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Everything posted by Colm

  1. We won’t give them anything from the Jackson deal. Grundy deal will be done way before Jackson’s as pies can’t wait until the last day of trade window as they have other deals to do and need Grundys done first. Won’t be a first rounder I don’t think either, more likely 32 & 41 or 32 & compo we get for Hunt
  2. Player with speed that can kick well. We seemed slow this year and may lose Bedford and Hunt. I think everybody probably agrees we need an outside mid that can delivery very well inside 50, a lockdown defender ideally with pace and kicking skills, more KPF depth and more ruck depth. Given that the trade window is just around the corner and Grundy is the only player we have been strongly linked to, I am of the opinion that we will go at this draft aggressively.Similar to what we did in 2018. I expect us to get the Grundy deal done before the Jackson deal. So we will have 2 first round pick from Freo and our future first. Lamb has said in the past that he likes to get groups of young talent together and I think we will use the fact that next years draft is deemed to be stronger as way to trade into this years draft. There’s a few first round draft prospects that fill our needs that are reportedly would be ready for AFL next season.
  3. Yeah I think your pretty close to what will happen there. Pick 8 and either Freos future first round or whatever they can turn that pick into. Think we will end up with pick 8 and a pick between 11-15 for Jackson. I wouldn’t be surprised if we then tried to trade next years first to help us move up draft this year. A bit will depend on how we rate this draft compared to next years but given our history I expect us to be keener to grab a couple of players in the first round of the draft this year rather than saving picks for next year.
  4. They reported that he’s going nowhere this trade window but that it’s a watch for this time 12 months as Port are definitely into him, he knocked back our contract offer and doesn’t like Melbourne as a city. So it’s probably a bit early for other clubs to be in the hunt. Really hope it’s not the case as he’s probably my favourite player after Max. Perhaps after the trade period we will be in a better position to improve our offer to him and get him to sign. I saw on one of the previous post that he is in a relationship with a girl who has strong family ties in Melbourne. I listened to most of the trade radio this week and your right most of them on there are not gaining much credibility so I hope they have their info wrong with regards Kossie.
  5. No proof Jaded other than it was said on trade radio yesterday. I would be surprised though that given what we have gone through this year with Jackson if we would let Kossie go this long without offering him a new contract.
  6. Heard it on trade radio yesterday. Think it was Cal that said it. They said that Kossie is going nowhere this trade window but backed what Kane has been saying that Port are definitely into him even though there list manager said they are not. Loves the club but not the city.
  7. People suggesting that there’s nothing in this other than Kane Cornes talking Bull are missing the the fact that Kossie knocked back our offer of a new contract offer this year. He’s had two great seasons so I can’t see anyway that we would be offering him unders. If he’s not signed by start of season I have a bad feeling that he will follow Jackson out the door. Really hope I’m wrong as I think he would be a much bigger loss overall than Jackson.
  8. Yes it depends on who you listen to on trade radio. Cal Twomey just said a pick in the mid twenties with a few other pick swaps to make it about the same pick value as a late first rounder. He also said he expects it to get done early. I respect Cal more than any of the rest of them on trade radio and think this is how it’s going to happen. Cal clearly has some up to date info as I heard him saying a few weeks ago that it was going to take a first rounder from us.
  9. Colm

