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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. That B calling song had good guitar.
  2. That's good news. There were a few here who questioned his arrival at MFC. He really was showing signs of his old self last year. Here's to an uninterrupted preseason and a full year of games with some silver service delivery.
  3. Maybe it will be Bbb. Tough effort to do in today's game though.
  4. Came into form at just the right time.
  5. I loved how the ump raised his arms in the air signaling that lightening was interrupting play.
  6. The youngsters in JB, LJ and TS were incredible. The occasion didnt intimidate them.
  7. If dogs have all their tails in, our defence could struggle.
  8. Yep and I argue until blue that the umps got the dogs home in our loss to them with 15 more frees on a wet night. And while I am at it the umps played a part in our loss to the crows.
  9. Agreed. Apart from the shotty conditions most of these old grands couldn't handle the crowd sizes of today. It was fun its day but maybe just being older I prefer my creature comforts. And back in the day, I dont think many grounds were good to take the family. The first time I took my seven year old daughter ( quality time with dad ..just like the motor show) the highlight for her was the red rooster shop in the ground at the G.)
  10. Top post as per usual CHF. Glad to see Langdon get the praise he so richly deserves. Has dominated many games and one of the best recruits from another club for ages. My goodness things look exciting for this club and us proud supporters.
  11. I'd still back Hunt.
  12. Pros and cons though. The comfort of sitting in my lounge chair and watching isnt too bad. Plus living interstate and not getting to Melb as much would be untenable without Kayo.
  13. I know people get a bit antsy about the Afl and causes for want of a better word. However this and mental health are definitely worth rallying around. And so often these two things are sadly connected.The suicide rate in Oz is becoming a national tragedy. Reach out anyone, I beg you if you are struggling.
  14. I have it on good authority the director scoured the cwood cheer squad for the yokal roles.
  15. I said it more than once and it's one of the true things I have said... Going on holiday with kids is really going to work with shorts on.
  16. Thanks for sharing. A sad story re your father but it's great you have fond memories. That's the real beauty of the game I reckon. I was fortunate enough to have my dad live till his 80s but lost him four years ago. I was born in 65 and my dad and I always laughed about me never seeing a flag. I told him he gave me a bum club in jest. I'm sure I'm was not alone in thinking about loved ones gone by when we won last year.
  17. And kids? Did he live in Frankston or Dandy?
  18. This will sound elitist but here goes. A mate of mine and I used to have a running observation about Frankston being rougher than Dandenong. He had a vet practice in Franger and I used to visit both burbs for Fairfax digital. We went out for lunch one day in Frankston and on our way saw a bloke at about 11 .45 drinking a udl...sitting in his kids stroller while mom and the kid pushed. I think it's become a lot more civilized some almost 20 years on but needless to say good old Frankston got the chocolates.
  19. Must be the pronouncement over the radio.
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