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Everything posted by Garbo

  1. I wouldn’t be playing either, if we want to take a tall in then Tom Campbell would be my pick, gives max a proper chop out and didn’t look bad when he got fwd in the north practice
  2. If we can’t beat them at home with the number of best 22 they have out we aren’t a serious contender.
  3. The problem is who is taking the shots at goal, to often we rely on non fwds to kick goals which is always a toss up, the more accurate teams get more from there fwd line. Look at yesterday 12 behinds came from non fwds 7 came from fwds (only 4 if you don’t count Langdon and sparrow)
  4. Feels a bit like deck chairs on the titanic with out tall fwds if you take jvr out of the equation, none of the others seem capable of playing like a tall fwd and bringing the smalls into the game. Think it’s going to be imperative to play trac fwd more this year
  5. He hasn’t till this point so highly doubt he ever will. Not sure you can play someone who is that bad in front of goal
  6. If we are been generous then we can blame that on the conditions, we were on top in basically every other aspect excluding converting our fwd entires to goals. On the other hand we still seem to have the same issues as prior years and will struggle again if conditions don’t suit.
  7. Not liking Howes down back just gets found out to much
  8. Not good to be relying on so few
  9. Seems it doesn’t matter if we chip or go down the line at the end of the day we get no reward inside 50
  10. Another year same old story, get no reward up fwd and get burned on the rebound
  11. Horrible kicking in front of goal to have 1.5 from set shots inside 50, how do you coach for that
  12. Can someone explain y we are persisting with billings
  13. Freo looks so fast when they get a hold of it, not sure what we can can do about it
  14. Maybe just a knee in the back hopefully nothing more
  15. Given they will be missing a few due to the end of year shenanigans I’m still happy we play them round 1 personally, they are my pick to win the flag this year
  16. Most will be fit for round 1, just hope this hasn’t impacted there pre season to much
  17. Watching Kako tonight shows we don’t need to be to worried about loosing Pickett if those sorts of players are in the draft
  18. Well that’s probably the end of mcadam hard to see him coming back now
  19. So nothing changed, it’s up to freo or wc to make us an offer or they can wait till end of 2027 and we get band 1 compensation. Personally I think he’s to important to let go while we still in a premiership window if that has changed at the conclusion of this season then maybe reloading with multiple 1st round picks is the better bet
  20. Sounds like he still has the same issues as last year
  21. A lot can change over the course of the season it’s way to early to be worrying about this now, fact is at the end of the day he is contracted till the end of 27, freo are also upto there neck to get Chad Warner next season as well and to be fair any deal for Kozzie would be secondary to that, this will highly limit what they could offer us to entertain the trade and all thats not even accounting for what Kozzie wants. I would trust if we do a trade we will be doing so at a premium price.
  22. Depends what having him for 3 more years is worth, besides we could always demand a player back doesn’t have to be picks, on top of that if it’s just go home then why not wc
  23. Maybe I’m just paying more attention this year but, from what I’ve seen he still seems to be lacking cardio and just doesn’t have the same spring in his step
  24. Not good particularly when he was already behind the 8 ball fitness wise, was hard to see him been 100% this year before this, even more so now
  25. My Biggest take away from this is the news we still haven’t finished putting together a business case to request funding from the government for the project. The whole things sounds fairly tenuous to me and I wouldn’t be surprised if it ultimately doesn’t go ahead given how slowly it’s gone so far, plus given the state of the budget in Victoria these days and the fact they are going to have to cut back projects I don’t foresee the funds been available.
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