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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. If the season was a few games longer the Tigers would be playing finals easily. Conti is unbelievable and they have other guns
  2. i dont get anger and frustration. we finish first regardless. Lions playing for top 4 we’d be keeping our powder dry for finals
  3. You can see one team has a lot to play fir and the has very little just a pity about injuries
  4. I reckon he plays fwd for Freo. Tabenar is cooked he is a good mark and kick but never got a run of games due to injury at the blues
  5. Season just started 7 weeks ago and its already the last game what a joke
  6. not very imaginative though! middle name Paxo?
  7. Paxman changed her first name to Paxy? wtf?
  8. Crows playing WC next week and us the lions top spot on the line here
  9. how are we not 50 pts+ up? lazy kicking. especially that Zanker one from 10m, can’t blame the wind for that
  10. game plan - give to Bannan and she runs it into the square
  11. reckon it might be a touch windy at Casey today!
  12. the majority of the list could be ratings for 2023. there are usually a couple of dozen surprises each year. Lazy effort i wound predict : Walsh to bolt into the top 10 Andy Brayshaw to bounce back hard and into top 25. smokey for the brownlow Dusty to slide Larkey stiff as. North will improve. he should kick 90 Fritsch to be fit all year and kick 70. would be in my top 40 etc
  13. The write ups on Zane look even a bit better that Xavier who looked a freak in his first year abs injuries and inconsistencies can found him in oblivion
  14. The promotion, respect and money being up into the W by the AFL is disgraceful. You have to go out of your way to know a game is on so only rusted on fans are attending There are still a large amount of men in high places in the AFL that couldn't give AF about it
  15. Good on him! good enough to be on a list for sure
  16. I'm impressed he had time to put 3 bets on at the TAB, finish his pot, and get in the water to save the bloke!
  17. 6. Hanks 5. Gillard 4. Heath 3. Fitzy 2. Purcell 1. Paxy
  18. North played to stop playing but we stopped them getting out. Our entire defensive unit was amazing. Girls like Chaplin Wilson, how hard Fitzy goes in great coach. great work ethic. not pretty. we move on
  19. luckily the umps have turned our way with a few baffling frees to us
  20. Dees looking off but still going in hard. Missing Mackin and Harris Norths pressure is good we have the breeeze now. let’s do it
  21. I love how they are talking up the bombers again. their fans will fall it again. coming up to the 20 year anniversary of not winning a final Goldstein didn’t even get selected sound 1 for North Zerk or McKay is sorta like for like and Greshem plays well 4-5 times a year carn the farkin sash
  22. Port ended doing well. they needed tall backs and Rata for 24 the Zerk. Dursma no lose as he’s been terrible the last couple of years
  23. i don’t mind it. we desperate needed a ruck /fwd and Fullarton could surprise a few we needed fwd pressure, class and marking in fwd 50. McAdam. Russell Robbo mk II? And we needed some outside run and midfield depth in Billings The high draft picks can provide the spark and the traded 3 can play their role
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