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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Nat Fyfe's comeback game after a shoulder anyone? Jordy is nowhere near ready to play AFL football. I'm not talking body size or injuries either. Gysberts will be another underachieving player on the long list of underachieving players we have. All the sads here get their knickers in a knot because they fear the same. Wake up, wake up. The bells are ringing.
  2. We have many players who can win the ball. We win our fair share of to footy during games. It's our inability to maintain possession of the ball that kills us. We simply don't have enough players with the required skill to hit targets or make correct decisions.
  3. Ha! Ahhhhhhahahahahahahah. Thanks for the laugh.
  4. It's posts like these that make me cringe. It's a football forum for christ's sake, what do you expect? Go and start a thread that praises every player on the list and enjoy all the other posts that agree. You're living in fantasy land. The people that care most about our CLUB are the ones who have the ability to critically analyse the playing group and any other facet of the club that contributes to our level of performance. You need a wake up slap and I'd be more than happy to give you one.
  5. What do you mean 'play football'? I have met the guy, so am guessing I have a head start there, yes. Gysberts has a poor work ethic and mentality when on the field. Working hard does not, and did not come naturally to him before he was drafted. It's not an attribute he possessed and that is why he was so far behind in the running throughout the pre season. Nuff nuffs love talking about 'numbers' or 'possessions' and believe that because he had a few 'high possession' games within his first year, it means he will be a gun. Years later, threads like this begin because some people start losing patience. If we're talking numbers, Gysberts had a fair to good under 18's carnival. He seemingly found it quite easy to gain possessions, without having to try overly hard. There is your answer to why his mentality is and was poor before we drafted him. He never really had to try hard. He simply got by with his ability to win the ball in close but I can tell you now he hasn't shown anything else. At least in my eyes he has shown nothing else to impress me. I [censored] want players who can A ) Can efficiently kick and handball to team mates with or without pressure 8/9 times out of 10. B ) Have a see ball get ball attitude. Everything else after those two attributes can be improved upon and are therefore secondary. The MFC have drafted far too many players that are either missing one or both of those attributes upon arrival and then have to learn them at AFL level. The reason Hawthorn are so good is because half their team are left footers and therefore have an unbelievable ability to hit targets with or without pressure. (Hawthorn deliberately drafted lefties for a few years as research suggested that on average, they have a higher kicking efficiency than right footers). These same players seem to have an unnerving desire to win the ball. When you have that mix, you are more than likely going to be winning most games.
  6. I don't rate Gysberts. There I said it. Doesn't have the required work ethic, skill level or mentality to do better than Bate, Dunn or any other under achieving player Melbourne have drafted. It's hilarious listening to the same clowns on this forum make excuse after excuse about certain players. The things I remember people saying about Bate, Morton, Mclean etc etc. Amazing. To date he has done nothing to excite me.
  7. I have one thing to ask the MFC. How [censored] hard is it to draft players that can win their own ball and hit a target by foot? Seriously? It's absolutely putrid and I sense that people don't quite understand how much of a problem it is within our team. We have a team full of players who have a poor kicking skills, poor decision making skills and a bunch of others who struggle to win a one on one contest. There's your answer to why we can't follow a game plan. Temporary fixes like Magner and Couch I don't understand. I would be doing everything I could over the next few years to sweep out the old, bring in some players from other clubs with kicking skills and a fresh attitude and draft some [censored] kids who can kick well, make great decisions and win their own ball. Even our backline of Frawley, Garland, Joel Mac, Bartram and Tom McDonald. None of them have elite footskills. They all butcher it far too often which absolutely kills us coming out of defence. I'm telling you now, people love what young Tom McDonald has been doing this year but for every good spoil or mark he takes, he consistently turns the ball over. Why has the most important attribute of playing AFL been overlooked so often for so many years at Melbourne. Fitzpatrick Spencer Bate Dunn Morton Bail Nicholson Magner Moloney Evans Martin Frawley Garland Joel Mac Tom Mac Bartram Petterd Tynan Mckenzie Gysberts The list is endless.
  8. Poor attempt at sarcasm Jose. I have a grasp of all of the 'concepts' you speak of. Are you saying that his 'centre of gravity' prohibits him from tackling a bigger bloke to the ground? Are you saying that if he had tackled that Geelong bloke with a desire to hurt him an bring him to ground, it wouldn't have worked? Please tell me otherwise.
  9. Holy Moses Jose. You have got to be kidding. Cyril Rioli's tackle on Max Rooke in the granny of 08. I have never read such a pathetic excuse. You are asking for people to give Watts time before he is 'developed' enough to bring down and bigger bloke..? If the guy tackled with the same intent and desire as someone like Rioli, he would be bringing down anyone in his path. Please stop with these ludicrous excuses about strength and size. It's all mental for Watts. All in his head.
