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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. There it is again. Hidden behind your humour is some truth you wish to impart. You don't what my kind on board. I've been told to "sit down", to be blocked, that I must be new (no right to express my view). Why are my views so unpalatable? Supported by another, @Left Foot Snap. I can understand boring, but not welcome! You poor, insular, delicates.
  2. If you feel that way, why did you support the statement, "Sit down"? That is someone saying your views aren't welcome.
  3. He is asking what type of person, not don't post. Also asking for something that is human nature of jumping on board disappointing results and wondering if deefiant can swim against the current. Gee stuck on an issue, and trying to embarrass someone with a different view to you. Faulty never expressed anything about freedom of speech anyway. That is my issue.
  4. Thought he was going a bit further than that, Kind of indicating that they shouldn't post that type of banter.
  5. What a lovely, insightful video. Thanks @Engorged Onion I like engaging in all manners of discussions. There are very few I don't get something from.
  6. I tried ignore once, their post still showed on the thread. I like your posts, except for the "sit down", statement. So easy to misinterpret statements, glad it wasn't an attack on my right to express myself. Wish deefiant would stand up for his own opinion, as those from the game thread could.
  7. I am an advocate for free speech, however there are consequences for your words and support for or against them. I support the those who make game statements, though the humiliation of those in order to make them sit down, I do not agree with. Make fun of them, sure, but not with the intention of shutting them up. If deefiant wants to change the posters, he could do it by posting logical assertions, not just the posting what he disagrees with. I felt that needed a response, let them have an opinion. I goes round and round. A conflicting opinion is not a measure of censorship. Though saying "sit down" is.
  8. So here I am advocating for freedom if speech and not slinging at demondlanders. I wasn't someone who exaggerated the poor performances of our players in the game thread. I wish those who posted what @Deefiant complained about, had the fortitude to stand up for their own opinions. Probably not in their personality set, easier to remain seated. You and @Pollyanna tell me to not voice my opinion. What a joke you are. If I you don't think like you, then I am a waste of your time. Narrowed minded, self righteous fools. Sit down means, shut up, remain unseen. You cannot control everything mate. Perhaps you should try and put that mirror up to yourself. Bloody rusted on insiders of Demonland. Glad you pointed out the hierarchy and how new members are not welcome to have an opinion that is different to yours.
  9. What is the issue with some having outlandish opinions of anger and frustration with the MFC. Much prefer honest expression than quietness. It can even be humouress. No statements made on anything can be absolutely correct. There are some who say, 1+1 does not equal 2 and they can prove it. Others, the only truth I know is, I know nothing. Then there are the stoics, existentialist and even nihilist. I believe everyone (though not the face value, but from the undertones), and usually enjoy interpreting the reason and meaning, which is based on their social, psychological and spiritual experiences. Give them room to express those hidden darknesses. They need the release on forums otherwise they may take it into real places.
  10. Doesn’t need to be hard censorship, shame and public humiliation can cause the same response. Those who posted, and had their views highlighted, may be intimated to post freely. Easy to find those anonymous by referring to the thread and posts.
  11. What, why, oh it is your way or no way! Do you always tell others what to do? Father superior!
  12. So you aren’t going to add anything further to the thread? You start a conversation but then nothing, Not even an emoji! Wow, you love your own voice. That's the sling. Shame you don't understand others. You started the censored slingging by taking cheap pot-shots at peoples statements and foibles.
  13. What mirror? Probably doesn't know any of them. It is up to me if I want to look at the mirror. Are you looking at your own reflection, or is it easier to avoid that and tell others what to change. I don’t think there is right or wrong, as it is sharing. I may not agree, but if I stretch, I can see the others point of view. Isn't that the point. Even exaggerations an be a viewing into the nature of us. Not censorship, please. Deefiant is not engaging in the conversation anyway.
  14. Why not have a trash opinion? It is a human condition. Opinions on peoples emotions. Anger, frustration, disappointment can be expressed in opinion. Would rather be free to express my stuff, other than the thought police, what does it matter. Good, bad or indifferent, what is the concern?
  15. @Deefiant are you going to be part of the discussion on the topic you started? Are you a talk at person, not a talk with? Mother superior!
  16. Hang on @Deefiant, the emotion behind your topic and post is the same as the ones you are having a go at. Though it is not about the players but about some supporters. Get off their back, let us be. We have a right to our opinions without you calling it out. Is your point about virtue signalling? Do you feel better now, after your vent? Is it divide and conquer? If you are really against negative posters, why are you jumping in the same river? Can't see much of a difference between you and those you call are the MFCSS.
  17. I think we played with extra players in the second half, Hunter and Williams. Seriously, what a great 3rd quarter, run, run ,run. The youngsters, JJ, Petty, Sparrow, Sparg's, Pickett, Rivers, really happy with and for them. Melky is on such thin ice. His role is difficult to see, if he keeps his spot, it must be what the coaches want. Robinson, Cameron, kept quiet, Rich did not hurt us. Their tall forwards were a worry early, then we started playing on our terms. Some of our quick in close handballs were amazing. Broke the lines and gave us a go. Oliver, Tracc, Gawn (the rover), TMac, May all great 2nd half and leadership.
  18. Out-muscled at the contest. They are throwing us away. When we are infront they can push us. So much from having an advantage playing in front. A few passengers, this really hurts us when the game is so hard. Our discipline and structure is suffering. Need to get more control and our forwards have to give good leads that are easy to hit up. Get the ball Dees.
  19. Getting a lesson on how to create one on one contests. We are playing from behind. A few a bit fumbly. Backline need to do some chop outs. Not making he most of when we have the ball.
  20. Melbourne is the real deal. Brisbane are proven as a good team over a few seasons. Tough, well coached, but can be off their game, though more in the early games of the year. They play a straight forward game, of finding a corridor to goal by switching, breaking the lines or creating turnovers and scoring on the counter. They are not a tempo team, they keep the pressure on for the four quarters and kind of wear the defence down. We will make it difficult for their switching game, our behind the ball play is exceptional. Being competitive at the contest should reduce the easy outs, but we can't give them turnovers. This is a team that will hurt us if we aren't clean with the ball. Hoping we step up our skills to the next level. It will be interesting to see how much Gawny is used to cover the Lions talls. Cans Weids get some space and give a consistent performance? Will Brisbane have an answer to the way we intercept? Would love to see us move the ball extremely fast down the field, or at least use some angles to find a free corridor. Our forward-line needs to be switched on as the Lions are a high scoring team, and it shouldn't be up to our defensive structure to keep the game in hand. Another Friday game, sponsors will be happy as well as the footy public watching the top teams, going at each other, again. Go Dees.
  21. Only from what I have seen, when watching the games that she is in. So not a big sample size.
  22. Not sure about her. She chases the bucks, has minimal loyalty and is an inconsistent performer. She could disrupt our team if they pay more than salary of our stars and developing players become limited in what they can ask for under the cap.
  23. My problem with Baker is that of defense. Can he play that structured game? He needs to be able to support the backline, and stop the opposition from getting easy outs. I also question his decision making. He can get the ball, tackle, moves well to space, and is nearly a good kick. The consistency in the selections would have us, having to play him for a few games, given that he has already been in and out of the team without cementing a spot or given a fair run at it. Tough to come in for one game. Sparrow would be in the same boat if they are thinking one game filler. Sparrow would be a better long term selection. Would prefer to give one game to Bowey or Rosman.
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