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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Jordan is looking good for many things - developing fine. The vacant winger might well open him up with a new array of game tricks and tributes. He'd surely be keen for that! He can run, kick, pass, shepherd, screen and anticipates well. Could be the man for the job in Langdon's absence.
  2. Since the days of the Hawks-Demons merger fantasies, Brereton has largely been a strong critic of the MFC and it might appear that these sentiments still reside somewhere deep inside his current impartiality as a commentator. Perhaps, he sees the current declining trends of the Hawks as an omen to some form of disaster ahead. However, a couple of years ago, he did at times seem to be more tolerant of the red 'n blue but this has largely disappeared. It's a shame as he is knowledgeable about footy, seems to be a reasonable tactician and game analyst, and certainly (in my mind) has more football credibility than the plethora of TV-type 'footy team experts'.
  3. Some very good observations, here. As these happen, I wonder if the players themselves conduct a personal review on what might have otherwise been demonstrated (in an attempt to reduce 'sloppiness')? I am sure most of the DL contingent have these thoughts at that time (and are somewhat surprised by the ineffective decisions that are made by players in the heat of the moment). Still, it's one step at a time, one thought at a time that makes a team infallible.
  4. Spargo's foot passing was often elite, hitting targets well and creating plays. His improvements have been considerable. Harmes' game was terrific - he screened well again, using his body well in contacts, marking contests and on-ground pick-ups. Sam - handy two goals but well short of convinced about his contributions ... one handball for an entire half of footy ... Fritta - great performance and do you recall that he missed 3 shots that normally, he would have sunk. It would have made the winning margin quite embarassing for the Doggies, plus two just missed by Kozzie ... All good, though. A great performance re-directing our game skills and readiness for the finals.
  5. Gus is a talent, hanging back just a bit to read the play and then execute what we all know he can do on the ground, in the air, around the melees. No opponent is too good for him; he dismantles opposition reputations.
  6. Nice, continuous application of mongrel, too, delivered without animosity, just an attitude of a classy team.
  7. What about Fritta's next door neighbours on the forward line? The Weed owes the Club heaps ... he'd better perform as the sands run out of the timing device. As for the Melk, a contribution would be handy.
  8. Mongel winning might be better defined this evening as we tear shreds from the Doggies unexpectedly - and why? Because the guys will have been told exactly where they stand after their performances last week - and how 'chicken tish' they were onfield, each and every one of them leaving the outcome of the match in the hands of perhaps three players who were showing how it is done. Dees by 10 points ... a bruising but heroic encounter.
  9. I'd like to see other young player/s with potential given half the development time of the Weed readied down Casey way. Probably turn out a few 'guns' in such a process. Petty is one who comes to mind. Smith is another but there are others, there will be others; in fact, we could set up a forwards training school to meet such a purpose - like the US gridiron leagues with key positional players. Better unleash hell, Sam because the Demon world is watching with limited patience.
  10. That it is turning nasty is not surprising, with so many players competing for spots and some not getting a run, whereas others get games gifted because of the way they might hold their mouth. It is confusing to many Demonlanders doing hypotheticals about their beloved Demon brethren, being left in the lurch of misinformation, silenced whispers and vague statements of non-committal - nearly every week. It is almost as if the team is in relapse to a worsened state; this is reflected in the comments and vitriole of DL fans and now, we are attacking each other anonymously in the search for clues as to what is actually going on with the team, the individual players and the outcomes of what has been an extremely successful season so far this year. We are attempting to shake, rattle and roll in the realm of recent, past seasons and latent change. Carna Dees!
  11. Baker's main strength is his closing speed, enough to force opponents to take/make risky kicks and rapid turnovers in error. If Baker is ready to tackle everyone with the required zest and zeal, including gut-wrenching force, he will be a knockout asset to the team, replacing the pizzants that get a game no matter what.
  12. Yep, BB could begin to turn it on and needs to save face after a doozy game with Casey. Weid has to be rested to play with Casey and thus test the consistency theory in his own time, not ours. TMac is now just mobile enough to hold down CHF and will draw defenders if that is the case. A floater or two and the midgets brigade will assist in scoring and confounding the Bulldogs' backmen. I'd also like to shadow Bontempelli with Hibberd, if it was remotely possible; Hibberd has the spoiling skills, guts and muscle to tag him closely and persistently. I'd also expect Hibberd to be able to run off the Bont when in possession, prior to some of his trademark clearances to targets. Still, I live in dreams ....
