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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Surely nothing good comes from Carlton
  2. Those guys were just not that good as they played from the wrong Clubs! Now a John & Billy Duckworth, Cory & Darren Buwick, Justine & Troy Longmuir, Stanley 'Pops' Heal (1941 MFC & WPFC Premiership Player), Craig Turley, Tod Curley to name a few. Guys that did not play VFL but where champions and had the ability to play in any league Mel Whinnen Brian Foley Ted Tyson Alan Watling Bill Dempsey Les Fong
  3. Excluding just staying in th Melbourne airport, I been to Victoria once. When to watch a MFC game as I wanted to see a game with even number of fans. It had to watch a live game in the west. Bring back the early 80's in the WAFL!
  4. WOW Victoria is an interesting place Let me see if I have this right, people can onlly live in areas in Victoria based on you political beliefs. Call me old fashioned as I do live in country WA. But over here we don't care what your politics is and you are allowed to live anywhere you like. My neighbours could be greenie communists or right wing RobbieF people as far as I know or care. Only thing I do care about is they don't preach their politics or religion to me.
  5. Not sure but he would be an excellent replacement for their sacked thug/sniper Wallace.
  6. I totally agree, the Australian Government has enough of my mone. So it about time to go earn there own, instead of taking mine.
  7. As usual I agree with your comments It is concerning that gambling is allowed to flourish in the sporting and commercial environment's But at the end of the day fools will always lose their money IMO you get nothing for free in this world
  8. So they went around the bend before they were forced to split with all the smoothies they could ever consume in a life time. But on a serious note, any business built on greed and poor governance will always end ib a burning heap. Just as our friends at MessyDrugs will soon find out. I remember a conversation with one of my ex staff who was a jockie who said "the racing industry is corrupt". If his comment is true they you would expect this type of thing to happen. Anyway I have another chance of retirement tonight, 50 million Draw or so I was told.
  9. May indeed be something to tis as he had over 70 oversea accounts (hidden). The full extent of his corruption will never be known.
  10. I blame his parents Actually his father He never taught him how to behave in the company of adults
  11. DC you have favourites :blink: :blink:
  12. A clean out of Senior AFL figures is a good thing. The $500,000 fine to the MFC was a bad joke. Personally I have very little time or respect for either MessyDrugs or the AFL. Both groups should have been charged with bring the game into disrepute IMO. But I guess the motto of the AFL is "Show me the money!" The competition should be based on fairness and equity however it appears to be more not greed and stupidity focused.
  13. Well let get out lawyers on getting back our $500,000 fine for not actually Tanking. If the AFL governance is so bad due to job for the boys, we must have a great chance of finding a loop hole or 20 and be $500,000 richer. I may have an opposing view to many here, but I think its great MessyDrugs is paying for two senior coaches. Bleed the cheaters of cash is a very positive thing to do IMO.
  14. Moon I think this comment explains way you have rejected BBO sister's advances. When you finish playing in that closet, BBO would like to have a word or two with you.
  15. I agree AD that OD has an Agenda He wants the MFC to win more Premierships as he loves yhe MFC Oh sorry AD do you want people to only say position thing about the MFC. Well over the past 7 year that would not leave a lot to say. OD is entitled to say what he likes about the MFC in a supporter forum.
  16. LOL Pets wanted to be feed A father must do his duty (3 Cats and 2 Dogs) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  17. There no problem Hood Christmas Island is managed by the WA Govt so there nothing to worry about. So it will take them ages to get to you guys on the East Coast. We in the West do have a secret weapon that will stop the invasion of the hordes of sea people. And its name is ABBOTT! Why would anyone want to come to Australia while that DH is running the place?
  18. Its Time to go ..... Campbell Brown! This never gets old.
  19. OD I just found out there political unrest due to an election. I understand they killed a few people and have been robbing tourist. So its safer for you to stay at home. :lol: :lol:
  20. But they still have a number of Reserves DC, so one or two may make it across. New Zealanders are very sneaky!
  21. I may be a little early but it the silly season so not sure when I will be on next. So have a happy and safe Xmas and New Year, one and all. Hope 2014 is a much better season for the MFC. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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