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Graeme Yeats' Mullet

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Everything posted by Graeme Yeats' Mullet

  1. This has me confused also My understanding of this is to give more advantage to the defending team kicking in to clear the defensive area and therefore helping the game spread out. They presume all players must move further towards the centre of the ground, thus spreading out After the 2008 GF - the AFL brought in a rule to stop deliberate rushed behinds in response to Hawthorn as the defending side using the tactic as a way to get an advantage in time, space, to kick out and clear defensive area... These two rule changes appear somewhat contradictory
  2. Who'd have thought, just 6 weeks ago, that we'd be fiercely debating team composition in a Prelim? Nice problem to have. For me it's No Change, and we let Omac, Frosty, Hibbo manage the talls with a chop out from Max and his support But it's great that we have some depth to cater for team balance and injury cover
  3. I understand the need for match ups, particularly against the WCE tall forwards but J Smith hasn't impressed me for form just yet Having said that, the Weid made a mark in Perth against my expectations - here's hoping J Smith can do the same
  4. In light of the rumour, this Tuesday footage from Sam and Superfooty looks ominous for the Fritter
  5. No real story, just "Melbourne is considering making a change" - of course they are, it's called selection committee No source provided, just "Sam Landsberger understands". Wonder if Sam spends his time searching fan blogs or Facebook... Way to create your own news on a slow news day Has anyone managed to get more substance on this rumour?
  6. Yes Nicholls was umpiring and I'm pretty sure he paid the Brayshaw sliding free from 30m away as the non-controlling umpire I was sure he'd be dropped as he paid the Oliver free off the ball, failed to pay HTB against Roughead who dived on it, and paid a the HTB against Jetta whihc was harsh and ended in a goal - clearly Hayden Kennedy doesn't pick on form because Nicholls had a stinker
  7. I like this analysis, and is echoed by a few others, and is the only real justification for Tyson out that I can see. It does however rely upon the premise that Smith is a strong back OR half-back option and I'm not convinced. I agree he's got potential and has shown a bit in some games, but also had some poor ones (St Kilda loss springs to mind). Ultimately Joel has only played 7 senior games this season and been missing for the last 5 games I think Tyson has been serviceable across his 16 games, better in the last few than season average given the importance of the games. This and his experience is going hold his spot for mine.
  8. Another little tidbit JKHs session was excellent, really sharp and running hard and fast My view is that JKH will be the spare small, and J Smith the spare tall Can't see Vince or Hunt being considered seriously and can't see the justification for another change
  9. Great session, suns out and guns out Boys looked fast, real focus on quick movement Maxy was awesome, and the mids all looked good Pretty well unscathed, although Bugg off early after some treatment, looks gorn. No one of note started in recovery group at all By my estimate I think closer to 800 or maybe more watching on. All the players hanging around signing and selfies - just great for the fans, and boys lapping it up Go dees!! ?
  10. Beautiful morning down here All 22 from SF2 are present and accounted for
  11. Completely What a disaster! I was sitting finger poised yesterday about to buy a ticket for this potential event but decided against it!! Anyone got a spare let me know
  12. Good performance from Jonesy, become a really polished media performer Luv Chunk!
  13. I've been twice this year, both times before games I couldn't make it to (one interstate), and we won both games Now I'm not saying I had a lot to do with those wins.... but every little bit counts I can't make it to Perth, so I will be there Wednesday! Go Dees!!! ?
  14. Yeah, without that big chase from Viney Gunston would've bounced and walked into open goal... Truely a 1%er that was game changing from our fearless leader!
  15. I'm advocating for NO CHANGE But would like to see JKH and J Smith make the trip as travelling emergencies
  16. Perhaps just sending him to Box Hill for a stint to focus on his game!
  17. I'm pretty sure there's no anti scalping laws in WA So that being the case... Can anyone who's not using their barcodes please PM them to me and I'll happily relieve desperate WCE fans of their hard earned, and we can facilitate a profit share as required I'll of course have to be there in site to hand over the tickets and collect the funds just to ensure it goes smoothly - BTW I only fly business class, and of course such expenses will ne deducted from the pre shared funds! ... I jest (sort of), but I suspect newcomers to this site may be taking advantage...
  18. I tend to agree But with Eddie McGuire's 8 day break and a bit of momentum, anything's possible
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