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Everything posted by Brownie

  1. Me too @leave it to deever I wondered if both Tmac and BBB would be fit and fast enough. Such a bonus to see them play so well. Seeing Clarry getting back to his best and being happy and acknowledged by our supporters. Fast and creative ball movement A more open forward line and lowered eyes / team first kicking Watching Kozzys effort and skill through the midfield Variation in kick outs Our captain adjusting his ruck work and dominating Windsor's lightening speed Our fitness and hard running Our fantastic demon army honouring Gus So many great things to recognise in that game
  2. And, both Hill and Hudson are back on the Fritz train. It drives me a bit mad. They don't say "cricket pitz" why do they keep saying Bailey Fritz?
  3. People seem to be really efficient at creating inefficiencies these days.
  4. Kozzies work around the packs is much more valuable than in front of goals at the moment. His chase and tackling is bloody beautiful to watch
  5. Really appreciate your observations @binman The Swan's handball chains and fast movement have been great. You could see how it led to a much more open forward line for them last night. I thought the pressure the Swan's brought sucked us in to too many short 1 metre handballs last week too. Didn't help on a small field perhaps. More and more it becomes a hard fast running game. Our squad in general has had a few niggles. Hope our general fitness comes up to speed. You wonder how BB and Tmac will go with this game style at the moment. We'll see. Looking forward to seeing us in more open space this weekend.
  6. They used the small ground well last week but are also spreading really effectively on the G too.
  7. I went to a music trivia night at a brewery instead of watching Carlton and I won a slab. I'd call that a win I guess. @binman just wondering on your thoughts of the Richmond gameplan and style with Yze in charge?
  8. Yep, the "crowd activation" all came from some very funny buggers having a few cans on the hill. Much more relaxing and enjoyable @Demonstone
  9. Booing really is pretty dumb. One of the things I loved most about footy when I was a kid (apart from playing our beautiful game) was standing near the licenced area at suburban football and listen to a good sledging. Some blokes were just fantastic at it as players were lining up for goal etc. However, I agree 100 percent that KB game should be the exception. Sometimes you just gotta make some noise. I don't think Brainhard would understand if you sledged him. Let him have it @WalkingCivilWar
  10. From Gus' interview, I thought the specialist advised him to stop playing.
  11. I'd agree our accuracy isn't great, however look at how we take our shots. Lots of marks taken deep in the pockets on the boundary. Lots of snaps through congested traffic under pressure from chaos balls. Of course we're going to miss lots of those. Teams rebound off us and move it fast into an open forward line. Fritta one on one, Kozzy one on one, JVR leading into space would make a huge difference to our conversion rates. It's a dog's breakfast in there. Watching Viney drag two guys on his back while he snaps goals is fantastic to watch but it's low percentage play. Locking the ball in with 32 players in the f50 arc is low percentage play and leads to poor conversion.
  12. I completely agree Kev. Another kpf would take pressure off JVR but ultimately if the delivery forward continues to be rubbish, then having Petty there won't make much difference. I think Tracc's burst out of the centre and McVees beautiful pass to Fritta were the only two clean entries into our forward line all night that I can recall. There seems to be no clear system. The only change I could see was that instead of long bombs, occasionally there were low hard kicks delivered in. But.... Still to a pack of players. We have to try something different with what we have up forward. Adapt or die
  13. Did you steal that from Simon or Greg's desk?
  14. It's a bit flattering. Sydney's kicking was woeful for a quarter or more. We look like we're going backwards. The B graders are working us out now.
  15. Bad luck there Windsor. He's been pretty good.
  16. Take a look at the bump. It was a ridiculous suspension. The only head high contact was their heads clashing. https://www.afl.com.au/video/1032134/pickett-in-hot-water-after-ferocious-bump-on-cripps?videoId=1032134&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1694774264001
  17. Blakey, Grundy, Warner, Papley have killed us
  18. I see they've really improved the goal review vision
  19. What a rubbish free. He dropped it cold.
  20. Melbourne needed that and so did Tracc
  21. It was accidental , wasn't aware there was a player there.
  22. We'll have to wait on BT's diagnosis
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