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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Harmes has to convert this and he does. Good lad Harmsey
  2. We've let them back into the game because of our dreadful finishing Second half will be a grind
  3. why with the stupid close handballs. Its a wet night. Just get the ball into our forward 50 and stop [censored] farting about
  4. Looks like it's going to be one of those nights in front of goals
  5. Stringer doesn;t look fit. He'll blow up in the second half for sure
  6. should be 2 goals better off Essendon look very poor. Can't see them kicking a winning score no matter how badly we play
  7. that was a brilliant bit of work by Trac there . managed to hold off 2 tacklers and transferred the ball to viney. Trac is just a bull
  8. He's clunking them which is a positive. Pity about the finishing
  9. Goody being interviewed at the moment. His expectation for the Weid - compete unconditionally for the whole game. Amen to that
  10. Past time to ditch the covid restrictions. The country needs to move on It’s a big chance for the Weid. I’ll be happy if he clunks a few, contests hard, desperate second efforts. A goal or 2 would be a bonus I want to see him bust his gut and show that he has the desire to play in this team. Otherwise VFL anonymity beckons I reckon TMac will step up and kick 4 with contributions across the board from Fritsch Trac Kossie and a few others. We don’t need to over extend ourselves so I reckon a regulation 4-6 goal win. We have bigger fish to fry
  11. Today is 1 April. Believe nothing anyone tells you today especially an Essendon supporter
  12. Essendon are bog ordinary at the moment. We're still in second gear. I predict an unconvincing 25 point win with Trac dominating again
  13. I'd like to see the Swans pinch this
  14. Never a dump tackle. The AFL need to talk to the umps about the doggies bias. It's ridicoulous
  15. John Longmire will give his players a serious bake at half time. They have been deplorable. Worst half of football I've seen from the Swans in a long time.
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