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Everything posted by gs77

  1. gs77

    The Overlap

    While there are perhaps few people consuming all 9 non overlapping games broadcast each weekend, not overlapping them maximises the hours per week that there is a game on, thus maximising the chance that people will watch at least some. From the broadcaster's perspective (who pay a lot of money for the rights), this is surely preferable to the alternative.
  2. "Historically" the key word there. Dusty was a bona fide great of the game, but we ruined him in his 250th on ANZAC Eve 2021.
  3. Richmond's crowd is pathetic. Don't you agree Caro? .... Caro? ... Hello?
  4. Spot on - the bling! It looks so trashy.
  5. How pathetically insecure is this competition that it desperately grabs at these garish practices from overseas sports?
  6. Utterly grotesque.
  7. McAdam hasn't been able to get through a full game at Casey yet. I'd want him to do that before we give him the call-up.
  8. Jeremy Howe at Pies
  9. Wish the commentators would fix their audio and microphone technique. The distortion and swings in volume are giving me the [censored].
  10. Yep. Just a gentle push in the lower back as Hawkins jumps to mark, below his centre of gravity so he rotates backwards enough to lose balance and rip a several centimetre tear in one of his hammies as he tries to recover upon landing, à la the 2021 prelim. Or maybe May can swing a careless arm backwards to collect him in the face feigning being off balance during a tackle near the boundary. I'm sure there are more.
  11. This makes my blood boil and heart break at the same time. What a way to ruin a fantastic moment for the young kid and family. Antisocial morons like that are long past their expiry date. P.S. can that [censored] remind us when he last kicked 6 goals in a Premiership win...?
  12. Really? A team managing the load on one of the most promising first year players to have entered the system in years?
  13. No mitigation for me - if he's not in a head space to take the field without assaulting people off the ball, he shouldn't be playing.
  14. Open hand. Closed hand. Who cares - the AFL needs to get real and start suspending players for those pathetic acts. It is beyond unsporting. Is that really how the AFL want the game to be seen? And I completely concur - clarry is super fair and multiple times this year has displayed care and concern for opposition players.
  15. Oh look everyone, its an irrelevant Quartermain trying and failing to emulate Kayne Cornes!
  16. He has a genuine compassion. It was a classy act.
  17. He never got anywhere near the geometry needed to kick that goal.
  18. And Kozzy with the gorgeous goal!
  19. Never should have been dropped before last year's finals. Love this from Disco!
  20. Looking forward to it. Train in from the SE suburbs has a fair few fans on it. Hope the crowd is strong. Go dees!
  21. No wonder his kicking is so wayward.
  22. Here is the map from the Gary Pert letter to members just now, which is not a finalised plan but part of the feasibility study.
  23. Not married, but partner's pregnancy was announced a few months ago. https://7news.com.au/sport/afl/afl-premiership-forward-kysaiah-pickett-makes-sweet-family-announcement-our-next-chapter-c-12939113.amp
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