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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Yes, elevated conversation would be unavoidable and a great way for him to 'get the message' about what is going to be done to the opposition when they get out onto the ground!
  2. Really like the way this Petracca bloke moves, treadmill or no treadmill. Looks like he's been going at it for a while in this session, and isn't it great to see him operating this way - hammer and tongs - at this stage of the next season. This bloke does not compete with his mate Clarrie, he just ensures that he is in the best possible condition that he can be and takes it all on (including the physical testing) from his own inspiration and volition. Gotta admire his inputs to our Club; professional endeavour and focus. Onyer, Tracca!
  3. Revising the game plan in the forward line could make a real difference to our scoring rate and accuracy, including all of the entries to the fwd line itself. Hunter and Schache could be entering into a carpet ride, given their attributes and also, most of our existing forwards would benefit as well because they are potent footballers traditionally given a teaspoon of opportunity instead of a tablespoon of common sense. I'm thinking what good forward feeds could be possible, adding the talent-base with Hunter and Schache, fed by Langdon, Clarrie, Tracca, Gus, Rivers, Sparrow et al, and observant, agile JVR, Fritta, BBB, Petty, Kozzie, Spargs, ANB, et al. It's also about suitable pathways being available, eyes up, without the gaps in the chain of events that formerly had to dictate that in the majority of cases, we bombed long - over the heads of the gaps that existed - to get the ball into that disastrous left forward pocket.
  4. I have always thought that, too. Many times - watching the Dogs - I'd swear that it was Mitch doing those classy things with much greater frequency than in his time at the Dees. As my failing eyesight deceived me, I'd stare at Lachie for a few seconds longer just to realise that it was not Mitch but certainly, there was a considerable resemblance. I was happy with Mitch at the Dees; but this increase in skills (by Lachie) was the true indicator - onfield, things really happened as Lachie plied his trade - that was the true discriminator as to real identity. When we secured Hunter, I happily felt that our talent base had just taken a more consistent elevation, more quickly applied, and with greater accuracy and effect. I hope that he brings that quality 'lift' to the Dees.
  5. Interestingly exciting to attempt to unfold this quiz. Abstract, by all means. As for the clue about first names, I certainly couldn't see the wood for the trees! Nice one.
  6. Golly! Our own rather large 'Trump-style conspiracy' unfolding before our eyes that may well put the now extensive membership of the 'party' at some extended, widespread compromise for the absolute benefit of a unitary interest. I do not wish to have my own, sacred confidentiality compromised and feel disappointedly and fearfully sure that this rampant individual is data mining against the will of the majority for such gain - and that represents a threat to all so effected, to the status quo itself, and to the confidential trusts of those democratic assurances that usually, and respectively, permeate and rotate closely within the dignities of organisational memberships, let alone the conceded violation of any primacy of personal choice and personal, individual permissions otherwise known as consent. Where could this all end; what rights do we have to stop the alarm bells from this invasive and now legally condoned stroll through the Valley of Death? What really is disappointing and upsetting at the personal level is that to avoid the compromise and its abundantly negative ramifications that are on the potential horizon, I feel that I must disassociate with due haste from membership of the MFC, relying instead on the public nature of broadcasters, media and personally solicited conversations, and already upheld confidentialities where personal choice and any related personal permissions regain paramount importance as critical essences of democratic principles and practice.
  7. If you can't always get what you want and you can't get no satisfaction, I guess you're left with sitting watching the children play as tears go by?
  8. Pampered Menial was a great album. So too, At the Sound of the Bell. I still listen to these albums from time to time just for the musicality of blending instruments - terrific arrangements from nowhere!
  9. Interesting vocalist, particularly on 2 early albums in the 1970s (David Surkamp, from the band Pavlov's Dog). Sounds like falsetto but it's not. Check it out on Youtube. I listened to them for years (as I was once a rather solid musician - the keyboard arrangements on piano were quite astounding so I bought the manuscripts as well as the LPs) but the voice of DS was exceptional and 'way out there'.
  10. I rather like his nonchalance with opposition 'gamesmen'. He seems- on the footage - to possess some attitude, self-confidence and is not fazed by other blokes. Good qualities for a 'tall', alongside his agility, 'reading' the plays, taking possession of the ball, and he knows (albeit basketball) how to be effective, and when.
  11. Dees should hopefully get this bloke. I'd also like to see Keeler recruited by the Dees. This listing is great MAH, but there seems to be too many smalls for my liking - we need a few agile, running bigs.
  12. Cannot disagree with any of these statements, NeverN..
  13. That's all very possible and sound, as well. Blood 'em, particularly with skills like some of these Casey boys possess. All we have to do is enthuse Badloss.
  14. Interesting series of marks by Keeler - hang time and extraordinary reach overhead, some hang for chest marks, taken on the chest and then the arms enfold the ball; can get low for the knee-high marks and taps; leads well and well out of the square - sometimes outside 50 - and he can kick 'em from there, no problems. Great talent with some big time coaching - very handy.
  15. Nice long arms, too ... with strong hints of reach and 'hang' time ... just like Liam Jurrah. Perhaps not quite as fast but that can be worked on ... youthfulness is an asset ... turns on a small circle, so that is a start. Beautiful kick and prepared to go the distance with those kicks. Thus, knows his game already. Got my support - get in there with the early pick, Demons. For a decent forward coach, he has the essentials to develop and win games.
  16. Douglas Adams? Out of 'The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy? Great and very amusing writer...
  17. Just concerned about the saturated fats, cholesterol and levels of nutrition.
  18. Rights of passage are different, these days. Such maturation, 'adult' thinking and behaviours with appropriate foci usually occur much later for youth and young men today than such developments did in earlier years and timeframes. There were limited options, choices, distractions in a simpler world; those 'excesses' were vastly limited in comparison to the options that now exist. With broader options and greater freedoms of choice, young men today - and this developmental concept is generalised, only - pass into adulthood having experienced the excitements of this world well beyond the excitements of a previous world. Fitting that many 'good times' into one lifespan that is already rather urgent, takes just a few more years of experiential and explorative effort. The advent of the concepts of 'rights of passage' has changed, yet is not new. Look at the social expectations and allegedly limited experiences imposed on your father's generation, and that of your grandfather, in comparison. Look at your own sons and how different their experiences and social expectations have been in comparison to your formative life's journey. In the end it reads as a battle between frivolity and towing the line set by immediate authority and opportunity. Perhaps, Hunter has just been another variant of the model, as we all were at some point. Let him play footy and adjust to its demands when opportunity arises.
  19. For all we know, he might have some heavy responsibilities down Corio way and this move may well be a step to render his own closer attentions to that circumstance. I would just like to wish him well, thank him for his tremendous efforts with all of the Casey interests and in achieving what we, as fans, hoped for our young'uns. I do not deny, however, that I resent the fact that the Catty Puts have him now.
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