    Lloyd Meek

    Been reported that GWS are willing to pay him $600k a year. I didn’t realise he was that well thought of. You would think an early second round pick might be required if they are going to pay him those wages. With Logue, Acres, Tucker and probably Lobb all rumoured to be heading out of Freo they should easily be able to get the draft capital to satisfy us in the Jackson trade.
  10. Sorry I meant Tucker who I believe North have also been linked too.
  11. That might have knock on effects for the Jackson trade as I imagine Freo would of be hoping North had a better hand to trade for Logue and perhaps Turner. They are probably more likely to split pick 1 now.
  12. Their first round this year is 13, given they have a very talented young list and would also be getting Jackson no doubt they will be thinking that they will improve next year and therefore their pick will be further back. Pick 13 and next years pick 13 is equal in points to pick 3 which we originally gave for Jackson. Considering he is still 20 and has a rising star and a premiership I would think the “garnish”would need to be pretty tasty. I do agree with you though and think that those two picks will be a big part of the deal.
  13. I agree with @Lucifers Heroand @Redlegthat bringing Grundy in would have a big impact in keep Max primed for the big games. In addition to reducing his work load in each game it will also allow us to completely rest him in some games. Had we had a fit Grundy on our list this year I suspect Max would of missed another 4/5 games to recover from injuries. However if Grundy had of been playing and reduced the workload on Max all season then perhaps he wouldn’t have picked up so many injuries. I have been thinking about this a lot since we got beat by Brisbane and Im hoping that this will be a major shift in our coaching and fitness mentality this year. Moving away from the Burgess play on through pain mentality and adopt the same sort of attitude as Geelong have had this year by resting players to keep them fresh and injury free. We could adopt the adopt the same plan with our key forwards as BBB and Tmac could both benefit from being rested and managed over the course of the season. Another who I think always plays better fresh is Jack Viney who I think would benefit from missing a couple of games through the season. For us to be able to rest players we need to plan to be more flexible and willing to move the magnets around a bit. We would need to reward players playing well at Casey and also be more willing to move players around a bit move. Gus may go back to the wing or defence but he has shown enough that he can play in the middle while we rest somebody else. Likewise Petty could play one or two games up front to rest BBB and give us a different look. Try Bowey further forward. We have options but we would need to be putting time in pre season into this. Having players able to play multiple roles would also enable us to make changes during games. Sorry went way off topic. Just hoping that us going for Grundy indicates we are changing our attitude and preparation with regards to keeping players fresher and just being a bit more flexible in our approach.
  14. Think Freo can get a deal done easy enough
  15. Yeah I can see this being an option but I think we would also need to get one of their early second rounders from this year. They will have 3 when Rioli leaves
  16. I think both Freo and West coast can get the deal done without too much trouble. Freo will be looking for pick 28 of the dogs as a min for Lobb. Perhaps also a first round pick swap of 13&10. They also have another 3-4 players they are going to trade giving them picks to go after Brisbanes pick this year. So that would give them The dogs pick 10, Lions pick 15 and their future first. We would def be sending some picks back to them but they can get it done.
  17. They said pick 2 wasn’t on the table “at this stage” to me that’s not ruling it out. They also mentioned splitting it and also next years first which you would assume would be a top 5 pick. It’s too early in the pieces for them to say they would give us pick 2. Weakens their hand. If Luke or his management indicate to West Coast that he is willing to join them make no mistake about it pick 2 will be involved one way or another.
  18. That's probably is fair market value. But there are other factors in this trade, for one Grundy doesn’t want to leave and hasn’t put in a request. Another factor in this trade is that the Pies need him off the books in order to be able to afford to bring in their targets and give better contracts to their up and coming starts. If as reported we are the only club properly interest then it really does give us the upper hand. We don’t need to always be the nice guys in trading, if they want rid of him and we are the only club he’s will to go to then the market price is whatever we are will to give them in terms of $$$$ of his contract and picks.
  19. While last years trade period was very boring this one is shaping up to be very different. I think we will have to wait until the last day or two before Jackson deal gets done, as I think there will be a massive amount of pick swaps this year that will need to get done before the Jackson deal gets done. Think both pick 1&2 will be traded and although we are a chance to pick up one of them it’s far more likely that we will pick up one or more of the picks they are traded for. If that is the case we could be waiting on the likes of the Rankine deal to be completed before pick swaps take place ahead of the Jackson deal. I’m hoping that if the Jackson deal is stalling it might help us get get Grundy for less than a first round pick as the pies will need picks to get their deals done. Perhaps picks 32&41 get it done. Or if we trade Bedford whatever pick we get for him might come into the mix.
  20. I think something like this could work. We might get the 5 instead of 7 then swap next years first and we get their future 2nd.
  21. That’s unders for sure. AFL seem very open to giving WC exemption to pick Luke and not have a first round pick this year.
  22. All the best Luke, no hard feelings. Backing Lamb and JT to turn this into a positive. If West Coast are keen tell them it’s pick 2 and steak knives, tell Freo they better talk to North about pick one
  23. I’m not saying a key forward isn’t a priority also. I’m just not sure that pick 2 on a key forward when we have other areas that also need to be addressed might mean we are willing to split it( if we got it). Also as I posted earlier if West Coast split it and we get a late first round this year and swap first round picks with West Coast next year then we would be in a great position to target a out of contract key forward next year. We could also achieve a similar trade with Freo. I would assume with both Gold Coast and GWS in with a very strong hand of first round picks that one or both of them would be willing to pay overs for pick 2. I wouldn’t be upset at all if we ended up trading LJ for Grundy and Cadman it just won’t leave us with any picks to fill other gaps in the squad, but if we got Grundy and also say a lockdown defender and an outside mid from this draft and we’re in a very strong position to pick up either a mature key forward or draft one next year I’d be pretty happy too.
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