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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. Is it, why comment then? Again, how would it be if all expressed discomfort with an exercise? What is it like for team mates close to him who may also be struggling? I suggest he has some mental weaknesses and immaturity. I am happy to discuss, but one liners like yours are just going to annoy those who are like you in opinion and would prefer a thread like this being forgotten because of its triviality. You will upset my fan base!
  2. You beauty, back on. That is the bread and butter stuff. Lead and keep the lead. Only a few spectacular plays. Mainly based on pressure with a 4 quarter effort and forcing Port to play on our terms. We got the ball. They only got off the leash a couple of times and when they got a run on we were able to eventually respond. Oh, we can hurt teams, bruised, battered and put back in their box. Are the Port now broken? Still some things to work on; Handballs were picked off and sometimes given to a player under pressure. Set shots and snaps can be better. I thought some of our peripheral vision and finding the man was great. The forward line was looking better. That game of Oliver and Tracc. Plenty of cameos; Kossie and his finishing, plus his tackling and effort. Petty doing intercepts when Lever and May had their hands full. Hunty playing smarter, with some dash and being able to hit up the lead. A few got going as the game developed, including, Gawn, Gus, Viney, Jordon, Spargo, Hibbs and Rivers. BBB (he will be better for the run) and Tmac (playing angry) seem to play well together, only saw one time they got in each other's way. Langdon's game will take the next step when he can get those snaps, and shots on the run right. Viney is still not finding space, but he is getting in and under, and applying pressure well, also needs more laser in his passes. May kept their muscle forward quiet, beating him at his own bustle them out, game. The clearances started to work for us. We proved ourselves again, well played Dees.
  3. What a great backline effort again. Petty again and again. May out muscling Dixon. Playing for each other. Oliver doing plenty, including getting back to support the defenders. Is wines playing? Jackson doing well, hard to match up on. Langdon again, good desire. Tracc finding the ball and space. Need more when we handball it, as we a missing the hit ups. Some great hands and clean footy from some. Generally, good effort by everyone, though a couple can still lift, Brayshaw, Spargo, ANB, Harmes, Gawn, Viney, Fritta. Looks like we want it, and are in a good position to take it. A few more unanswered goals and we take the crowd out of the game, till Ports second wind. Important quarter. Go Dees.
  4. @nacnud Can see their posts, Olisik and Dr.D. Just some devils advocate types, jaded by the years on the our roller-coaster, made up of if's, maybe's and never can. Nothing too unpalatable to see, other than some obvious, though antagonistic views. Good to get a diversity of opinion.
  5. I think they have been coming out with too much endeavour. That desperation causes fumbles, errors and taking their eyes of the ball, and they lose where they and others are, as they get ahead of themselves. The problems snowball and missing a few early, easy shoots leaves us deflated. Which we don't get over until the second half. Would prefer steely, cool head, in the moment, actions.
  6. Last week he wasn't. Perhaps he needs to get some early involvement, so he plays better. Be interesting to see if he is in the middle for the first bounce.
  7. Need to start with early goals, can't be inaccurate and must convert from our chances. Oh, the forward line. If it isn't working then the mids have to do the damage on the scoreboard. Get and maintain efficiency for the 4 quarters. Hunt that ball down. Fire em up coaches and give Port a unique look at some of our various game plans. Hoping we do that fast ball movement, run in swarms (pressure, support, get ball) and play mainly that maniac game. Intersperse it with some controlled tempo when we need to. Got a big wake up call last week. Now for a response. Tackling, kicking passes and goals, must have been emphasised at training. Though a five day turn around and they haven't had alot of time to dwell. Bring some selfless acts, protect each other and play smart. Usually easier for us when we are not outright favourites. Something happens when we have to fight for it. Show the league our credentials, hammer them Dees.
  8. That's the way mate, keep attacking. You're have no understanding of the other. Who is olisik or Dr D? Must be only addressing your inner circle. Mate, I have a right to express myself on this open forum, without the constant attacks. But well done, your circle must be getting chuffed about your inputs. So much wisdom, to impart! Can't wait for the next snipe. nuffie A term used to describe people that are mentally retarded (or just plain stupid). Derived from the term nuff nuff.
  9. I get that the majority think the noise of tracc when planking is irrelevant. I think it indicates his mental weaknesses, immaturity and disrespect to team mates and the trainers. Please don't call me nuts, or a nuffie or suggest I am not part of the "we" in this forum. They are personal attacks. If you can't see that then you have become desensitised to how you treat others..Those names are borderline nasty, I will ask those throwing them out, to not do it. Even if with some humorous intention. @BAMF
  10. Thanks Ethan, a very sensible addition to a thread. So, you think me talking about the mental strength of Tracc is nuts. Thanks. You must be some kind of a keyboard warrior. Stop attacking me. Shows your disregard for anothers opinion. I have some right to make my points, I have made quite a few, and that's what you come up with. Wow.
