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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. I reckon we are fine in terms of how we handled it. I can only go by what is out in the public eye, but it sounds like Hogan instigated it, we supported it but said we are happy to keep him if the right offer doesn't come in, which it didn't. I think the club, from what I can tell, has handled it superbly so far.
  2. When I find out what makes it change then I'll let you know!
  3. If he signs a long term deal over the summer then I'll be happy. However, if we can only hold on to him for another year and he bolts for West Coast, and we have missed out on May, then I'll be slightly disappointed. I'd love this to fire up Jesse for a big season in 2019. I think our club has handled this very professionally and I reckon Jesse will see that too.
  4. 'Satisfied' with his medical suggests that he may take some time to get back to full fitness. I can't see GWS off loading Scully, who is apparently only on 500k next year, for peanuts if they don't believe there is a potentially serious issue with his ankle.
  5. It's a shame it's Scully as he's the exact type of player we need. I doubt, after the fall out of him leaving all those years ago, that he would want to come back here or feel comfortable doing so.
  6. That's the sensible deal. Unfortunately, Freo have zero sensibility at the moment.
  7. I'd have him as a rookie. Nothing more.
  8. With the pick we've got for Kent, can we package those together for Carlton's first pick? Or will Carlton need to hand over their second rounder as well?
  9. Peter Bell isn't exactly covering himself in glory right now. Watch Josh Mahoney run rings around him before Wednesday is over. Bell isn't even in the same league.
  10. Would North fans be that happy about trading Preuss, though? Outside of Goldstein their ruck stocks are pretty darn thin at the moment. Happy with this deal. I don't see Tyson as a best 22 player, and with the impending addition of KK, the hopeful return to form of Hunt and Stretch coming back from injury, they will get a run on the wings in 2019. Tyson wasn't getting into a midfield of Viney, Oliver, Brayshaw and Harmes anyway. Basically, we need Preuss more than we need Tyson.
  11. It's a fair deal. We couldn't expect much more than that when they could have held off and gotten him for nothing in the pre-season draft. It's a shame to see him go but he wasn't crucial to our rise up the ladder. Good luck to him at St. Kilda.
  12. Is this the same Karl Langdon who claimed Hogan was stating in Melbourne according to his mum? Bloke talks out of his back pocket.
  13. Of course they do. They think we will cave. On the other hand, Freo fans aren't known for their intelligence or knowledge of footy.
  14. No surprise to see us knock the offer back. Who wouldn't? I doubt it's over, though. Still plenty of time for things to change. Freo will come back to the table with a much better offer before trade week is over.
  15. Classic. Freo want plenty for Lachie Neale bit want to give up peanuts for Hogan. You can almost smell the irony. If I was Hogan I'd be [censored] off at Freo for valuing him so lowly.
  16. Pick 65 isn't a head scratcher - he could have left and got there for nothing. We take it and move on to the bigger fish we have to fry.
  17. True, and I see the merits of that discussion, but I think it's short sighted and too generalistic to call a trade a 'fail' when it's barely gotten off the ground. You can discuss how you feel uneasy or disappointed with what we receive, but you can't really call a trade a 'fail' from the moment it happens. We just don't know that yet.
  18. You can feel that way now, but you can't be definitive on that. What if, off the back of the trade, we win a flag in the next 2 years? That makes the trade a massive win on all fronts. You can't judge it now.
  19. Depends if they have any interest in the players we are happy to send to them. They won't take our scraps and Pick 11, they would ask for someone who is probably going to be in their best 22 to go with that pick. Not sure who we would give up.
  20. You may be right. I can see other picks being involved in the deal as well. Possibly May and one of the picks they got from the Lions for Pick 11, or something along those lines.
  21. If we get Pick 5 and 11, I'd be happy to trade 5 for May. You would rather do 11, but I doubt Gold Coast takes that. Then we have May and we can go to the draft with Pick 11 to snare a really good player. I doubt we do any better than that, but I'm not sure we could anyway.
  22. We'll have to use one of those picks. Pick 11 would be preferable. The Suns have made it clear they want a good return for May. Pick 11 and then a mixture of other picks will get it done. Take 5 to the draft to get a gun.
  23. I'd take Pick 5 and 11 for Hogan. Hopefully with Beams potentially going back to the Pies that Freo are able to extract more from the Lions, which in turn makes them happier to give us a little more as well.
  24. As long as we get what we want, I don't care how long it takes.
  25. I don't think he would be best 22 at our club. If he came very cheaply then yeah, why not. He would be good depth. Otherwise it's a pass from me.
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