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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Fantastic intel GWD. Thanks for sharing. I’m very encouraged by this news. Bodes well for the season ahead. For too long our much vaunted midfield has got away with poor defensive efforts. Brayshaw was the worst culprit but Oliver was a serial offender as well. Surprised by the inclusion of Viney but I guess if you have the heart on the sleeve, bull at the gate reputation you can get away with this. IF players don’t buy in they should be moved on, Oliver included. Simple as that. We’ll know soon enough whether the penny has dropped. Freo are well drilled and well coached and will take full advantage if we dish up a half assed effort. Can’t wait for Round 1.
  2. 2 very favorable fixtures so hopefully a 2-0 start which will set us up nicely for the season. We’ll have a few youngsters playing as well so the easier fixtures affords them a good opportunity to settle in and find their feet. I might head along to the Tigers game. Do we know yet whether fans will be allowed into the game?
  3. Zach Merrett would be a very handy addition to our midfield! He was obviously unhappy towards the end of last year and if Essendon have another bad season (quite possible) i think we could get him. He'd be expensive so not sure if we could fit him into our cap but worth it i reckon. I'd sacrifice Gus to make it happen. If he goes to Geelong or Richmond I'll cry.
  4. I’m not sure it’s helpful comparing a youngster to a legend. Creates unrealistic expectations and puts unnecessary pressure on the young mans shoulders. Kozzie is very talented for sure but best to avoid the comparisons imo and let the kid develop in his own time.
  5. Great report TK How was BB looking and moving? Any obvious knee discomfort?
  6. Nothing new here. What I would like to know is when the feasibility study is due to be finished and the site announced. Either we get agreement from all stakeholders and commence construction or agreement can’t be reached and we move on to plan B. We can’t keep going around in circles. I’m prepared to give Bartlett and the Board until the end of this season to have the plans finalised and a date confirmed to start the build otherwise he has to step aside and give someone else a go.
  7. Threaten to cancel your membership and they'll call your back pretty quickly.
  8. I’m obviously not up to speed with what the youngsters are up to these days (and I’m not sure I want to know tbh). Didn’t realise this was widespread practice. If he’s an entitled ahole then throw the book at him. If he has been threatening, aggressive or abusive then he deserves criminal charges and a day in court. If he’s mentally unwell then get him the help he needs.
  9. His behaviour has been roundly denounced and far enough too. But you do have to wonder about the blokes state of mind. Either he has a gargantuan sense of entitlement (quite possible) or he’s not thinking straight. I mean how could anyone be so oblivious to the obvious consequences of these actions? Apart from possibly ending his career he will be an object of scorn and ridicule as the posts in this thread bear out. Not trying to make excuses but his career has been blighted by injury and frustration. Who knows what mental demons drove this bizarre behaviour? Maybe he needs a shrink and some professional help rather than blanket condemnation.
  10. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/846744/ben-brown-s-first-day-as-a-demon?videoId=846744&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1609908689001
  11. None of players look out of shape or in need of more fitness training in fact i'd say they all look in good nick.
  12. He may indeed not make it but he has real physicality and can take a strong contested grab. His kicking style is a concern but he’ll be working with the best in the business in Chocco. He was a speccie selection for sure but his upside is enormous. All depends on skills development from here. I’m hopeful.
  13. The one good thing to come out of this crazy episode is that Trump has alienated a lot of his enablers and poisoned any chance of winning the 2024 republican nomination. Lyndsay Graham, William Barr and Mitch McConnell have all turned against him. His treatment of Pence has been disgraceful. When the pressure came on, Pence acted constitutionally. He’s the early front runner for the 2024 nomination. And another good thing is that Ted Cruz has tarnished his credentials irredeemably with his shenanigans in the senate. That guy is as dangerous as Trump!
  14. 1. Clarry – figure out how to harness his full potential and get him working in tandem with the rest of the midfield unit and we’re well on our way 2. BB – kicks the goals. If he can win the Coleman we finish top 4 3. Weid – takes his marks and contributes 35-45 goals 4. Trac – aim for Dusty level 5. Melks – somehow rekindle 2018 form and provide the supply to BB/Weid Honorable mention: Lever – freed up to assume intercept role. Hoping for a Top 5 B&F placing Fritsch – finds his kicking boots Brayshaw – 2018 version please
  15. I originally thought there must be a middle ground whereby a controlled border approach with some crossings allowed could be established. Tourism has been badly impacted so why not try to keep that and similar sectors afloat? Once Victoria reached zero transmission and life returned to normal (or at least a lot closer to normal) I changed my mind. I enjoyed having my liberties back and would prefer to keep them.
  16. Agree in principle but I’d send Qld to NSW. The Lions had a big home field advantage last year so not fair they get the same advantage 2 years in a row. Perhaps the QLD restrictions preclude this (Gladys and Anastasia having been butting heads for months). And if i'm not mistaken I don;t think Port or the Crows had to hub anywhere last year either so sending them to WA seems fair.
  17. He’s going to be a brute. Hopefully we can develop his skills to match the physique. If we do he’ll be a serious weapon.
  18. Knee still heavily bandaged. Hopefully just a precaution.
  19. In his interview Ben Brown said the deck was immaculate and the gym facilities top notch. Covid or no covid I think the team should be training in Casey.
  20. Fraser Rosman must have forged his birth cert! He looks 28 rather than 18.
  21. Great to see him in the colors. Listened to his interview. Articulate and well spoken. He’ll be in our leadership group for sure.
  22. Sorry old dee to be a pedant. The correct biblical quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil" Your welcome.
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