  10. It doesn't matter who plays on Rioli. The guy doesn't have a weakness.
  11. Rioli could potentially kick 15 on Friday night. Just a little scared.
  12. It's a sick joke that we will possibly be 0 and 11.... Utterly disgusting.
  13. For those who can't stand this Jack Watts debate, what the f*@k are you doing on an MFC football forum, reading a topic on the very matter you hate debating? How about we stop looking to the future and predict what he may or may not become? How about we start making judgments on him as Jack Watts today? Not what Goddard, Hawkins, Jack Watts, Gandhi, Nietzsche were years ago. There is a common theme here amongst most demonland posters and Jack Watts himself. It is fear. The demonlander's want Jack to succeed in all ways. They want that star. So we hear time and time again comparisons being made about the development of players at his age, stats, disposal efficiency, contested marking ability. We hear about him not having enough muscle yet to compete and we should still wait a few years before we see him contesting. We hear excuses being made about the rest of the list not performing which detracts from the whole Jack Watts debate. The excuses go on and on and on and.....etc All of those excuses are coming from a subconscious fear. People are worried he won't be the player he was hyped to be being pick 1. This is why excuses are made. Similar to the demonland poster, Jack Watts shows quite a bit of fear. Let me explain. AFL is a contact sport and throughout a game, one will find themselves in situations/scenarios where their subconscious mind takes over before body contact occurs. That can happen when two players are running and diving for a ball, that can happen when running back with the flight of the ball, that can happen during a marking contest in a pack situation. It can happen in many scenarios depending on the person and it all comes down to the mind. Jack Watts plays with a lot of fear. Fear that he will get hurt. Everyone in their subconscious mind has a level of fear when it comes to playing a sport such as AFL. This subconscious fear usually takes over at a point at which the mind thinks your body is in danger of being hit/hurt/damaged. Some simpletons will call it being a '[censored]'. Fact is, we all have it. However, this is completely a mind control thing. The more you put yourself in those scenarios, the more you are exposed to that split second decision of whether to 'go' or not, the more confident you become of 'going' when those scenarios present themselves. Something that would also help Jack would be to see a sports psychologist. For all I know, he probably already does. They would assist in this 'fear' thing by putting him through various exercises subconsciously. Going through some of these scenarios in your mind before game day only assists in making that split second decision easier. It's all in the mind for Jack. Obviously age, playing games, adding weight will improve that part of his game over time, but it's mainly a mind control thing and it can be fixed. Different training perhaps? Maybe he should have a chat to Brett Kirk.. Hopefully the club know that this is clearly the main issue with Jack and hopefully he is working on it in some capacity.
  14. He has been missing targets under no pressure whatsoever since the first day he came to our club. It's got nothing to do with the game plan we have now. We are talking pre Neeld here. Cale was a wasted pick no 4. Fact indeed. For all those who continually like to say that his draft number is now irrelevant, well it's clearly not. Why you ask? Because the 'Jose' Mourinho's' of this forum will continue to have faith in the guy which is clearly because he was drafted at number 4. No one wants to beleive that a number 4 draft pick won't 'come on'. If he went late in the national draft or was a rookie, do people really believe he would still be on our list? No. We have had to persist because he was a number 4 pick, so we are squeezing as much improvement out of him as possible. And for the people that say, 'well he's not the only one who can't kick in our team'.... At least those other's have strengths and attributes in other facets of the game. Morton is mediocre all round. Feel free to 'see what other's can't', Jose'. Yes we will probably get some more improvement out of him if we hold onto him for most of his career, but he will never live up to the player people were going on and on about on this forum.
  15. And a fair chunk of 'em are yours.
  16. You're a hilarious human being RP. How much of a spin do you want to put on it thanks to hindsight.... The simpletons seem to be the one's on forums who want to take anything and everything the MFC say as gospel. Are you guys heavily religious? Where's my malicious intent!? Where have my 'thoughts' been presented as 'facts'!? Enlighten me?!
  17. Please explain to me how I am spreading rumours...
  18. Turnbull was working part-time with us while BP was recruiting. But yes, before 08 he was opposition analyst
  19. My god. Are you both completely inept? Is it so difficult to understand? I have never claimed that I know via inside knowledge that BP was pushed out. I have never presented 'facts' because I don't have any!!! I am not spreading rumours ! I have simply said that the whole thing looked a bit odd and without having or knowing the 'facts', I wouldn't be surprised if BP had in fact been told that they were going to find a new recruiter by years end and that he needed to vacate the position. There is no need for fact in order for me to share that. Because I am not preaching that that's how it all went down! Make sense? RPFC. You believed Tom Scully word for word throughout the whole of last year did you not? People questioned rightfully. Look how that turned out.... feel silly much? This is a [censored] internet forum and I'll share whatever opinions I have on whatever matters I like. I have not for one minute stated that what I believe is fact. You Nasher, are the one who is continuously accusing me of doing so. If it is so ludicrous of me to think that BP could have in fact been moved on, why is it that others believe so too? Get off your high horse.
  20. Obviously we would win many more games if we had enough players with great awareness, kicking ability and decision making. But we don't. We have too many players on our list who are below AFL standard for those three attributes. As soon as we cut some off and bring in some guys who can cause some havoc with their disposal, we will start climbing the ladder. It's so sad, but we need half the list overhauled. Again.
  21. I will never know why he was picked. Not ever.
  22. Which is still an opinion....on the matter... I'll have mine. You have yours. There is no spreading dirt is there? I will simplify it for you. From an outsider's point of view, it seemed strange that BP would leave MFC for a coaching role when he is and was a recruiter...He was an apprentice recruiter under Turnbull when he was with us. BP decided to move on the back of a massive FD overhaul at MFC. Now anyone with half a brain would think twice about the matter. It's a bit odd. Most would agree. No dirt. Just thought Nasher. Thought. It's a useful tool.
  23. Try telling Rhino Richards that... I certainly remember him having a go at me for interpreting the scenario that way..
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