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Everything posted by Middymalt

  1. One kid weighs 73 kg wet and the other can play forward or midfield and is 90 plus kgs I know who I would take we took skinny kids Cook, Strauss and Blease wait to they develop they told us stars in the making add Gysberts to that list as well no more jockeys!!!
  2. If Knightmare was any good he would be paid for his opinions, who knows he could be a talents scout Iv been reading his predictions for a while and he's had as many hits as Devo.
  3. Who remembers when his dad ran off Allen Jakovich at the G from fullback and kicked a goal? Welcome aboard son.
  4. We haven't had to much to do with Essendon in the last few years. Apart from Scully we've done well with GWS Hogan, Tyson hopfully Frost and Bugg .
  5. Thats a great deal we just picked a 115 game player for pick 25 well done Roos and the team finally people who know how to trade
  6. Your on the same level as dd36 buzz off I'm sure pro dee will have his say in a minute
  7. Have a look in the mirror your one of the worst posters on this board constantly putting people down key board hero
  8. You would send the club broke within 3 weeks give it a rest .
  9. He JM had a great 2013 Toumpas has had 1 great game it's a no brainer Toumpas will be playing full time in the SANFL in 2018.
  10. There are some real nasty people on this forum
  11. Thats why Watts is a dud it's amazing when you look at the 09 draft Martin wants it , JT unfortunately injured Scully B grade player, Gysberts Tapscott not good enough Nat taken in the pick 20 range it's what you do when you enter the door and guys like Watts can't do it.How many votes did as Scully get last night he was meant to be the next Judd.
  12. If the kids play like Heeney they will my preference would be for someone around 26 but we need to follow the Kangas pattern FA is working a treat for them topping up with older talent is keeping thereabouts every season well we languish at the bottom.
  13. I didn't mean from TAC but I forgot about Dom that was a win
  14. We all make mistakes mate but there's a detain few here that really jump on them!
  15. Noted I'm not here to make enemys
  16. It was a fair post responded with arrogance name won star mid u 26 if Roos doesn't get one in this trade period he's failed in that regard in my opinion, that's why people post isn't it to express opinions just because a guy has 6000 post doesn't mean he knows more than the next, the guys comeback was rude so expect the same back
  17. Cmon loudmouth name one star he's landed hero
  18. If Paul Roos can't land a young U 26 star mid in this period he has failed miserably in that department
  19. Why don't you just make up a rumour ??
  20. Dreaming mate Prestia and Bennell would cost this years first rounder and next years and I would do that in a heartbeat
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