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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Sweet Jesus..... Jones was not dropped because of form. He has played every game and was rested this week as we had a similar player in Moloney back in the side. I would argue that Jones has been one of our most improved this year and for people like yourself to say that his kicking is ordinary at best is ridiculous. I would back Jones' kicking and bet that he could hit as many targets as Mcdonald, Scully and Moloney. Trengove is the only one who would have the better kick. We hardly have any fantastic kickers in our side. Green and Davey would be the two elite and then there would be daylight. People are being mistaken as to why he was left out of the side. Him not playing for Casey today should be enough to convince people like you why Titan. Go and watch some footy.
  2. It's a football forum Jaded. What do you think people do on here...
  3. I would be a happy man if it were up to you. Agree with the emergencies. Both haven't been up to scratch and I am glad Bate is getting a run in the twos. No more excuses about his injury. He needs to play well, consistently.
  4. Good! (cause initially I was sensing sarcasm!) I am more than joyous about or abundance of young draftees, but I do think it's pretty ridiculous hanging it all on Jordan. Footy is about winning games, and those games are pretty rare and special. Quite sad really when you think about it.
  5. P.S. Not meaning to have a dig at you Rich. I do believe however that Warnock's position may have been overtaken by an improved Garland and Joel Mac. They seem to be filling the void perfectly at the moment with Rivers doing his usual thing. - Frawley taking the big men. - Bruce playing a defensive run with roll. - Bartram shutting down the dangerous small superbly. I reckon it's all in good order atm.
  6. Thank god you are not Dean Bailey then. Beg your pardon. I meant Warnock not Garland and I misinterpreted what you meant by line ball. Excuse me. Rivers is playing better football than Warnock at the minute and that's all I meant about the ability thing. No. All of them have had great quarters and some great games but if you look at it from a whole seasons perspective then Frawley has clearly been the standout.
  7. It would be even funnier if Richmond were to be the more successful club of the two by the end of the decade. And everyone would be laughing at the smug Melbourne supporters hanging [censored] on a player who won a game for his team off his own boot after the siren.
  8. Won't the current best 22 be on the field this Sunday?
  9. Richy, If we are in fact talking about current best 22 then my quote makes perfect sense. You are saying Rivers and Garland are on level playing terms, but this is clearly not the case. Otherwise both would be in, or both would be out. Warnock has been in the reserves for the past couple which therefore proves he is not playing to the same ability Rivers is. And for the record, all of Rivers, Macdonald, Grimes and Bruce have at various times been outstanding also. (With Frawley being the most consistent). PPS.. I'm sure most here would prefer Rivers kicking to save our lives as opposed to Warnock.
  10. Clearly you have some issues with Rivers. Rivers has a had a pretty solid three to four weeks of football. Who in the backline apart from maybe Frawley has been a standout to date? Collectively they have done a great job and Warnock was the one who became iffy, especially with his disposal. Clearly the FD agree with this as Warnock has been playing VFL football as of recent. I thought you were the first one to jump to the FD's side big Rich?
  11. I watched the game and didn't hear any praise about his game apart from the fact that he was a high possession gatherer. My old man listened to the game on the radio and told me that they had said he wasn't having a great game. I have re-read my first post and definitely didn't say he was [censored]. Don't know what you have been smoking. I have no problem with Watts as I said and I think he will be fantastic but the game against Brisbane wasn't a good one. Dropped way too many chest marks and didn't use the ball as well as he usually does. There is nothing wrong with what I have said about him. Do yourself a favour and stop digging. Watts was so far from a rising star nom on Saturday night it's not funny. Optometrist for you methinks.
  12. Back in your hole Enforcer. This season Bartram has shown that he can hit a target and make fantastic decisions.
  13. Who be you speaking about? I'm extremely happy with Watts and I think he will be a terrific player... Once again. Realistic fair supporter vs the biased Melb supporter who can't seem to handle anyone fairly critizing a player when it is due.
  14. Sigh..... Here we go again... Watts had one of his worst games last night. Shows how pointless possessions are. Possessions do not necessarily indicate a good performance. Look at players outside of MFC. We are not the only one's with talented youngsters.
  15. Fails to take into account the evidence available..... Hmm let me see. Goodes is in unbelievable form. Cale hasn't seemed to progress this year. He was well and truly beaten today and I don't believe he has a spot in our current best 22. Lol, that's funny. Or embarrassing.....
