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Everything posted by BDA

  1. I reckon going to the draft is the go. I have every confidence in JT. I don’t have near as much faith in Tim lamb.
  2. I would like an embargo on any further contact with the press. The entire MFC should STFU. Thrash it out behind closed doors. Announce whatever changes come from the review when appropriate to do so. And every player should work their butts off to be in the best possible shape come Rd1 next year.
  3. The Alice game was a bolt from the blue. so uncompetitive but i still held out hope. I finally accepted defeat after the doggies game. It was obvious we had our mind on the beach.
  4. If it’s ok with you big brother I’ll continue to post on this thread if I feel like it.
  5. I don’t think criticism of clarrys throws is fair. It’s the one area of his game that has held up this season.
  6. I'm very sceptical about what I read in the media. Also, public relations = propaganda, so I don't pay too much heed to what gets said at a press conference either.
  7. I've been very critical of Clarry's performances If he's carrying 3 injuries it explains the big drop off. You have to question the club's injury management processes here. why would you be playing him with these injuries? Pert's review should have a strong focus on this area of the FD. This playing through pain/injury mantra needs to be reconsidered imv.
  8. huge tank and huge heart. Gave his all for the cause. Smashing bloke by all accounts. I wish him the very best. I think his attributes really suited our system. Will be interesting to see how in goes in another team. Like many on our list he is not skilled enough by foot. If we could swap him for Houston i think it would be a net positive.
  9. None. What’s your point?
  10. I just want her to deliver a home base. She's been on the board long enough now to have made more headway with this project. Thats her area of expertise and specialisation. If she can't deliver this then not sure what the point of her on the board is.
  11. Most febrile Monday evening on DL for quite some time. Very exciting.
  12. Why do we owe him? If anything, would have thought he owes us
  13. Low bow from Cornes here. it's open season on us. Best to get the flak jackets on cos i reckon there's a tsunami of BS coming our direction over the next few days/weeks
  14. He has 6 years left to run on his contract. He won't be leaving. Nothing wrong with a shot across the bow from Trac. Make sure the club take his and the playing groups concerns onboard. I'm sure there will be a robust and thorough review performed in the off season. clear the air and get everyone focussed again. make the necessary changes. There's been too much noise around the club this season.
  15. There’s more to life than footy. I’ve kids and a busy job so fitting in games isn’t always possible. I’m not going to get on supporters backs if they don’t want to go. It’s their decision. But spare me the lame excuses. We have a small core, relative to other clubs, of hardcore fans that will show up hail or shine. That’s the reality for us. No point self-flagellating because we had a small crowd at a late season game when our chances of finals have all but gone. This is who we are. Best to accept rather than engaging in loyalty tests and turning on each other.
  16. jesus wept worse excuse ever if he was playing forward and we were winning i bet you they would show up
  17. Hawks will win their 2 games aginst tiges and North Carlton play Eagles next week. I don't fancy them to win that at all and especially if Curnow is injured. I don't know who falls out of the 8 so they get in. I reckon they're cooked.
  18. you know its not Carltons day when Cripps gets pinged for a throw
  19. Carlton have been torched today. And looks like they'll be out of the 8 to boot. Great to see
  20. This thread is full of post hoc rationalisations It's a question of mindset. If you want to go, you'll find reasons to go If you don't want to go, you'll find reasons not to go
  21. he's dead to me. just another oppo player
  22. I hate the Hawks but they are playing blindly footy at the moment. very hard not to admire the way they go about it
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