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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. 40,000 members prior to Round 1 is a great achievement! Surely we're aiming at possibly signing up 50k by the cut off date? It actually seems like a realistic target now.
  2. Round 1 can't get here quickly enough.
  3. To be fair, there are a number of players on that list that are available to play. Fritsch, Jones, Melksham, Harmes, Viney and AVB will all be right for Round 1, while Smith and Preuss are listed as tests. Take those eight out and it's just seven players injured for more than a week. It's not panic stations yet. Cheers, I thought it might have been something like that.
  4. Where did it say his recovery timeline was any different to what it is now? Just curious.
  5. It's not as if Frost and Oscar an incapable of doing a job for us in Round 1. They handled the key defensive posts pretty well at the end of the season and during finals, so there is no reason to think they can't do it for us here, especially with Dixon not playing.
  6. Agree. I'd much rather Lever take a few extra rounds, but be absolutely ready to go, than to rush him back a bit earlier and risk another injury. He is a long term player for us, and we are treating the injury with that in mind.
  7. Brisbane said he was fine, no concussion issues, kept him off because he had played enough minutes, cited other instances of the same thing where players were not suspended.. All ignored. Ridiculous.
  8. I'm always fascinated by how people perceive something like this, especially with one of our own players. I'd like to think that May could have knocked him out and we, as a supporter group, could still find a loop hole to get him out of it, but to each their own. (I'm not condoning violence by the way, just an example.)
  9. When Steven May has the suspension overturned... 'Bad luck... ya [censored]...'
  10. I'm glad they're appealing the decision. I think we're a big chance of having it overturned.
  11. Apparently we have till 11am to make a decision re: challenging the one match ban, so expect some news in the next 20 minutes or so.
  12. Surely, without the fear of an extra week, we can cough up 10k to challenge it? I think there is merit in it this time around.
  13. No doubt he got him a good one, but was it high? I don't think so. You could argue he was winded more than anything as he got up and jogged off the ground.
  14. While it's a meaningless list, when was the last time we had five Demon players in a Top 50? It's one of his worst lists yet, though. Joe Daniher got a gig on there for a start.
  15. If May offers a bump, and Berry accepts it, he can't cry about it later when it hurts a little. He needs to turn the offer down and run around him instead. May should stop offering bumps to the opposition, though. They can't handle it.
  16. Spot on. If it's medium impact then you would expect him to have some sort of concussion, blood nose etc. He didn't. He walked off the ground and, being a JLT game, kept him off as a precaution. I'm hoping they challenge as I think they have a chance of winning it.
  17. Can you put the gif of the hit in here? I'm still not convinced it did anything more than possibly graze his chin. Got him right down the middle, but that's legal.
  18. I said this in the other thread, but if May does miss, it's not a bad time to do it with Charlie Dixon not playing. Frost and O Mac can hold down the fort for a week.
  19. This. I'd question whether he even got him in the head. Maybe grazed his chin with the bump. They probably won't challenge it, but I'd like to see them have a dip at it. As you say, if Mumford can get off for his roundhouse then May should be right with this.
  20. Agree. They should absolutely challenge. Rubbish decision. On the flip side, Dixon won't play, so if he has to miss a game I'll take this one.
  21. I'd challenge it to be honest. Absolutely nothing in it.
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