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Roost it far

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Everything posted by Roost it far

  1. We’d want to win on Monday with what’s going on over the road
  2. What’s this about the AFL threatening our draft picks?
  3. Feels like the heavens are opening for us…..Lions go down
  4. Reckon 84,546 will show. There will be 15,000 Dee’s fans who won’t show because copping abuse from scum is not an enjoyable day out.
  5. Where did you hear that Max will engage Moore?
  6. Have to disagree. Sidebottom and DeGoey out is huge for them. We’ve gone alright without Oliver and have a couple of practice runs without him and Petty. Our defensive structures will make life really hard for the Pies to run forward so easily. Heat at the contest and straight kicking and we’ll win. Remember that it’s bringing heat to the contest that makes us great. We’re a couple of kicks from being 10-2 so don’t discount us.
  7. Awesome, if Cox goes out and Daicos and Maynard aren’t 100% we really have no excuse to not win.
  8. Playing the Collingwood chant at training…….really? Not smart by us.
  9. I’d love to play Power over there in a qualifying final. If we hit September fit and in good touch I can’t see us losing.
  10. Brings a tear to my eye watching that. He held this club aloft alone for a dozen years. I so wish he was seated beside Gary Lyon that grand day in Perth.
  11. 2021 is not relevant anymore. Our best in 23 gets the job done. Combine our first quarter pressure we bought to Hawthorn, the kicking for goal at the start of the season and the defensive set ups of last week and we win. It remains simple.
  12. It's not blind hope at all. If we bring our best they can't beat us, it's really that simple.
  13. If we bring the heat and kick straight we'll win. But the heat has to be 4 quarters and right up at em. Clarry out is a loss but he's been out for the last 2 so we've got our structures. Sidebottom out for them is huge, I think he's super important and a bigger loss than DeGoey. He makes space like a baker makes dough. Can't wait for this. Just need to get in front early and then pull away for a 42 point win.
  14. I’m guessing Oliver won’t play. He hasn’t trained and unless he trains incredibly strongly tomorrow we won’t risk him
  15. I have no idea what that is saying. What does a threat rating of 18 and an expected threat of 0.31 mean?
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