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Roost it far

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Everything posted by Roost it far

  1. OUTS: Spargo, Nah, still can't find the other OUT. INS: Oliver, Bowey Reckon both Smith and Tomlinson should stay in the side. I'd like to see a few weeks of Smith, JVR and Petty all playing forward with Fritsch, Koz, ANB and Chandler as sub Bowey might have to start back as the sub. 3 weeks ago we were bemoaning our lack of depth! Jordan, Woewodin, Howes, Turner all pressing for best 22, Spargo might join them as of this week. The improved form of Tomlinson gives us the real opportunity of adding Smith and Petty forward.
  2. I’m predicting a 9-1 finish or perhaps 10-0, likely finish too 2
  3. The fact remains that we have the strongest list in the comp. If we're fit and fielding our best 23 come September we will simply be unstoppable. No one can stop us now. Who goes out to fit Oliver, Bowey and Petty? Do we play an extra tall and give Gawn as much rest during games as possible. For me he's the wildcard. If he's fit and rested in September then look out. How we missed a fit Gawn last September. He's looking much better atm. I was super worried he was cooked a few weeks back.
  4. Out: Spargo, I still can't work this out In: Oliver, Bowey
  5. So 21,000 cats fans get to see the past 2 Premiers play whilst the MCG and Marvel sit empty. Change the fkcingu venue I want to go see us spank the Cats.
  6. If Smith continues his improving form where does Petty play? Can we have 3 talls forward and play the rucks behind the ball?
  7. Just be quiet, your constant dribbling is ruining my good vibes 😎
  8. No chance, he placed him on the ground with his arms free
  9. For a moment I thought you were serious 😂😂😂
  10. Top 2 is on as is top where we belong
  11. Oliver for Spargo Bowey for gee it’s getting hard for spots now
  12. How good is watching it again when you get home
  13. Because it’s port. No way they’re winning a flag at the G
  14. I’ve taken my medicine…..love some codeine after a headache from too much cheering
  15. I find him a parody. He talks as though he has all the answers yet offers one maybe two examples of what a team is supposedly doing, then a week later can simply flip to say the exact opposite. It’s the industry they’re in, get eyes and clicks or get a real job. The analysis on here from binman and a few others is far superior.
  16. If you don’t want to listen to BT get yourselves to the game……if you can
  17. After watching today I think it’s only fair for the competition that we refrain from this years draft and trade period.
  18. Smith needs to stay in. Play Petty forward and keep Tomlinson back. Drop Chandler
  19. We can get you gummy bears that will level out the red bull if you need them
  20. If everyone outside the stadium were to die how long would it take to breed out the Pie supporters?
  21. Neither, I’m having a friendly rib, that is all
  22. Now you're talking. Enough of your stats, game theories, loading etc... For me this game's about the vibe, the emotion, the raw energy. I hate losing to the Pies, I really hate it and we thus we need to win.
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