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Mel Bourne

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Everything posted by Mel Bourne

  1. He should definitely keep it if “British Infantry-circa-Boer War” is the look he’s aiming for.
  2. Appreciate the input here. It’s noteworthy that nobody has really listed anything definitively in it’s favour, save for perhaps an overall lessening of the burden of captaincy. I do hope that isn’t the reason behind it though, as that would mean the club has viewed sole-captaincy as a “burden” for the better part of eight years, when most other teams haven’t seen it that way.
  3. But the benefits? I’m curious to know what the logic is behind any team doing it. The purpose it’s supposed to serve is genuinely lost on me.
  4. Apologies for the close proximity of this thread to the “Gawn as co-captain 2020” thread, but I’m more interested here about the concept in general. Just read that GWS have scrapped it and are reverting back to the traditional model. I’m keen to understand what the genuine benefits are of the co-captain thing. I personally struggle to understand the concept. It seems the potential to cause an imbalance amongst the team is heightened when two players are expected to address the players in huddles/discuss issues with the umpire/talk to the press/communicate the game plan to the other players during match-time. Any disparity between the two captains could easily be the source of confusion and frustration, to a potentially result-altering end. What if the players felt one was clearer than the other? Wiser? More trustworthy? Is the risk of factions forming a hysterical or realistic concern? Personally, I would like to see MG as the sole captain. But I’m wondering if anybody here can convince me that having two-captains (any two-captains) is a positive thing.
  5. Some serious morphing going on in the club. Weid has gone full-hulk as noted, but OMac has also baked himself some beefcake. Petracca also clearly living in a gym these days. Viney looks the most lithe I’ve ever seen him though. Less weight on the foot, the thinking there? Preuss is also looking a bit more Matthew McConaughey, a bit less “Bull” from Night Court.
  6. Dees make it to the GF against Brisbane Lions Go into the final quarter with a 35 point lead. Extend that lead by kicking the first four goals, stretching it to a 59 point, unassailable lead. Tears begin welling in the eyes of all Demons supporters. Two minutes till full time. Aliens arrive out of nowhere and begin attacking the earth. Nobody hears the final siren over the panic.
  7. Melksham was hampered by injury this year. Assuming he’s good to go next season, not fielding him would be a mite foolish and kinda disrespectful.
  8. NO! The half time break is the right amount of time for both players and the rest of the humans involved in the game to take stock, regroup, converse, make something to eat, be social with people at your house who aren’t as interested in the game as you, and the list goes on. Plus why would sponsors want less available airtime? Who is asking for this, and who would it benefit?
  9. Did you see his face? It’s obvious to me that he is going to get us into a grand final in 2021, and with the opportunity to kick the winning goal, will turn on an angle and kick the ball straight into the crowd, just to mess with us. He will also steal some people here’s superannuation in a Ponzi scheme.
  10. Given the general consensus here is “it’s a tough one”, I’d be looking very deep into whether a kid Luke Jackson’s age is genuinely prepared and enthused to move to the other side of the country and stick it out for possibly many, many years. None of us here could stomach watching a prospective champion leave just as he’s about to fully bloom, and I can’t help but feel the odds of this happening in this case are reasonable at the least. If it’s a particularly tough decision to make between Jackson and Young, I would hope Young being a Victorian is a massive consideration. I’m not particularly worried about Green though. Does anybody miss Canberra?
  11. Nah, we’ll just go at our own pace DD. Few handball drills. Some banana kicks for goal. Nothing too strenuous.
  12. Further to the point, what’s stopping any of US going and training with our favourite football team?
  13. Nothing! Let’s all work together to destroy “learnings”.
  14. It’s all a bit obvious though, isn’t it? Some people are positive, some people are negative. Boo to the latter? I’m struggling to find anything of substance here.
  15. Yes, it is encouraging that the club is operating in a similar manner to any business hoping to improve itself. Yay.
  16. “What are the team hoping to achieve next year?” In their defence, a lot of answers to questions pointed at them are deserving of having the word “obviously” planted at the beginning.
  17. Is it just the angle or has Jack Viney dropped more than a couple kgs?
  18. Can’t say I’m a fan of these man-bras players wear nowadays.
  19. There’s no potent opposition to right-wing nationalism/populism anywhere in the western world right now. Which is particularly worrying (and downright weird) given the turkeys we’re currently dealing with. Scomo/Boris/Trump would have the asses handed to them by any given politician that showed up with genuine fire, charisma and vision (and a hint of integrity). But too many sectors of the left are in a quiet turmoil about the exploitive politics behind their favourite brand of socks, or shaming other people for their choice of non-inclusive, hetero-normative breakfast cereal. People that hang around the conservative/fascist end of the political spectrum aren’t known for their powers of critical self-analysis. It’s viewed as weakness or admittance of error. It’s obviously a failing of character, but it is an asset in the game of politics. While the left continues to revel in it’s supposedly-remarkable ability to reflect, analyse, debate and confront each other on topics of morality, it seems oblivious to the fact that it’s eating itself. The left can’t find a leader because it is so addicted to unraveling and examining every corner of every argument, that every candidate ends up being reduced to an impotent husk.
  20. Change is frustratingly glacial, and experiencing an unusual amount of turbulence of late. But I’m heartened by a lot of kids I know and their general lack of prejudice compared to the vibe of the playgrounds in the 80s. Australian society needs to be vigilant about it’s education system. The idea of living amongst a (further) under-educated population is one of the thoughts that keep me up at night. The other is our forward line.
  21. Is anybody aware if the author of Demonblog walks the halls of Demonland? It’s a tremendous read. Hilarious and thoroughly researched. It’s not for the more delicate MFC supporter; it can be incredibly salty and cynical, but obviously passionate. Anyway, I highly recommend their latest article, and if the author is reading this, keep up the enormously impressive work! http://mfcdemonblog.blogspot.com/2019/11/2019-end-of-year-spectacular.html?m=1
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