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Everything posted by Jarka

  1. Just need to get the midfield group experience with playing each other
  2. While we're waiting for Jackattack to make an appearance it's probably a good idea to get things rolling and recap on the rules, draft order etc. I can't log into last years details so I don't have the correct draft order that RPFC calculated it should be. I also haven't created the new League yet, I'll leave that to whoever will be running it. Draft Order: 1 - HT, 2 - Wrecker (45HG), 3 - I Luv Tingay, 4 - 7-up, 5 - Jarka's Jokers, 6 - Jako Lives, 7 - The Galahs (GM11), 8 - M_M 9 - Snomeds 10 - Dark Days (Brunoc) 11 - JCB 12 - Robbo 13 - RPFC 14 - RR 15 - Scarlett 16 - OMR The teams consisted of: Backs: 3 (1 emerg) Centres: 4 (1) Rucks: 1 (1) Forwards: 3 (1) Utility: 1 (1) Bench: 3 Starting players: 12 Bench: 3 Emergerncies: 5 Total: 20 Scoring: Kicks: 3 HB's: 2 Marks: 3 HO's: 2 Tackles: 3 Free kick diff: 1 Score: 4 Goal kick Acc: 1 Total points: 19 Things we need to decide on: Starting teams Draft date Draft order (RPFC rules: Confirmation of rules Anything else you want clarified New Rule At the end of the season your list must contain 2 rookies for the following year I'll keep this opening post updated with any changes.
  3. Does anyone know who Jake Lovett is playing for this season?
  4. meh, he's a troll, it's pretty obvious. Give the baby his 5 minutes of fame
  5. Looking forward to my 2nd season, happy to help run it if required as well
  6. To be fair he has a lot of ground to make up on you
  7. What happened to that young girl was absolutely disgusting, everyone involved should be embarrassed for their part in it. Just look at what happened to Eddie Maguire shortly after, he said something stupid and was labeled a racist by all and sundry, however he used his profile to defend what he did. Where was her support? She was 13 years old for [censored] sake, just a girl. Sure, what she said was wrong and stupid, but do you honestly believe that what happened was ok? A full national media campaign designed for one purpose, to destroy her character. Anyone who thinks that is ok to do that to a 13 year old child is an imbecile. How the [censored] is that meant to educate her about what she said? As I've said before, Goodes does excellent work in the community, no doubt about it, I just believe there are others more deserving, which I've already provided a link. Somehow that makes me a racist by some imbeciles on here. Yes, typical DL key wannabe hero wankers, completely unable to discuss the topic, they can't help themselves but to make personal insults because they have no argument.
  8. I'm referring to almost every media article who is reporting on his award has the picture of him pointing at the 13 year old. But of course instead of discussing the topic why don't you just insult me again, I'm sorry, how old are you? Not old enough to discuss a topic without throwing insults and tantrums. Have a nice day
  9. Your post is so mind numbingly stupid I'm sure delicious irony is completely lost on you.
  10. I'm not against it, in fact I don't really care that much, the award has almost always been given to sports people or celebrities so in my eyes it doesn't hold much value. But I thought that 'over the top' reaction from Goodes which effectively left a 13 y/o exposed to a national media circus hell bent on destroying her character which far outweighed the crime. Both Dale Thomas and Buddy Franklin did similar actions without the over the top 'showmanship', it just smacked of attention seeking. Goodes does no more than what many other Footballers and sportspeople get paid to do, excellent community work around the country. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Australia... http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-01-08/cancer-protein-breakthrough-prompts-drug-development/5190502
  11. Yes, his magnificent role in pointing out and highlighting a thirteen year old girl on national television for saying something stupid was both brave and fearless.
  12. I was going to post something similar but you've nailed it perfectly
  13. Another merger thread HD? http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/33239-what-if/#entry720934 He's a troll
  14. Only to celebrate our wins!
  15. Thanks deanox, I haven't had Ardberg, I'll keep my eye open for it. When I first tried a peaty whiskey it took me awhile to get used to it but now I can't go back. I spent a couple of years in the UK and quite often went up to Scotland, which is where I developed a taste for the stuff. I don't drink enough to be a real expert so I'm always happy for suggestions, cheers
  16. By winning I mean we ended up with having to pay a useless list clogger for three seasons. Yay us
  17. It's hard to believe that we actually won that trade
  18. I hate ****ing pokies, they are an absolute disgrace and prey on the lower income earning members of our society. All pokies should be banned and no clubs should be allowed to make money from them. Well, that's my opinion anyway, the reality of the situation is that too many people are making too much money for anything to be done about it, all I can do is try and educate my kids and offer help to anyone I know who is stupid enough to go to them.
  19. Well, a fine bright spark you turned out to be.
  20. This could get ugly, wars have been started for less. Imagine going anywhere near a mans whiskey with ice /shudder
  21. Can we PLEASE get back on topic, I'm sick of his continual hijacking of threads. Laphroaig is the king of all whiskeys, you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
  22. Underrated post, best whiskey ever.
  23. Yes, I was comparing the inequalities of Beach Volleyball. Where the women wear skimpy bikinis and the men wear shorts and singlets. Sounds familiar? In the NFL the men wear full padding and outfits in the the Lingerie League and the women wear bikinis.... This faux outrage is hilarious, our society is ful of sexism, hell, since companies have started marketing their products they've used sex and the female body, I have no idea why the Lingerie League is suddenly getting people uptight.
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