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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. you would think mfc would put teams up by now 1sts and 2nds but it is of course the mfc,good grief they dont care about the supporters who tip their dollars in every year
  2. lever what a joke ,conned again by his agent
  3. 186 was shocking but this worse because of the talent in this group
  4. showing no effort really annoys me ,[censored] right off
  5. their big heads have got the better of them trac hogan etc
  6. how much did we pay for lever what a dud dawes was better value
  7. i coped a warning and a point for using the word tranny
  8. crap day here wet windy and cold but we will still win
  9. Glad we went small in the forward line going to be a very wet ground,Bugg is made for a day like this
  10. that is so good daw is a shocker
  11. it was stated in another post about his attitude in the game against frankston
  12. It is interesting about Brayshaw wondering if the head knocks have taken a bigger toll than we know.His supposed lack of interest maybe because he has been told ,no games until he shows he his all ok ,mfc have an obligation to make sure all is well with him
  13. you must be joking we won on saturday maybe one change ,if that. would like to see frost in
  14. lever what joke ,over paid muppett, another dawes we bought
  15. yes and showing no dash ,which was his trade mark
  16. was at the 58 gf we lost,then it was fantastic until 65 when they shafted smith,all down hill from there
  17. i thought jones was fantastic in the 1st qtr kept the ball going forward and created scoring ops but seemed to fade away then was better in the last
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