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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. It’s a fair point, if Hogan goes and now without Pedo as a gap filler, what would be do if we lost either TMAC or Weid? Tim Smith has never shown me anything at AFL level that suggests he is capable. Is he the next in line though? Is Preuss part of this plan?
  2. I tried calling in all morning, fired up and ready to take him to task. He has no idea what he is talking about. He is a kid journo trying to make a name for himself.his comment that Hogan should walk into the draft, shows a complete lack of understanding of what is at play, he clearly doesn’t understand what a contract is. He then went on to say we won’t get anything done until the deadline of trade week and thinks it will play out til the final minutes- what planet is this [censored] from? Melbourne won’t entertain that because it prevents them getting those picks to another club. He really had no idea and then next time he is on I am going to go him. The problem with these talkback shows is as soon as you call them out or get into an educated debate that makes them look silly, they simply mute the call and use the delay to wind the convo up. Gutless
  3. ? these blokes are literally just making it up on the run
  4. These blokes on SEN, Dal Santo and whoever this other Fa-log is, are just guessing and dribbling shite. They just said that the Hogan deal will go down to the last minute deadline. Why would that happen? Melbourne won’t let that happen. They have clearly stated thy Hogan will decide what he wants before next week. Melbourne need to know as they are after May and others. They won’t take the top10 picks to the draft. This is so well known and Mahoney has given away plenty. They are now discussing May and Sam McClure reckons he gets to melbourne. How can that happen if Hogan doesn’t go. Making it up. I wanna ring in.
  5. Oskar Baker seems very attached to Queensland and sadly, like Hogan, lost a parent last year. If he shows form next year, the Lions will come sniffing
  6. That we are all negaitube That we are negative and if you come here to read what we post you feel bad about yourself , that’s the just of what he said
  7. I learnt very little from the BnF last night. No loose lips from any player. what I did learn is that Gawny reads demonland and has @Demonland4276 in his gun hahha hi Max xx
  8. Coz clubs don’t have smoking rooms? Last year before the bnf he posted on Instagram a photo of his room at Crown, forgetting he had a pack of darts and rolling papers sitting on the table. Wake up
  9. I reckon a bit will play out at the Bluey tonight. Usual platform for a bit of Gossip and players to flag their intentions or have the intentions of the club aired
  10. SPOT on! He isn’t damaging at all, that’s his greatest downfall. If he had awareness and the speed to run inside fifty and goal on the run, he’d be a jet! Sadly, he does not possess said attribute. He is a slow thinker and when given the opportunity to do damage inn tr attack, he muffs it 9 times out of ten.
  11. The whole point is that the kid is aloof and shows very little emotion. He is hard to gage and I reckon some see that as a non committal attitude. What emotion we do see is often negative on-field stuff. I have never had an attachment to Hogan. He may be a super talent but he is uninspiring. The bloke is 100 per cent out the door and the sooner the circus moves on the better. I wish him all the best in Perth, I don’t know that he has the mental resolve to fulfill his potential. Dealing with a dill like Ross Lyon will be fun for him. At least he can have a surf every day
  12. Hogan is gone. You are spot on. No chance he plays at Melbourne next year. He is headed back to Perth. Be interested to see if he gives a farewell speech at the BnF tomorrow. Last year at the BNf he could barely string a sentence together.
  13. ASK west coast supporter how they feel about Judd leaving
  14. Got bigger issues to worry about than his foot
  15. As I said earlier,empathy is granted but if the MFC does not get compensated sufficiently then I will take it as a sign that Vanders is not attached the club that has helped him through a tough time and really should be subject to criticism. He needs to make sure there is a deal that benefits us if we are showing him compassion. you reckon that is fair enough?
  16. If he goes I won’t begrudge him, but he damn well owes us the decency of ensuring we get dually conpensated. We picked this guy up as a mature age out of Ainslie and gave him a shot at AFL football. We kept him around for 2 years while injured. If he were to walk away and go to a club and we got say pick 56 I’d be rightly annoyed
  17. I’ve heard 1.2 mil on the table. To simply accept May in exchange for Hogan would be us getting completely and utterly bent over. May is a good average backman. We’ve gotta be strong with this deal. We are not to get screwed otherwise fans will be furious
  18. We cannot on trade that future pick this season tho can we? My understand is that because we traded a future pick last trade period, we are excluded
  19. THere was a quote from his management in the article posted by Fox Footy on Facebook. He said he is open to moving if a trade can be done that suits Melbourne.
  20. That’s what I am advocating for mate. If we get something done that allows for that, then ok. But if not, if it’s one for one, no deal
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