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Everything posted by BDA

  1. In all honesty what leverage do we have? Hope Peter Bellend does the right the thing and pays fair compensation? Good luck with that
  2. It’ll be 13 and their future first. Can’t see how freo trade into the top 10. if we end up with Grundy, 13 and a f1 in exchange for Jackson and 2 round pick I think on balance that’s an ok outcome. In terms of freo and Peter bellend I’ll be joyfully death riding freo first rounder. I can’t think of anything more satisfying that watching them tank next year. I won’t be surprised if they miss finals and we end up with a top 10 pick anyways.
  3. If he's such a terrible leader why did Collingwood give him a 7 year deal on $1m per year. Rendell is just denigrating Grundy because he wants to leave his beloved pies. Very transparent
  4. Hard to go past the MacLeod Groome trade. An absolute shocker
  5. Agent Jayden on the case. Good lad
  6. This trade stinks to high heavens. The suns are a joke and the cats are taking the pizz. The AFL had to take a look at the books at the cattery. Very suspect
  7. He’s been doing a good job overall so well worth the extension. I had my doubts a few years ago. The handball happy game plan just wasn’t working. He corrected mid season and us got to a prelim. Since then the performance of the team has been very good. No shame losing out to the crows the last 2 years. Looks to have the pieces in place this year for a red hot cracks And he obviously has a great relationship with the players
  8. Whitfield is an excellent player. Good disposal. Just what we need. If he is genuinely gettable I’d prefer him over Grundy.
  9. Phew! I was worried when I saw this thread bob up again.
  10. WC Pick 2 and their second rounder is about right. freo are hopeless. LJ needs to know we’re not going to be dicked around by them and be prepared to play for West Coast because Peter Bellend is a numptie
  11. Looks like Luke is going to do the right by us. Fair play. The deal with west coast should be straight forward. Hopefully they don’t start playing silly buggers. Just get it done.
  12. The doggies have had a soft run. they've beaten GWS, Freo, Port and the Hawks who are all siting in the bottom 6. They've been beaten by North and Geelong We'll beat them handy I reckon.
  13. Essendon are hilarious For those that don't know, it been 6,556 days since they won a final
  14. Surely the board have received positive vibes from the state government otherwise why persist with the MCG precinct. If we get knocked back there will be a lot of egg on the faces of our board members. Like others i just want to know where we stand. Will the government come through for us or not. I don't understand why it needs to take so long. Give us an answer, one way or the other, so we can move on with other plans
  15. Pointless fake trade Straight swap Schache for the Weid
  16. Makes sense. Bundle up picks we're not using anyway for 27 which we send to the pies for Grundy. No messing about from the MFC. Just getting it done. Freo should take note.
  17. You would think West Coast would like nothing more than to gazump Freo in this deal. Freo are amatuers. All year to prepare for the trade and it looks like they have sat on their hands
  18. I don’t get the feeling freo are being serious. We should ask for a player. Serong or Young perhaps
  19. I dislike him cos he ducks a lot. ducked to win a free kick against us in the granny which he scored from. I just don't like the guy or his baggage
  20. I like Harmsey. An honest toiler, his strenghts and weaknesses are well known. If the deal is right for him and the club then good luck to him. If not and he decides to stick around well then i'm ok with that as well.
  21. Jayden Hunt is a great lad. Never shirked. Had a great 2021 and was very unfortunate to get injured a month out from finals. Deserved a premiership medallion (I don't like the convention that only those who play on the day get a medallion. He was a major contributor across the season and deserved a medal imv) I hate the Eagles but I wish you well Jayden. All the best
  22. North having a torrid time of it. Plenty of it self inflicted but losing the no 1 pick after 1 year is rough. head coach situation in limbo. I feel for them. They may be an even bigger basket case than we were back in the dark days.
  23. I reckon the Cam McCarthy trade is a cautionary tale for anyone thinking of going down that road. Looked a decent player early in his career but didn;t look the same at Freo. Sitting out the year was a bad idea i reckon
  24. I reckon we get the Bedford done first to get our hands on pick 21. then on trade that to the pies
  25. Cam McCarthy sat out a year before moving from GWS to Freo
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