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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. Wasn't specifically thinking of Hurley - noticed a few in the Power/ Dogs game. Would also like to get Robert Walls reaction.
  2. Wonder what Jack Dyer would say about the man bun. They seem to be a contagion.
  3. Great player but from all reports an ordinary captain. Doubt he has the personality or fire in the belly required for coaching.
  4. Neal-Bullen seems to be building towards his debut.
  5. Are FIFA running the book?
  6. The Fisher King - vale Robin Williams
  7. Would exclude Garland, Vince and Cross from that list. Garland has been genrally good and is under valued. Vince had a very limited preseason and is performing well in a new role. Cross has been very consistent and probably exceeded expectations. Very disappointed with Dunn, Dawes, Watts, M Jones , Bail, Jamar and Lamumba. Nat Jones has been up and down but is probably playing injured and should be cut some slack given the burden he has borne over the years.
  8. What do you get when you put blue and yellow together?
  9. The thing I take pleasure from is the performance of the newbies. They are consistently amongst our best players and are above expectations. That to me says that the current recruiting and coaching/development is strong. It would also suggest that Roos is right when he says the older players are struggling to let go of bad habits. I can see us winning 6 - 8 games which would be a reasonable outcome and give hope for next year.
  10. See how he does fixing us up first.
  11. Was rapt with Dunn becoming vice captain. Now realise he was taking the pi$$. His EEG and ECG are flat lines.
  12. No excuses should be offered for this disgusting performance. Shameful - hopefully a few have now signed their exit papers. Selectors should hang their heads.
  13. This next half will be a good indicator of how far we have come - a chance to show some G & D and fight back.
  14. The worst part of our club at the moment are the selectors - they are losing us games.
  15. Howe is a bloody lazy footballer and Dunn has disengaged his brain as only he can do.
  16. Can't understand Bailand M Jones in the side - 3 disposals between them FMD
  17. Paul Roos does not need or want the Carlton job. He wants a life style change once he finishes coaching and an involvement at the Dees during the season when he's not in Hawaii. Eddie is talking through his oversized cloaca.
  18. I am happy to do a free prostate check on Picket - with my boot.
  19. Rapt to hear the news. A quality bloke who still has time on his side and if well managed is capable of making a real impact.
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