiest notion, of natural selection. I think the numbers in Nth Korea and Russia might show a picture, IF they are way down on the rest of world numbers.
  24. So he Would stand out, in that crowd.
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