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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. About time they paid one of those in our favour. Don't know how it couldn't have been called a free, so I'm not sure what the whinge was about, but great kick from Gus, too.
  2. Fritter and Trac (kicking action aside) have been fantastic. Good stuff by Petty also, he looks pretty good up there.
  3. Great half! Maxxy looked possessed out there! Trac, Fritter, Frosty - awesome stuff! Some of those runs by Frosty sent shivers down my spine. I'll take Frost ball any day of the week. I know we've turned it over a bit, and there are still lots of problems with basic skills, but I love that we're trying different things. Fewer long bombs, actual direction, they're thinking, and trying. Much better. These are some of the things we can build from.
  4. Couple of observations from the last few minutes: - How good was that run from Frosty!!? - Please wrap Lever up in cotton wool for the rest of 2019!!! - How was that not a 50 to Oliver??!
  5. What's the bet Goody mentions 'brand' in the presser?
  6. To be fair we played a great first 3 minutes of the game. If only the siren had gone then!
  7. Imagine this, if Dew got sacked, the Suns would probably win a few games and you know where that leaves us!
  8. He won't though. He'll talk about all the progress we're making, then be really vague about the changes he, as coach, made during the game.
  9. True! But he runs real hard around the ground! Can't forget that! Lucky us, we gave him another year.
  10. Hahahahahaha ANB's handball sums up our season perfectly!
  11. Is Ratten available next year? I know a club that is in dire need of a tactician.
  12. Phew, lucky the Saints aren't a better side. If so, we'd be 30 points down at half time.
  13. Take me back to the first two minutes of the game!
  14. Fritter in the forward half of the ground easily > Fritter in the defensive half. Can't believe it took this long to make that happen.
  15. Aside from the first few minutes, the Saints have been moving the ball I50 way too easily, and consistent with with our year, our entries have been marred by aimless long bombs, fumbles and turnovers. OMac has done some ok things. I'm not a fan so that's worth noting.
  16. LOVING Lever's work around the ground tonight.
  17. I'm still stunned by this team (not in a good way). Why are we doing the same things? I would have thought OMac is in the pile of 'tried, but didn't work out' decisions? At this juncture of the season, being second last, we should be doing different things! Hell, play the mascot out back, I don't care, at least it's not the same cycle of crap. It must be me, but I see a loss, the same guys go out, Wagners, ANB, etc, then we lose again, and they're brought back, like we've forgotten how poorly they played just a fortnight ago. To be fair, at very rare times this year one of the Wagners did ok, but I can't tell which is which. We should be trying things, and sticking with the kids, we can't expect them to play well after a game (like Dunkley). Hell, most of their mates aren't even playing well!
  18. Truth! I'm sorry I missed in-form Oscar, he sounds pretty handy, unlike the spud who is never anywhere near his opponent/the ball. I'll be sure to look out for him this week.
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