  13. Agreed, defensive structure that: repels the opposition attacks forward, and initiates corridors and supports for offensive, forward progress to score sets up the midfield channels and depth/arcs to freely move the ball into outer and deep forward connections. We gotta do betta ... time is finite so delays will ultimately crucify us against most sides we play.
  14. Well posited comments. It was not just one or two 'oversights' for their own (the umpires' popularity as 'entertainment accessories' with the crowd), the poor decisions occurred one-way all game and one could see it escalating as the game progressed - right up to the final non-decisions of the last quarter. Still, better now whilst we can atone for our own sub-standard form on the night than make such reparations later in the whole season. Carna Dees!
  15. This is a significant interruption to the weekly training schedule for the Doggies. Let's hope that the Dees train well this week and apply improved 'teaming' techniques to present far better than they did last game against the Crows.
  16. At present, both need to adapt their games to the team's current needs - forwards with guns that travel. It is easy to stay propped in the goalsquare or so close that it represents a safe home base. Both appear a little 'chicken' in an AFL match, for some reason. Even Fritta holds back, now. Defenders can anticipate this, streaming into attack mode and then running away with the ball or into corridors undefended to clear and launch linked attacks - usually through the midfield, in numbers and chains. Kozzie is the only bloke, so often, to apply his pressure and challenge. Have we suddenly gone soft? Our forwards (KPFs and flankers) have few interceptive resources, do not apply full blown pressure on defending opponents or link together to create plays and opportunities. Our forwards, recently, expect the midfield to do their work for them both in terms of attack and forward pressure acts, leaving the midfield under-resourced to rebound the ball to static stone blocks awaiting the rare delivery for effective scoring. It is time for an improvement or the season is going to slip away from our grasp.
  17. Mongrel is essential; that sense of self and teammates bound together across a field of play.
  18. We have had a successful year to date. Largely, this success is due to Clarrie and his influence on Tracca and Jackson, forming a trio par excellence. Sadly, I feel that the rest of the team has left him to carry the weight of the season. The rest of the team has - to a considerable and recurring extent - let him down. This is a team - it has shown this clearly, earlier in the season. It is about time that 'team' support and the macro-endeavour that is required are blended with Clarrie's game, style and intent.
  19. Surely, we could slip Clarrie into the forward line for just one quarter, per game? The deeper, the better. He is getting bashed and held, every match. Takes it like a champion. If they do this to him under the umpires' eyes without umpire adjudications, imagine the frees he'd get before goal. Gawn and Clarrie, the two most 'thugged' footballers in the entire AFL playing lists.
  20. Pace, mongrel and some confidence-building. The lad can do it.
  21. I'd reckon that our Defence is best when all of the backline supports one another - moving past, retreating to re-set, screening and clearing the emergence of opposition forwards. This did not happen enough against the Crows - it was our own indifference to such footy tenets that let us down, contributing to what appeared to be a solution for their players to our now regular rock-solid backline. To win, hard work is required - if we wish to be convincing.
  22. A few stern words in his ear are required. He has almost stopped leading for the ball these days - the source of most of his previous goals - albeit to the flanks. He does know how to get by himself to receive and mark - or play on to line up the big sticks yet suffers (at present) from the Weed disease of static anticipation at the goalmouth. He is an enormous talent heavily manned by opposition sides. More proactive play is definitely required.
  23. Jordan can get the ball and in general, can deliver the ball (just OK at present - needs more work to be consistent). He can stack up more possessions than expected and usually competes well. This was not actually the case against the Crows but I think the whole team had a 'downer' in that match, except for Mr Carry the World on His Shoulders, Clarry. I'd keep Jordan in - and drop Kozzie so that he can take his place on the forward line. Kozzie needs to bulk up a bit so that he can stay on two feet when bumped. Weed, Melk and Jetta (sadly) need a slot at Casey.
  24. 6. Oliver 5. Langdon 4. Lever 3. Petracca 2. Harmes 1. Gawn
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