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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. The same can be said about Grimes? Has been injured and has played very few games but we still hear he oozes leadership? Actions speak louder than words and that is what Petterd is about I believe. I would argue that he would be one of if not the most desperate players in our side. That in itself screams leadership. I'm with you HT.
  2. I won't. I will think he has under-achieved. He is not an A grade player yet. Last season may have been his best but consistency comes with having great games back to back and seasons back to back. We have seen Sylvia mature as a player and is now showing us what he can do. The next step is for him to become a consistent performer in as many games and as many seasons as possible. The big games most importantly. As soon as that happens, he will become A grade in my eyes.
  3. Thongs on an international flight ?! What's the world coming to.... ... .. . ... ... .. ..
  4. Good riddance Cam Bruce. You have been valuable throughout the earlier years of your career but ever since that bone crunching tackle laid by Guerra you never quite got the knack back. Pity you couldn't see that 1 year was all you were going to get going by your age and form. Looking forward to seeing a youngster step up in your role. A player that has an appetite for body contact. A player that has better than average disposal. A player that has a sense of urgency about him. Onwards and upwards demons.
  5. The worst footballer I have ever laid eyes upon. Hell no.
  6. I have an idea. Why don't we just trust the MFC recruiting team and coaches on what they're doing for the moment. Nobody has any idea whether or not Hale will be a success until next year. Adelaide have just received Tambling... who the hell would have thought that?! Hale has shown that he can play. People that are against the trade are are basing their opinion on his 2010. Does that mean we shouldn't have re-signed Matthew Bate because he had a shocking 2010? All we need is for the big fella to get back to playing his best footy. If he can do that, we have succeeded in acquiring him. Hale's best is better than PJ's, Spencer's, Martin's and Meeson's. It also allows Gawn and Fitzy to develop at Casey. The potential upside far outweighs the down for me.
  7. I love forum egos..... They are the best kind.
  8. Absolutely agree. There better be an improvement over summer. No more under 10's long bombs to the big ruckman.
  9. Well we are interested and I am guessing you think the FD are stupid for being interested? He is 3 times the player Holland was. Hale had injury troubles twice this season and still managed to kick 17 goals in the first 7 rounds coming off a bad 2009. The guy is better than PJ and it is bleeding obvious we need a better than average second ruckman to help Jamar out so that he doesn't get injured. All AFL players go through ups and downs in their careers and I believe that Hale could turn a corner at a fresh club. Look at Joel Macs form toward the last half of the season. Being at a new club can do wonders for a player and people seem to forget that. Hale would be great and I hope we get him.
  10. Haha. Indeed. Just his 'mo? No actual Dunn? That must have just come up cause it wasn't there before ! Not sure now. ha
  11. Forgive the poor guy. He cannot have his forum rep tarnished.
  12. Just jumped on the dee's homepage and it looks like they have changed the banner a little. Green is at the front.... Captaincy hint? With Davey and Frawley making up part of the leadership group? Look into it as you like... http://www.melbournefc.com.au/Default.aspx God I can't wait for 2011.
  13. Have a read my friend. http://www.kangaroos.com.au/latestnews/news/blogarticle/tabid/9795/newsid/103022/default.aspx
  14. Mate you are the only one defending your post.... Can you not just say, 'yes it was silly and didn't really come out the way I wanted'. Hale is far better than Cloke, we won't have to pay a great deal for him I wouldn't have thought, he will make you happy (because apparently all you want is someone to bust packs in the forwardline), he can ruck better than PJ and can play forward unlike PJ. So yes, there are better options out there. You my friend are the one who is not smart enough to concisely get your point across. The proof is in the pudding with the amount of people who have missed your 'obvious' point. It's okay to be wrong.... hush now. P.S. I did like your boosh quote.
  15. Clearly the fd do care about this issue and that's why there has been speculation about our interest in Hale. Isn't that enough to tell people that the club is not confident with our backup ruck brigade at present? If we can get Hale, it's a huge win. He is above 200 cm, can ruck and can take a good grab going forward. Our current second ruckman is almost a liability when on the field. The only thing PJ is good for is giving Jamar a rest. Basically he is Jane in Tarzan's body. Hale has turned off a bit since being out of favour with the Roos and a fresh start could really get him going. For the right price, he is a definite for mine.
  16. Have a look at your opening post E. "I'm not sure he is much worse than other's that are up for offer", or something to that effect. Point is he is a lot worse than the other ruckmen that have been put up for trade. Hale and Jacobs are the only two ruckmen I can think of. Who are the other's that are 'almost' as bad as Cloke? Maybe you needed to re-word it champ. It seems you are the only one who 'gets' the OP. What does that imply...
  17. Apologies also Deezman. All good.
  18. No no. I got that. Your next line kind of contradicted the first line though. I am guessing what you are saying is you are a fence sitter? Why a cheap fill in when we could spend a bit and get somebody who may actually turn out to be a great get? I would not go near Cloke with a 10 ft pole. He has now been shafted by three clubs. If we could get Hale for an affordable price I would be over the moon. PJ will hopefully be moved on. Spencer and Martin seem like they are on the way down. Then Gawn and Fitzy will develop and HOPEFULLY turn out better than Spence and Martin.
  19. Deezman. Being a caucasian male in a white dominated culture, you will have never experienced anything like racism and therefore you are in no position to say whether your comment was massively racist or not. What do Indegenous players do after games deezman? Hang around each other? What is it you see Davey doing? Looking after the younger Indigenous boys? To make them feel as though they can fit in? So that they feel at home? Don't get home sick? Do you have any idea of the kinds of areas that these boys are drafted from? Have you been there? Mate I cannot begin to explain to you the hardships some of these young boys face before being thrown into an alien world that is a white dominated football club and you are telling me you think they hang around each other to much and this is your reason behind not wanting Davey as our captain?! It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument. You have no idea.
  20. It's racist on all accounts DeezMan regardless of what you are trying to imply. You are saying you don't want Davey captain because he is an indigenous Australian. That right there is racist. I beg you to read and learn about Indigenous issues in Australia. Maybe do a short course in Indigenous studies. Then come back here and tell me that what you said is not racist and that it wouldn't in fact be a fantastic thing to have Davey as captain of the oldest sporting club in the world.
  21. You need a break from demonland E25. Cameron Cloke...? We have the money to spend, so why wouldn't we chase someone like Hale and put him on a short contract whilst developing Gawn and Fitzy? (as long as it's not ridiculous money). You witnessed how long it took Jamar to develop into the player he is. Gawn and Fitzy are both as raw as I have ever seen and both need mountains of work in the gym, on the track and learning the game before we can even begin to rate them as backups to Jamar. How can you even begin to predict that either of them will likely be the second ruckmen behind Jamar by the time we are challenges?! I would be trying to lure Hale for a decent price. It could do wonders to our structure. Fitzy and Gawn have got years of learning and I am more than happy to see them putting it into practice at Casey.
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