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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Geez Jenkins is a spud. I wish OMac didn't give away crap frees like that, but if you're going to, Jenkins is not a bad guy to give the ball haha
  2. I'm liking our forward entries. Finally, the boys are running into good spaces, we're lowering the eyes a little and not being so damn predictable. I tipped us tonight. Just goes to show, if you tip us enough, sometimes you're 1/4 right!
  3. Where was this effort last week? Jeffy has looked lively, although I wish he'd use his chances more. Promising stuff from Weid, Baker and Hunt. Brayshaw has looked good here and there but geez he looks so horribly down on confidence, hopefully that goal helps.
  4. I don't get some of the negativity towards the kid. It's who we got. If we'd have lost even more games than we have this year (hard to imagine) (we also need to remember we shouldn't have even been in this predicament this year), we would have gotten someone else. But we didn't. We managed to eek a couple of wins, and Dunks is the guy. Is he a Walsh? Nope. He doesn't need to be. We supposedly already have a couple of our own Walsh's. He's a Dunkley. And that's the name we'll hopefully be screaming out as he directs some smart, direct passes to our boys inside 50, leading to goals and a flag. Or he'll win us the ball on the inside and create opportunities. I don't know, but he deserves a chance. He could be a piece of the puzzle. An ingredient. Not even a useless ingredient like parsley. Like a bay leaf. You don't know exactly what he does all the time, but damn you know you shouldn't do it without him. He could even be the stock! Essential! Personally, I'd rather direct my energy towards some of our boys who aren't having a dip, and taking the jumper for granted. Let's give the kid a chance, he looks alright alright alright and he's got some pedigree! Welcome, Kyle! Have a dip, play smart, bleed for the jumper and we'll love you forever.
  5. I hope this is true, although 'restructures' scare me because it gives us an excuse to be crap for another 50 years while we get used to the new changes. Totally agree that Goody can't do this in his own, he needs a smart team around him.
  6. Absolutely agree, but those conclusions should yield actual, meaningful outcomes. For example, with 1, there's not much we can do about it, save for whatever comes of an investigation into whether Misson is doing his job properly. If he isn't, and has contributed to our current predicament, he should go. Somebody needs to be held accountable for 2 (there are coaches for this, and our skills have gone backwards since last year) and 4 (again somebody has not done their job), as well as the fact that despite our lack of cattle or preseason, we play the most repetitively stupid football in the league, we don't work hard enough (and when we do, it's when the game is lost, or for some quarters in a game here or there), and the flip flopping has got to stop. We kind of tuned last week, we tried, and this week we may as well have not shown up. Goody's contribution? This needs to be looked at. Again, repetitively stupid football. This is his job, and we seem to get outwitted every week. Mostly because everyone knows what Goody is going to do because he only has one play. How are we still bombing the ball into the 50? But absolutely agree that 3 and 4 need to be a focus for 2020, as should be (another) overhaul of the players to work out who actually wants to be there/should be there. It's sad that this is where we're at again, but this is why a full scale investigation into the mismanagement of our investment needs to happen now.
  7. I hate watching Goody's pressers. Always the same smug look on his face, like the questions being asked are ridiculous, and that there should not be any expectation on a side that played a prelim last year (and therefore should be getting better, not worse) We're getting better at losing, is what he meant to say.
  8. Today was diabolical For us members, being shareholders, I think we've reached the point (if we hadn't already) where we deserve an investigation into what has happened behind the scenes this year. It's been said a fair bit. But something stinks. Yes we love our team. But we're also investors. And somebody, or a group of people out there, are wasting our money and faith.
  9. GWS are smashing us. ... And they're getting the bounces. Sigh...
  10. Isn't it wonderful to watch a team take marks all over the ground? Greatly assisted by neat, direct, accurate kicks. Almost as if it has been part of the team practice sessions? Too bad it's not us! Suffice to say we're getting slaughtered all over the ground. We can win this. We don't look like it, but their inaccuracy has left the door open at least. Maybe they'll tire themselves out scoring points? On a positive note, how good has Oskar looked?
  11. We let this one get away, but some positives: - We're still hungry. - We'll get better as some of our starters return. - Great to see Hunt in such fine form again. - We can't ask much more from Maxy. - Once Baker gets into the swing of things, he's going to be a great player. - Hore gets better every game. - TMac looks like he's finally finding his feet. He could, and should, have kicked a few goals.
  12. Ugh, an honourable loss. 9.15, not good enough. Can't win if you don't take your chances. Depleted list, playing away, umps on the Eagles payroll, I thought we played great, we just didn't convert, which has cost us the game and all but confirmed we won't be playing finals. We really lacked composure at the end, and did not kick our goals. Why aren't these things on the 'to fix' list? Get some of our boys back, send everyone to practice kicking, start playing some smart footy and 2020 looks good. All that aside, I really liked our effort tonight.
  13. And right there is the difference. Cripps kicks the goal. Stretch kicks the point.
  14. Dangerous tackle missed. Throw missed. Good to see the umpires doing their job out west. That was SWEET from trac. Let's run away with this!
  15. Using opportunities. That's what this game will come down to. Annoying goal, we have to respond straight away.
  16. We should be at least 5 goals up, so we're going to have to do this the hard way. A quick goal at the start of Q4 is necessary. Send the message that we won't be giving up this game.
  17. Godamn I hate Kennedy. And I hate handing the ball over for dumb goals when we're controlling general play. Need that goal back
  18. A converted opportunity! Get The Hell Out Of here I'd love a sneaky goal before quarter time.
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