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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. Robbie

    Interestingly it got a prominent run on ABC prime time TV news tonight! Complete with file footage and interviews. That's the outfit you want shut down because you don't want to pay for its output. But you now want to dictate another free enterprise outfit's editorial decisions. I think it is concievable that an editor might think well this all happened 20'years ago and has some association with a former prime minister who is not in Public Office. But front page of the Age or SMH, hmmm maybe not when we have QANTAS, Holden issues, diplomatic problems with China, East West Tunnel reports etc, etc. After all people with your priorities are not going to buy the Age are they. Its just business trying to survive!

  2. Does make you wonder.

    It is all starting to sound very dodgy. An assault and a car being torched down at Connewarre, unpaid bills for horses and payments to tax havens in Bermuda! Promises of 25% returns on punting? A sensible person wouldn't go near it unless you are interested in tax avoidance, money laundering or alternatively you are just plain stupid?

    In Don's case it could just be the latter.

  3. The stupid left, like the dolt you're engaging, spend their life insulting conservatives, but coil at the slightest insult to them. Complete hypocrites.

    Hmmm I am sensing the old problem, stereotyping people based on jack Shyte evidence based on lefties versus hard rights, don't let that stop an entertaining exchange of opinions. I am enjoying the posts. There's plenty of insults coming back from the right I think.

  4. I take issue with these negative comments about Roy and HG. Listening to them on triple J radio in the 90's was hilarious stuff taking the [censored] out of our obsession with sport and sports commentary. The had a brilliant low cost show on ABC TV, this Sporting Life that was brilliant stuff, just two talking heads, a desk and a microphone, not unlike the old League Teams, people talking absolute rubbish can be very entertaining if they are supremely talented and these two are. Thay are also successful as individuals in other areas.

    • Like 1
  5. The ABC will do anything to embarrass Liberal Governments; Scott should be sacked immediately and the ABC sold off for scrap.


    QUEENSLAND Premier Campbell Newman has accused the ABC of "flippant and irresponsible" coverage of the government's war on bikie gangs after it broadcast pictures of the house of the man co-ordinating the government's campaign, and named the suburb and house number.

    After the ABC report on the 7pm news on Thursday night about the appointment of former military officer Bill Mellor to head the government's anti-bikie Strategic Monitoring Team, Mr Newman tried to ring ABC managing director Mark Scott but could only contact a news editor.

    Queensland Police were immediately sent to Mr Mellor's house to provide protection.

    Mr Newman yesterday contacted Mr Scott directly and he also wrote to Tony Abbott on the matter, claiming in his letter to the Prime Minister that the ABC broadcast "seriously and maliciously undermined the security and safety of a Queensland government employee".

    "The reprehensible actions of ABC employees involved in this incident brought Mrs Mellor to tears and sparked a swift review of the family's personal security arrangements, including a decision by the Commissioner of Police to immediately provide police protection," the letter says. "There can be no justification, especially given the ABC's Code of Practice 2013, for broadcasting details and images of his residence.

    "The response that local ABC has provided to this issue underscores my view that they are treating government, police and crime agency concerns about criminal gang activity in a flippant and irresponsible manner."

    By late yesterday the ABC had written back to both Mr Newman and Mr Mellor, and said in the letter they regretted the footage that identified Mr Mellor's house.

    The letter said the ABC had taken immediate action to pixelate the footage and remove any reference to the suburb, and that since a complaint had been lodged, the matter would be the subject of an inquiry by the ABC's audience and consumer affairs department.

    The appointment of Mr Mellor, under whom Mr Newman served when he was in the army, has been attacked in Queensland by the Police Union, which says the position should go to a police officer, and the opposition, which says the process of Mr Mellor's appointment was not transparent and was another case of "jobs the boys".

    The government has stressed that Mr Mellor works across all agencies, and says while that includes the police force, there are many other elements of the government involved.

    Robbie I think you need to lighten up a bit. Poor judgement by the ABC in this case yes but that's not a case to sell off the whole company surely. They haven't been accused of phone hacking and destroying peoples lives yet as far as I know. What would you think of a media company that did that I wonder?

  6. Interesting stuff. The concern I have is that, due to our young list, we'll be peaking at the same time as the GC & GWS. Given their concesions, early picks, & talent it will be an incredibly tough period to take the ultimate prize. Need a bit of luck and great development and we'll hopefully (eventually) get there!

    JS I am just aiming to be competitive at this stage. Not thinking about the ultimate goal yet.

  7. I dropped in for my very first training session today and had a great time watching the boys. I wasn't making any specific notes but here are some rough observations I made

    - Jay Kennedy Harris is an impressive young talent. Was very clean with his disposal and is a good mark.

    - I saw Jesse Hogan in person for the first time and he has great pace and disposal for a man of his size.

    - Fitzy was leading and marking well.

    - Clark looked fine. No discomfort from what I saw.

    - Gawn and Salem were running laps.

    - Another group (Rehab?) was on the other oval consisting of Mckenzie, Tappy, Spencer and a few others I couldn't identify.

    - I couldn't see Jamar anywhere.

    - Overall, the skill level seemed very high and there was plenty of good intensity.

    Agree with your assessment of JKH, looks very balanced, quick and clean hands. He was working with the forward group when I arrived, seemed to fit in nicely as a small forward option but of course he will take time. I think Bail was working with the forwards as well.

    Everyone looked fit and sharp at this stage of the season but I remember we looked good in preseason last year.

  8. Nothing wrong with that image. Good looking bloke, good looking girls. Not a red blooded poster on here who doesnt have a little envy! Importantly, if he plays better than Sylvia has, we will be in front. In the end, that's what we'll judge him by.

