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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. Nothing to do with gender. She is referred to as the female umpire, as she is the only one and not everyone knows umpires names.
  2. Yep Max held the mark and then it was punched away. Eleni has NFI and te players all sort of stopped waiting for the mark to be paid. She is a joke and only getting games on the basis of equality. On her merits, she’d be umpiring VAFA Div 5.
  3. Our kicking at goal will come back t haunt us
  4. Lewis finally jut punches it rather than kicking the leather off it. Please tell Petty to do the same
  5. Oliver with his famous mid air rocket to the chest handballs. Pizz off. I can’t watch how basic the errors are and we seemingly don’t do a damn thing to rectify it. Three missed goals from inside 30 ffs. The unpiring also a joke.
  6. Kennedy Harris was spudding it up at Casey today. Showing Goodwin what he really is like. Wagner had a very good game. I just don’t ever see him translate it at AFL level. Baker had some good moments today.
  7. Make it 58-30. Too easy. Make no mistake, this Dogs side is packed with AFL players. In a different class to our guys JKH blows another opportunity . He’s so frustrating
  8. 52-30 JKH misses a [censored] on goal and punished the other wayb
  9. Absolutely. Garbage. Mitch White laid two tackles in a row that should have been paid holding the ball. Thank Christ he paid the the second.
  10. Lefau, I’ll say it again, worth a look. He is under our nose, would come cheap. Worth getting on our list.
  11. Baker been good this quarter. I’d rookie list Lefau. Worth a punt. Umpires are awful. Ticcy tac frees for dogs
  12. Bedford and Chandler look like they will be good players in the future. A lot of development still needed, but at least they look like they have potential
  13. Keilty. Can’t kick. Delist. Nothing more than a good average VFL player. See ya
  14. On another note, let’s target Lin Jong. Not getting senior opportunities at Dogs. Grab him cheap. Has pace and polish
  15. NO Forwards and a severe lack of leg speed on the outside. Being carved up on the rebound. Oscar Mac just got schooled by a VAFA player. Absolutely schooled. Delist
  16. We will be outnumbered as usual in the supporter stakes too. All those indigenous players that the eagles have will make them the preferred team. Other than money, we have gained nothing from this whole NT escapade.
  17. Stumbled across the article from an Irish ☘️ news source that talks about the son of Brian Stynes from 2016. It talks about him gaining selection in the Vic Metro side as an under 16 in 2016. By my calculations, that would make him a draft chance for this year. Has anyone heard anything about where he is at? Could we potentially rookie the kid given the family connection? Article here: https://www.buzz.ie/sport/the-life-of-brian-dublin-legend-stynes-has-sam-high-hopes-for-future-172623 As a side note, I know Jimmy’s son is playing football for Wesley College. Has some size about him and runs like his old man.
  18. Yes Judd was complimentary, it was Caro that potted us. The story was run again in the paper today. Pathetic from that cretin. She got support from that other hack Damo. The two players were supportive of us. Looking for a a story where there wasn’t one, as usual
  19. Footy Classified has flagged that we over celebrated our win again. Tune in and watch these clowns stick the boots into us again. Juddy deflecting as usual. Should be a great bashing session. I don’t think the players over celebrated or the coach and certainly not the fans. Can’t wait to see the spin they put on it
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