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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  2. We all have our cultural observations - to many, some, a few or individuals, these are important for many reasons and for others, less important, perhaps. However, observations are respected, not banished. It's all part of the diversity of what it is to be an Australian, whichever way it might otherwise be interpreted.
  3. Interesting observation. Fully agreed - he does see things ahead - and across. Plus, he can bob up against oppo players and take the unexpected mark.
  4. I think the umpires were so bad attempting to maintain an interesting contest ad nauseum, that they came out onto the ground 'gone' and 'got' in the first place.
  5. At this late point before gameday, all is a little intriguing. Shacka, Gawn, Oliver, Petty, et. al. Specific yet rather new forward drills, as if a revised attack plan could evolve.
  6. One can just tolerate the GA seating allocated to members, but if you get up for a coffee or snack, or even go outside of the ground for a cigar (and your chauffeur delivering the cheese platter from the the boot of the Roller in the car park), whatever seat you initially chose will be gone and those selected by no-one will be the only vacancies. It would be most acceptable if in future football seasons the MFC demanded first-level frontal seats for Members GA (instead of FA) entry. We could all get together, then, and swap French bries, camemberts and other acceptable nibbles for the upwardly mobile citizens without flaw.
  7. Too much risk (and expectation) having Gawn return with only a short break, afterwards. It's more than physical readiness because if re-injured, his exceptional leadership skills are placed at risk - further at risk than if he was on the pines for this week - as Richmond really will be stretched against us. Your suggestion with Shack is a good one; he deserves a shot as a second ruck or forward target in-between rucking duties. In this situation, thank heavens for Grundy to continue with the Gawn mantel 'in recovery'. We have an assorted - albeit not solely focussed as one - series of leaders in Viney, Lever, May, Clarry, Tracca, etc., who by way of experience, can adequately steer the course of the game against Richmond and provide adequate encouragement where due.
  8. I'd like to lay a bet that there will be two suspensions from the one game - the reason is that we utilise two ruckmen in games these days. sd
  9. Something is going wrong - repeatedly - with the 'lessons' and what is taken away after the game as resolution steps.
  10. Uneasy feeling about Richmond - despite watching their pre-season dismembering at the hands of the Dees. Maybe I will feel better closer to the game-day. A little onfield leadership and a vast increase in creative play may just give us the points. Nankervis tends to play well against us. We owe Cotchin a little discomfort around the throat.
  11. It is their contribution for an exciting - and often pre-arranged - level of such entertainment, perhaps.
  12. Was so ... 6 major turn-overs delivering the ball. Perhaps more, as I was not really counting but recalling, after the game.
  13. ' It is where they are given and when.' Fully agree - it is almost orchestrated. We are left wondering: 'WHY?
  14. The only way to begin righting the form we displayed against the Bombers (and the enthusiasm to win) is to prepare - through game experiences - those hungry VFL 'young-uns' at the selection table. Sure, we have some great forwards but half of them are only interested in taking the low-percentage 'hanger' in their static pursuit of the ball. The rest of the time, they compete but achieve very little and found to seldom explore the geographic highlights of the football field as a mean, fighting machine. The Dons, with a team of inexperienced newbies ran, ran again and coalesced, ripping us apart. They developed winning systems of players across the ground - and benefitted - all in one game. Bringing the ball to ground was our mantra this season, I thought; it is not occurring and we have a significant disproportion of nimbles to exploit this urgent need all over the ground. Injuries? Sure, these had an effect but that is something that should trigger a higher level of player interaction and supportive assembly - particularly when the chips are down. We were out-coached today; we were humbled, sad to say. A poster messaged me and truthfully declared at half-time that our miseries were '...insurmountable...'
  15. Umpiring - in general - appeared amateurish. Band wagon stuff abounded. Rub of the green turned muddy.
  16. A sudden tummy upset would provide an improved opportunity for camouflage. We're playing the 'Drugs, so it might also be contagious. Slip JJ into the forward line...
  17. I cannot make up my mind; I used to pity them, and across the past 30 years, I actually learned to hate them.
  18. The snot goblins assisted the Hawks for years - and years - and years - and years.
  19. We need JJ every week. He'd walk into a regular position with any other club.
  20. I like this thinking should the weather deteriorate rather poorly.
  21. ...and a very useful one at that ... has all the necessary skills, reads the play well (now)... pacey and does not shirk the issue - rebounds and goes again ... very good kick / passing / handball ... the mobile utility is a necessary feature of our forward line who are so often geographically minimal ... capable of some surprising moves, dodges and outside innovations. Works really well with Fritta, Chandler, Sparrow (coming in), BBB and why not : JVR bringing the ball to ground forward of the defensive pack. JJ has heaps and will produce bucketloads of talent as he develops, just like Rivers and Judd.
  22. Balfours need the cash injection and hope to make a killing through the sale of pies, I suspect.
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