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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. While I'm thinking about it, this might be super strategic for next week, but I reckon we do a sneaky marking/kicking practice sesh this week. GWS won't know what hit 'em.
  2. We've got to take our chances going forward. We weren't perfect, but the scoreline flattered the Saints. But wth half a forward line, and now 2-0 it's a great outcome. Can't ask for more than that, we can only get better from here! Man I love beating the Saints! Oh and go Kossie! ELECTRIC!
  3. These games drive me nuts. We should have buried the Saints by now. Always comes down to opportunities. I hope we don't regret our missed chances.
  4. We've lost heaps of games like that. Lots heaps of first rounds, too. Wasn't pretty but we won, it's round 1 and we can move on with a W and hey, top of the ladder to boot. Some serious positives today, out back in particular, but the younguns were good, Langdon great TMac finding some form was nice. Let's go, Round 2!
  5. 100%, I don't get it Haha would be a huge moment! Even better if it was another GF loss for them (and obviously a win for us).
  6. Yep, I'm more interested in the guys with character who are ready for some pain, but also excited about what they can help build. A premiership with us would be wayyyyy more rewarding than having to deal with Scott and his merry band of circle jerks.
  7. 'tip rat' hahaha love it. True Same, one of my favourite recent memories was being there when we knocked them out of the finals in 2018. Pains me to see them up there, and us down here, and I don't know how they keep attracting talent to keep the train moving, especially with Scott in charge, but gee I'd almost love to see us square off against them in a GF very soon and cause a Scott meltdown.
  8. I agree with the comments here that anyone who can kick 60+ goals 3 years in a row (??!!) is obviously worth pursuing, but if that's really the case, why would North be so keen to give him up? North didn't kick many goals this year, so I would have thought he might be useful to have around next year? So, what's happened then? Injury? Drama? Finished? We don't need any of those things, as we have enough of each, but if we can do our DD and his body/heart are still up for the job, it might be worth a punt if we can turf TMac - can't be worse, if fit and good to go. Hitting leads on the chest, or hell, even directing the ball anywhere near him is another question altogether...
  9. I hope so, we'll need it! Maybe next year, aye? Go Dees.
  10. The mystery and allure of the unthinkable would be my angle!
  11. I agree with you, to an extent. Lever was attracted off the finals that could have been, May off the prelim, and Langdon off the premise that last year was an anomaly. How do we sell this year? It's tough, but hey, I'm with you on this, I hope we do manage to con some serious talent into thinking they will find success here, because I keep conning myself into thinking the same thing haha
  12. I agree that some of these guys are worthy of trade consideration, but are WE worthy of being considered as trade destinations? Who would come to us? We're a basket case with no (recent) legacy, a poor culture and no guarantee of success. This is why it's so important to 'build culture' and try every week, because then all the cool people want to hang around with you.
  13. It's hard to say. I'm no expert, but I think the 'trying really hard' approach might have helped us, but even if I'm wrong, it would have been worth a shot I reckon.
  14. The Doggies are running hard, it's almost like they 'want it' - and won't let an opportunity go to waste. Refreshing, hey?
  15. SMASHED 'EM! ????????? Now the season is over (it is), I am happy to confirm that we are officially back from hell.
  16. Something stinks. The Hawks gave up a hell of a lot for this guy and they're just gonna let him go? I read that this guy checked out a while back, and while there's no doubt he's talented, he's inconsistent, and I don't think we need another one of those. Full house already, thx.
  17. Forget the speculation, what are the odds of such a move?
  18. 100% The exact right approach. We're in a position we shouldn't have been, and we have a lot of work still to do.
  19. Silly me, getting ahead of myself, we also need to win a crunch, do or die, game against a really poor team...
  20. So the way I see it, we need the Hawks to pull their finger out tomorrow, but if not, either the Saints/Dockers winning sees us make the finals (to most likely be embarrassed by a better team, but hey, you never know)?
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