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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. do they do an iq test at mfc dumb players
  2. 186 may get beaten tonight
  3. take his option ,you can always watch the last qtr
  5. sad to watch viney ,not himself no spark
  6. lets go dees kick the crap out of the pussys
  7. i understand better early than not at all
  8. your going to early
  9. who the hell is todd mchardy
  10. we arnt hearing the end of it ,imagine if it had have been dom tyson ,dl have gone into melt down
  11. we are [censored]
  12. might win 6,7 games this year bottom 6 finish
  13. trac ,slow and mechanical got a big headed attitude
  14. how good is the fritter ,closest thing i have ever seen to bobby
  15. big day for the new boys ,hope watts cops heaps,and we win
  16. hogan,just a another sylvia,god rest his soul
  17. spot on,get on the [censored] ,party party party,oh no caught out,play the mental health card
  18. anybody else looking forward to seeiing watts pants pulled down
  19. in my opinion may should have never got charged for standing his ground,some responsibilty must go to the other player to be aware of whats around him, he clearly wasnt watching what he was about to run into.In my playing days you knew you were going to be belted so you stayed aware and protected yourself or took avasive action.I cant remember too many concussions back in the hard days of afl/vfl the players played hard but fair tough footy,with occasional exception,like Mathews whak on bruns,the players knew to be aware of what could happen on the ground[what happens on the ground stays on the ground]would love to hear jeff crouch opinion of todays players.he umpired some of toughest players of all time
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