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Everything posted by BDA

  1. McNamara showing plenty. She looks like a great pick-up.
  2. Lauren Pearce dominant. we missed her badly last year.
  3. Great to see Tegan Cunningham take marks and kick goals. Lovely shimmy to wrong foot the defender and draw the free for her second. She's one of my favorites. 13 possies to Paxman in that quarter. Machine.
  4. Hopefully we can settle after those 2 goals. Too much fumbling and double grabbing up to now.
  5. Just said on the pre-game commentary that the team flew up this morning at 7.30am. Hardly ideal. Hopefully no sluggishness once the game gets underway.
  6. It's a worry for sure given his history but at least its an area where we have good depth. Harmes or Jordan to step into the breach perhaps!
  7. Plenty of sensible comments here regarding tempering expectations but there’s no doubt this kid has attributes and qualities to get excited about. Every training report I’ve seen mentions how he stood out, caught the attention. Maybe that’s just because he’s a big unit and hard to miss but perhaps its because he is genuinely talented and already having an impact. Its quite possibly he’ll fail to fire and fade away like plenty of draftees before him but I’m quite bullish about his prospects. I’m looking forward to see him play and hopefully the reality will match the hype.
  8. Really looking forward to watching the game this afternoon and hopefully the girls can do the red and blue proud. Go Dees
  9. Only a hardcore demon would brave today’s weather. 10 out of 10 for commitment to the cause. Can’t wait to see Rosman play. By the sounds of it Round 1 is more than a possibility.
  10. Was much better in defence than the on the wing that’s for sure. He’s our best option for 3rd tall defender at the moment but I’m hoping Petty can get over his injuries and take his spot in the team. Tomlinson is a solid citizen but I think Petty’s upside is far greater.
  11. Another game we coughed up. We let Freo build up a lead early, then huffed and puffed to finally get our noses in front late in the 4th only to switch off at the death leaving McCarthy on his own to collect the ball over the top and kick the winning goal. Rotten defending. I remember cos I kicked the seat in front in disgust.
  12. He’s seems to have an X factor about him. Physically he’s going to be a beast. He has a strong grab, is quick and tall and has a good tank judging my his time trials. His skills are an unknown at the moment. Would love to see him get a run during pre-season so we can see what he can do with the ball in hand.
  13. Kozzie focusing on his snaps at goal. If he can steady and slot those chances rather than snatching at them he'll have taken a huge step in his development and effectiveness.
  14. Three talls up front won't work. May in his article on the AFL website yesterday stated the plan this year was to lock the ball into forward 50 so we need more smalls for that. TMac and Melksham out for Spargo and next best small (whoever is training the best, perhaps one of the newbies)
  15. Agree. Tegan Cunningham has been a warrior over the journey but she was poor last year. She just couldn't take any marks. I doubt she’ll go around again next year. I think its time for Eden Zanker to step up and become the imposing forward we need her to be. She’s powerful and got the talent but needs to start showing it consistently.
  16. I'm expecting an AA jacket for May this year.
  17. Has games where he looks the goods but consistency eludes him. Doubt he'll nail down a regular spot in the 22 but his versatility is a big plus for the team.
  18. He’s been overlooked in the draft by every other club. He wasn’t a stand-out for the Colts. If he didn’t have the name Farmer on his back I doubt we would have looked twice at him. Maybe he’s a late developer and we strike gold. It would be a great story for sure but the odds are against. Let’s see how he goes but I won’t be getting my hopes up.
  19. Any update on how the new Irish recruit is going, Lauren Magee? She's an excellent Gaelic player so if she can master the oval ball i reckon she could be a great addition.
  20. We get it. You never rated Watts. You’ve mentioned it once or twice previously.
  21. There are not many ex-demons that I dislike. I think Frawley gave good service and earned his move and I was sorry to see Watts go but understood the reasons. I hope Jesse Hogan can get his career back on track at the Giants. I hope whatever personal issues are afflicting him are resolved but I couldn’t care less about Tom Scully the footballer
  22. I agree. Finals may not be enough. I guess we all have extra reason to hope that the pies flop this year.
  23. Play finals at the very least otherwise we risk losing him. We can’t expect an A-grader like Trac to rang around waiting for us to get our act together when he would grace any team in the league. Not much point worrying about it in pre-season though. Let’s see how the season pans out before fretting about his contract.
  24. I’m sure there are very good reasons for having leadership groups but the whole concept leaves me cold. Leadership isn’t conferred or bestowed. It’s demonstrated. Steven May didn’t have a title last year but in word and deed he was head and shoulders above every other player on our list. It’s been said elsewhere and I wholeheartedly agree but Trent Rivers showed more leadership than most of the list. Run, carry, defensive efforts and clutch goals. He was outstanding and is a born leader. I love Gawny. He leads by example on the field, taking important marks defensively, taking responsibility and copping plenty of treatment from the opposition but he’s too much of a joker off field. Nothing wrong with that but it doesn’t translate into gravitas or respect when demanding greater levels of effort from the team. They can hand out the titles any which way but I think Steven May is the de facto captain of the club.
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