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Everything posted by Tyson_Viney_Toumpas

  1. Only time will answer that question, a lot of water to go under the bridge yet. Chip was a good one to get out of the club, along with a few others though.
  2. I want the two best mids we can, but we also still need another KPF. I expect we will also go a ruck with those later picks.
  3. You could well be onto something here. #liftthecurse
  4. Like Footballers, I prefer them to be more smart than meat n potatoes..
  5. I need to confess something, please don't laugh!!! I'm good mates with Ollies father Tony, at the time we were a shoe in to pick up Ollie before Toumpas slid and Ollie really wanted to play at the Dees. But the worst thing, based on the information above, I bought two border collie pups, called one Jack - after Viney & yep, the other Ollie... still got Ollie but it'll haunt me forever and Port fans think its hilarious! Why MFC why!!
  6. For some reason my heart says we should draft in both Petracca & Brayshaw and build our list with the proper people in place now. Use free agency/DFA's with leadership qualities to fill holes for two years continuously, that way it doesn't cost us much.
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