  11. What is your point? Can't remember anyone complaining, just got on with it. Early 1980's, getting into peak physical shape wasn't that difficult. It is all in the mind.
  12. A few seem to be suffering from over thinking. Hunty, Harmes, Tracc. A few from overestimating their abilities, Tracc, Kozzie, Viney. Some can't get in the game, ANB, Kozzie, Sparrow. They double guess themselves, appear to play without instincts, often not taking the first or obvious decision, and sometimes miss the moment when they can have an impact. Mental strength isn't just about effort, it requires knowing your limits, being smart with or without the ball, having an ability to get in the zone, to help others, to train effectively, to know when to go to plan b, c or d, with an awareness of the games momentum, and to exploit a weakening opposition. Oh yea, self awareness, just to mention some of the qualities that take a smart, matured player and team to grasp.
  13. You are right. That is why I put it in quotations. Because of the reduced interchanges (I can see them reducing it more) they need to manage some on the field. Tracc being one of the selected. You may also be right as to the detriment to his game. Though I would prefer our best players out there as much as possible.
  14. We are all complex, flawed beings and the club invest alot to maximise the potential of the players. I see Tracc as someone who is unsure of his boundaries, limitations and excellences. The water episode may have been some of that. Not aware of the fine line and not wanting to indicate he needs help. Turn on, tune in and bring it on as required. Trac turns on, tunes into his own station, and turns it up too loud. He needs to trust others.
  15. I am. I can see some anxiety in him. Also, trying too hard instead of "getting in the zone" . At times, not trusting his team mates and attempting to do too much. Selflessness is a sign of mental strength. Knowing what drives others and how to help get the best out of each person and yourself, can be seen as a mental strength. He seems to be struggling at bit with that. Have seen him drop his head after an error. Too high standards and strong ego, if not anxious he would just get on with it the next time as most elites do.
  16. I don't mind the opinion being attacked with good rebut, but most of the attack is just exclamation without added substance. As is your one sentence. Tell me your reasoning.
  17. Sure they all added to our woes. Though my issue was about Tracc. I feel if he was mentally stronger, then he would be an even better player. Mental strength can come from positive affirmations, such as "these exercise are challenging and I'm doing it easily". I do believe there is a correlation between mental fortitude and success. In the past many have called us mentally soft. How would you build there mental strength? Don't say "walk over hot coals". I say, push through physical challenges without complaining, but with bragging about your abilities. Know you can take on and succeed at what is infront you, by stoically breaking through walls of pain.
  18. No, but pushing through will help strengthen his mentality, With a stronger mind it becomes agile and doesn't get caught in anxiety, the responses become natural, "in the zone". Being "in the zone" helps hit the mark as well as make the right decision. Hit Max and maybe we win. Be out of the zone and he misses Max. Small things lead to the big picture when the margin for errors is small.
  19. I don't mind him "resting" as a forward, which must increase his game time. Can also help him develop his forward craft in order to be a maestro/elite. I think his best will come. Am looking forward to seeing it happen against Port.
  20. Gee, if he hit up Max in the last (overcooked his pass), we may have got over the line. I think it is about mental strength and mental agility. This can be developed or show cracks in the training process. I see cracks in that regard.
  21. Training standards are important. Light banter is great in the recovery time, but when in the act I don’t think it is appreciated especially when it is about struggling. Not so outrageous an opinion, I reckon, though more of a exaggeration, of an assumption, from a little snippet I also wonder if that kicking is about his mental strength, which could also be reflected in his lack mental fortitude to push through exercises. I agree that he attempts to do too much at times, and that's when he gets a bit panicky. Addit: I don't work, haven't for at least 20 years. We aren't all made of the same stuff. Let's hear it for group diversity. Hip hip, ...
  22. Seem some are having a go about no substance. I think training reflects our gameday performance. What is wrong with the little stuff. Gave me an in to talk about him. Especially since he is doing plenty of media and looking after sponsors, and the team has "dropped off" in performance. When he is peak, we win and I was looking for a cause to his slight form shift. I feel that is the mountain.
  23. What do you mean? Do you mean, I shouldn't talk about Tracc. So many of you attack the writer and not the substance. Something is wrong with that! Humiliate to prove your point, though I don't know what your point is. I wonder who is the pointless one? Me for talking about something a bit obscure, or some who call for nuffies, or say nothing to see here. Hardly any response about; training ethics, complaining when training and the effects on others, Tracc's slight form slump, Tracc missing his hit up kicks into the 50, Tracc having entitlement mind set, playing with smiles and not anger, I could have included our poor clearances and some selfishness entering our game. But many want to say nuffie, irrelevant and we as a collective have proven you wrong through mockery. I still don't know who the we are.
  24. I think he is great at supporting and encouraging his mates. I remember the team song and Chandler, where he was very nurturing, it shows he has high emotional intelligence and empathy. He gets around all of them. My point was more about, is he getting physically lazy or acting inappropriately when the going gets tough.
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