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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. @Chook in Perth put this [censored] to bed plz.
  2. Yeh. I guess Tom actually hitting an opposition player on the chest as opposed to missing his intended target from a kickout is an improvement hey..
  3. Pretty underwhelmed by this acquisition, not sure what he’ll provide us other than cover through the midfield. His strong attributes are neither his speed or kicking skills which is something we’re still short on so it’ll be interesting to hear why we targeted him. Hopefully we do hear why.
  4. People refuse to recognise this and it’s quite frustrating. They also fail to recognise his injury history and how underdeveloped he was coming into the system. And again they fail to recognise that at VFL level, where ovals are smaller, congestion is more apparent, conditions are more difficult and delivery is much much worse, some days you’re going to have little scoreboard impact or marking opportunities. Nuffies have come out in their droves on this thread and just generally have nfi what they’re talking about. Sam will be absolutely fine as soon as he is given a good run at it. Which will be next year imo.
  5. Pick 5 for Omac and a swap of later picks?!? I will happily forge any signature I have to. Send me the papers immediately.
  6. What if I told you.... that I am ... Ricky Nixon.. ......! .................. ! ............ ........ ................... ..........!......?......!........? (I'm not Ricky Nixon)
  7. How about this: Melb lose picks 10, 27, 45 + Watts to Gold Coast and receive picks 2 and 24. Adelaide lose pick 52 + Jake Lever to Melbourne and receive our 2018 first-rounder + pick 24. Melbourne draft Cam Rayner this year at pick 2. We win the next five flags. I'm a genius. Cheers. Edit : To your initial question, Adelaide would already have their first-round pick for next year. My proposal is based on the idea that Adelaide may want another first-rounder for next year rather than ours from this year given the rumoured strength of next years crop.
  8. True. But it’d be pick 2 from this year’s draft vs two first rounders from next year’s ‘super’ draft. Which is a tough choice imo.
  9. Agree. However, we could use 2 in this year’s draft and send our 2018 first rounder + extras to Adelaide in this hypothetical. And that would be an amazing outcome.
  10. I guess Goodwin and Mahoney can be lumped in with the "Watts bashers" now hey...
  11. Nahhh. To state what you have with such confidence is a bit silly given how crazy trade week is when it’s underway.
  12. Lever’s body of work and form trajectory to date is what we should be looking at rather than his performance in yesterday’s Grand Final. Yeh, he didn’t set the world on fire playing in a side that was comprehensively beaten. But he is a gun and is still a piece of the puzzle we desperately need. I wouldn’t be surprised if his form through the finals was affected by the constant media speculation regarding his future.
  13. Now I understand how annoying I must sound when I post about O-Mac..
  14. It’s highly amusing that there are supporters on here who believe and expect that after 9 years, Watts still needs to be spoon fed. As supporters we’re only able to see and hear snippets of how hard players are willing to work to get the best out of themselves. I’ve never once heard anything positive about Watts’ professionalism or work ethic on the track, unless that’s been on the back of sub-par performances in that area. And considering we have a really young and highly impressionable core group, I can similarly see the risks involved in keeping a 9 year player who prefers social events to being an elite AFL footballer. Watts has lacked and still lacks one of the most important attributes to play at the level. ‘Urgency’. And that applies across his training, rehab, weights and game day performances. The emotional supporters who reason that Watts should stay based on his ‘loyalty’ over the years are similarly toxic and don’t help the club in any way in that regard. Goodwin is trying to create an elite culture and environment at this club. Which is something that will breed success in all facets. Trying to implement that sort of an environment means there’ll be some cut-throat decisions that won’t always be popular with fan-boy supporters. Goodwin understands that, he was an AFL club captain who reached the ultimate and was part of an enormously successful club. He understands better than all of us what that looks like. Sometimes I imagine what our club would look like if it were run by some supporters on here. They’d be happy to keep their fan-boy players like Sylvia, Watts, Frawley etc yet be wondering why on earth we weren’t getting any closer to winning a flag.
  15. Melksham kicked a bag in tac cup GF after Steele. And I wouldn't be surprised if there's been another since.
  16. Out of interest, could yourself of some other chap please highlight a strength of Oscar's at AFL level please? Not like a one-off piece of play. Like a genuine strength. Genuine question.
  17. Sorry extended squad. I should have specified. No one would have had him close to the team? Haha. What does that mean?! He made the squad you peanut. That means he had a fantastic season whichever way you look at it. He made it as a key pos player at 22. Let's just imagine if Oscar had made the extended squad for a minute.. This place would have exploded. Given the conjecture surrounding Lever's move, none of us really know how much money or how many clubs are interested. Only ball-park figures. Clearly, he is wanted and clearly we want him. If we are indeed offering that amount of money for him, what does it tell you mate? What does it indicate? Clearly, we are desperate for talent at that end of the ground. We have one of the weakest key defensive units within the league and one of the least talented. All of Frost and both McDonald's have glaringly obvious weaknesses in their games that are on display weekly.The reported offer to Lever supports my view of that. Why else would we offer that money? Any idea? The ranking of where he'd fit within that group of 5 is plain silly. He is clearly in that mix and his form and development since he's been drafted is proof of that is it not? Way too early in all their careers. High-end talent across all lines is hugely important for sustained success. It doesn't phase or surprise whatsoever that we're willing to pay Lever handsomely given the state of our key defensive group.
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