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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. I'm fascinated to know who. I think it would be a case of buying his intellectual property, as he is very well known as being a master of his craft despite wearing concrete boots, and for being a capable teacher of young ruckmen. If true, the offer would likely involve an ongoing assistant role once the playing contract is up. My guess is Geelong.
  2. Point is that they can try, but they can't always get their way. It has always been like this though - kids could walk into the PSD after their first contract if they wanted to leave. Buckley?
  3. If it was BP, we'd have taken the player we rated at 19 or earlier, not the kid we rated at 24 while their were still better players left on the board!
  4. For a top 10 pick? Where do I sign? No chance in hell. Wouldn't even get him for a 2nd rounder.
  5. We'd be stupid not to get Mayes if he's available. Sounds like a lot of posters here just haven't seen much of him. I've said it many times: Beams is a culture cancer. Bringing him to Brisbane only exacerbated the environment.
  6. Westcoast his choice of destination, apparently?
  7. Because they're both from SA? He has NFI.
  8. Interestingly, he said even if Geelong offered him a new contract he'd turn it down. Chris Scott is pissing off a few people at the moment. May not last too much longer.
  9. I'd bank on Kreuzer leaving. I also expect the Lions & Blues to both get 1st round compo picks.
  10. I think he has been a major catalyst for their form as a whole.
  11. Would have been a great target, but I've long had a feeling that his increasingly impressive form was going to force Adelaide's hand to retain him. Tomlinson firmly in our sights now.
  12. Good point. I've just seen him do a few kicks where his foot is searching for the ball and it influences the direction of the kick. Ball drops can be worked on though, I reckon his mechanics are ok.
  13. Wouldn't be too bothered, as he tries his guts out, but his turnovers, treacle slow running and incessantly momentum killing safe option-taking are frustrating all the same. Why? You angry?
  14. Not too far off the offer Brisbane has thrown at Jake Kolodjasnij then, who is refusing to sign. Gotta give up a bit to attract.
  15. Can be fixed, but yes, on the limited amount I've seen of him. Lets go of the ball high & leaves a lot of room for error, but he has a good leg action. Looks like the type who drops it high then his foot goes searching for the ball, so you get an ok ball rotation and trajectory but the direction is iffy.
  16. Curnow the bolter! Would be happy to keep our pick of we were to get Francis.
  17. Michie & Newton, as big standard as they are, are still a step up from Bail & Matt Jones imo.
  18. I don't think it matters who we pick, the eventual standouts from this year's draft will be a raffle, like when Fyfe came from nowhere. Hence, I'd roll the dice on potential with Curnow or Balic. Maybe Parish, but I'm just not convinced. Moves well in traffic, but I don't think he's as fast as you'd want him to be. As I've said before, I think he'll have a slow Toumpas-like transition to next level.
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