  16. Oh and congrats to Maric. Hope he shows something to get me excited about. Go Dees
  17. Bate more than deserved to be dropped. He has had numerous second chances this season after poor games. Bate is definitely overrated to [censored] here at demonland. While he can be good sometimes, he doesn't do enough off the ball when thing's aren't going well for him. Please have a look at his chasing, blocking, second efforts, contested marking (hands in front), awareness and pace off the mark. Too one dimensional for mine. Needs to work on all of these thing's and I think he has had it pretty easy since debuting. The lack of quality big/tall forwards in our team since Neita left has many fooled it seems. Well done MFC for making this decision. P.S. This is not a player bashing post. It's an honest opinion and I do hope he can show some improvement in these areas of his game.
  18. Morton may have the tank but not much else. Goodes would physically destroy him in the air, on the ground. Anywhere. Morton may be able to spoil a lead but that's not enough if he can't match it in other areas. Goodes is far too powerful for Morton. P.S. McKenzie is quick. Don't be fooled. He has the aggression and hunger for the contest unlike Morton and is physically more mature. No comparison.
  19. No he hasn't. I don't think I have ever seen him mark the ball out in front either. Always on the chest. He is being caught out in this modern day of football and I have been worrying about it a lot. Doesn't have enough strings to his bow off the ball. Run in the 2's for me.
  20. Learn something about English Sir. There is no such word as loos. You are correct about yesterday though. It wasn't three players. It was our start and that involves everyone.
  21. Couldn't agree more. However, I believe McKenzie will be given the job on Goodes.
  22. One thing I am becoming increasingly [censored] off about is our starts... I will admit I am usually one to have a whine about one or two players that play poorly throughout a game but when it comes to starting a match well, it's hard to point your finger at one or two players. What the hell happens? Obviously the ball starts in the middle so is it our midfielders that are letting us down early? Do other teams get a lucky break, kick the first goal and get a roll on? Or is it to do with positioning of players as some have said at the start of matches? Why is it that we have had so many terrible starts? Our games seem to be predictable now. I could say there are at least half a dozen games that have played out just as the Freo game did yesterday, (the only difference being that yesterday we actually could have snatched it). How many games this year have developed as follows. * We start terribly and let our opposition skip away to a handy first quarter lead. * Second quarter doesn't change much although we improve marginally. * The third seems to be the one where we come out and play football and it's catch up from there. * Last quarter we have either given the opposition too much of a head start to catch up or we can't quite get over the line because we are spent after having a big third quarter. I hear people on here blaming one or two for not putting the match away for us. Yesterday Watts and Dunn were the culprits in the last. If we had started well and not had to play catch up footy for the rest of the last half, the Watts and Dunn misses may not have been so crucial. I will resist from criticizing certain players from yesterday's match. But I will criticize our team for letting themselves and their supporters down in the first half yet again. Here's a hint MFC. Stop talking so much about how "we need to address our starts" and "how we must start well" because everyone is well aware of it and has been for a little too long. It's time to show it on the ground and I am expecting nothing less than a ruthless, unforgiving four quarter effort from every player on the MCG on Sunday. Go Dees.
  23. Dappa, I don't mean to talk myself up or be arrogant by saying such thing's. I do however become frustrated with what seems to be a lack of football knowledge and smarts on this site. I'm just getting so sick of reading these pathetic posts that talk up every single young player on our list. Back to me being bias. I guess I react to the Morton posts most because he is the one who seems to be talked up most out of them all !!! I am happy to have a civilized discussion about the Morton issue and whether or not he really has "runs on the board" or just "games" on the board. My last post about him seemed to invoke a lot of anger from you and I am sorry if you felt I was too harsh. I am not having a dig at him. I am simply a fence sitter with him as opposed to being part of the "Morton is a gun" camp. I do love our club and I hope that Morton will become as good as what most seem to think he already is including yourself Dappa. I'm not sure how much football people play on this site and some may argue that it has no relevance to opinion but I will ask this Dappa.... I would like to know what you think Morton's strong points/strengths are ?
  24. Well done Cameron Bruce for playing as good a game as I can remember in recent times... Yes you should be playing like that more often than not and I hope this game inspires you for the rest of the year. Please work your disposal at training too Brucey. You kill me and nearly your team mates when you try and pinpoint short targets by hand or foot.
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