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Demon (2/10)



  1. No way they dont pay enough. I just appreciate the support AD & the AFL gave us - our club at long last is heading in the right direction. Just for the record how are you AGM questions going? Decided who you are voting for yet? Oh... but wait a minute. Have you worked it out yet?
  2. Your comment does say more about you. The AFL is not a charity - this world today you get out of it what you put in. Sadly empathy and sympathy are often confused. Oh yeah "the players are not trying hard enough" "its this CEO or that President fault .... or the boards fault. " - Is it not? This club has a fantastic core group of resilient supporters. However, you have to cringe when you read some supporters that criticise the AFL - but I suppose ignorance is bliss.
  3. Should add the general sentiment from the Presidents meeting was "You dont make all clubs equal by making the richer clubs poor"
  4. My understanding was as part of the last equalisation agreement all clubs INCLUDING the MFC agreed the AFL was a business and for the best interests of all...... the AFL could and would construct the most financially profitable fixture possible. MFC has already received substantial monetary assistance to reinvest into our Footy Department ..... to rebuild our development coaching staff and increase our massively underfunded under resourced recruiting department. Essentially the AFL massively assisted in "rebuilding our engine".
  5. With all due respect I also love your Avatar Sunline she was a beauty - happy to swap any day.
  6. No problems - should also add your tech guys acts like a conduit from your recruiters to your development staff. ie Recruiter might say " I really like this kid" tech guy will come back with strengths and weakness often both video & statistical analysis - then your development staff come in and say " well we are confident we can improve the following weakness etc" or " maybe they cant" Coach may go to recruiters and say " I want somebody to play role x ie small forward" - recruiters will go and create list of who is available - then again your tech guys will create full packages on the listed players sometimes including interview notes and information. What you are trying to avoid is placing all the power of a decision in the hands of one person - the more information you have the better quality decisions you can make.
  7. Basically in todays game much of the research is done via statistical analysis and countless hours of breaking down potential recruits on-field and off-field strengths and weaknesses. Think Champion Data type info. Often its games from all around Australia at all levels including draft camp results from around the country. They do a ton of video work and break each potential recruits games apart. Also another major component is "phantom drafting analysis" - basically trying to pick where players will land so you achieve the best suite of picks. Another element that has really moved forward in recent years is ranking trades vs keeping the picks and selecting draftees - especially with the advent of free agency this area cannot be under estimated. Plus lets not forget the old phycology testing - its huge work load collecting all the statistical analysis, coordinating all the software then delivery all the analysis in a readable comparable format.
  8. I quite enjoyed the interview, nice to hear Mike reaffirm his allegiance to the Demons. Great to hear Todd reemphasize we are heading in the right direction with "good" people but we always anticipated the negative "noise". Must say I also personally agree the Bails decision was the right decision ... sadly ... 100% agree it never an easy/nice thing to have to do. What is done is done - now we look forward in hope. Go Dees
  9. ahhh but you need sponsorship, gate receipts, memberships to raise money ... to pay for development coaches, Roos, Goodwin and others dont work for nothing. ahhh but you need sponsorship, gate receipts, memberships to raise money ...to pay for fitness staff, medical staff etc good people dont work for nothing. ahhh but you need sponsorship, gate receipts, memberships to raise money ... to pay for more recruiting staff, Pro-Scouts, drafting experts etc - so one person is not making all the decisions and doing most of the work. ahhh but you need sponsorship, gate receipts, memberships to raise money ..... win lose or draw. diffrent era - if you dont know the AFL is calling the shots ... now I wonder why??? How is the preparation going for your AGM questions and how you are going to vote ... oh but wait a minute. ahhh but thats right according to you its all the players fault because "they are not trying" .... bulldust.
  10. Your passion is admirable your facts are just bulldust. We have a strong underlying business ... our core business needs more investment to be competitive with other teams. PJ & the AFL stepped in to invest more money into our core business - Unfortunately our memberships, gate receipts and sponsorship incomes where stagnant - call it self inflicted if you want. PJ has done an outstanding job fixing sponsorship - now its over to MFC supporters to fix memberships and gate receipts - win, lose or draw.
  11. Then we promptly followed their model and employed a Pro-Scout ( opposition analysts) - hahah so who is laughing now. Thanks MFC we are now reaping the benefits - better quality trades. Go Demons.
  12. Well why dont you stop whinging and complaining then? Sounds like to me you are one of our classic keyboard warriors.
  13. You obviously cant join the dots. You dont get to ask questions and you dont get a vote for a reason - if you cant work that out for yourself you are more stupid than you make yourself out to be in this thread. Just for the record we have an AFL approved CEO, AFL had picked President & board - AFL money to restructure our development & recruiting department - things are going along very nicely thanks.
  14. Ask questions at an AGM???? Dont be ridiculous - next you will be asking for a vote. Dont be silly cant you join the dots??? Things are going very nicely these days thank-you very much.
  15. We did you goose we employed a Pro-scout ( opposition analysts ) all be it many years too late - what do you think Kelly O'Donnell does all week. Low and behold our trades are starting to get better - Who would have thought that one out.
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