    I am worried about the cataracts on Bernie's eyes. I mean how is he going to see the ball? And hat is probably why he is groping around for support.

  9. Don't forget to take an amphora to collect any results of your libations.

    Wouldn't want you to outrage any of the plebians.

    DC an amphora doesn't fit well on a bike actually I have only a plastic drink bottle. And are we inferring the lack of toilets at that end of The Gosch in your talk of libations?

  10. But they still have a number of Reserves DC, so one or two may make it across.

    New Zealanders are very sneaky!

    You guys are looking in the wrong direction. Tonight the news is that a leaky boat landed on Christmas Island on Monday! Our sovereign borders have been breached yet again! I am feeling vulnerable, I mean I now work down at Docklands, can Scott Morrison guarantee that a boat won't land outside my office? What would I do then?

    Where's that three star general when you need him?

  11. I have a mandatory annual leave day off tomorrow so I intend to ride my bike down to training at 9.30 am.

    Warning: I will be wearing some Lycra and due to injury I am carrying some extra weight but I will try to keep a low profile.

    My first visit under the new regime so I am hoping to see a difference. I have complained before about a lack of urgency and regimen at training last year but that was maybe because I was ducking out from work nearby and had limited time. But I still think training should be very regimented. Let's see how they go tomorrow

  12. Oh and just to clarify things our spying on East Timor happened under J Howard. Raiding Lawyers premises who are representing East Timor is not a good look.

    Apparently there was a national security issue involved with East Timor?? What's George on about I wonder.

  13. Good heavens Robbie have you realised we are under attack as I write this from East Timor. Thank heavens for George Brandis and his spooks. I mean I was on the look out for leaky boats from Indonesia for insurgents that would burst through our sovereign borders, now I find the East Timorese are threatening our sovereignty by taking us to an international court at the Hague. When will the siege end?

    Maybe today's raid by ASIO on an East Timor representative lawyers apartment will turn the tide. These are indeed worrying times we live in.

  14. The list of those involved in doping offences in sport is longer than your arm and is growing by the day. It contains those who have been found, or have admitted to, having taken illegal performance-enhancing drugs, prohibited recreational drugs or have been suspended by a sporting body for failure to submit to mandatory drug testing. There are individuals and teams involved and all you need is google. Some of the names will surprise.

    WADA takes its role pretty seriously and won't allow an AFL club whose captain has all but confessed to taking a banned substance and that had a regime of injecting players with substances whose identity is said to be unknown by club officials to get away with it because they apparently didn't keep records.

    I suspect that there are be many ways to ultimately produce the evidence whether or not Dank comes up with his records. I think there's a fair chance that those records will eventually surface because if Dank faces criminal charges his defence will look very sick if he's destroyed them. And, if there are future health issues involving the Essendon players as a result of what they were given by Dank, he's going to look even more sick if his records have been lost or destroyed.

    WJ what about us? Where do we stand?

  15. The sun will rise in the east tomorrow just as the infraction notices will come one day soon. They are unstoppable.

    I hope they aren't because that would mean we could sleep easy; that the drug squad has moved on. But if the Bombers players cop itinfractions that would mean we are still in the firing line. We don't need that Shyte hanging around us next year. We need a clear run for the first time in how many years?

  16. Here we go with the BS revisionism again -oh yeah what a a friggin hero, takes a six year contract , doesn't get a kick for the last five, allegedly the 'father' of the group of indigenous players at the club - wonaeaemirri, jurrah, bennell, jetta great work there aaron, we really got a massive return from that group. Jurrah was without a doubt the best natural footballer i have ever seen. What role did you have in preventing him from [censored] his entire life up? Weren't you supposed to be the main guy behind that? WTF were you when he boarded a plane home to take a machete to a family member? There is nobody more responsible for that than you, oh yeah they said, he comes from a challenging background, but he has Davey at the club to help him through... and he obviously had no impact whatsoever on Jurrah or any of the other indigenous boys. Not to mention he went from being our best player to a fringe player in a wooden spoon side the moment the ink was dry. Great player for his first 4-5 years but after that just another leaking wound of our damaged club. Davey - another melbourne footy club hero, another Miller, another Bruce, another Jamar, another pretender racking up games and doing nothing with them. These guys are the reason we have been a laughing stock of a club for a decade.This is what we had to offer when draftees came to the club - their opponents had Voss, Buckley, Riccutio, Carey, Hird etc we had excuses like this. Please God can Roosy bring the era of some blokes of real character, blokes that want to win games of football, instead of worrying about getting hurt, not blokes that will drop their heads when tagged and never touch the footy again. FCS Davey, he got a bunch of kicks and had some influence off half-back fo0r what? half a season? then they all locked him down and it was like having a friggin ghost out there! If ever there was a personification of the MFC [censored] stereotype it was Aaron Davey. Good riddance.

    C&B stop beating about the bush! Tell us what you really think.

    Great rant.

  17. That may have happened.

    We had them at MFC under Neeld did we not?

    FWIW-the corporate wankshyte [censored] management structure appraisal arsebag industry is not my scene.

    I'm more into abuse, ridicule and scorn as a way to motivate any parasites in the workplace.

    BBOs sister is a prime example of one of my pet projects-lazy hag.

    That is one way of looking at it.

  18. good to see you have an open mind on these issue hood and don't rely totally on the age and abc for your info

    DC I have done some more reading on the subject, not from Fairfax or the ABC or indeed the Hun or the Oz, but it is now obvious Gonki is dead. Pyne had stumped up the money to match Labour but there are no conditions and that is what Gonski is about minimum funding for the relatively disadvantaged children. Abbott and Pyne have committed now to the same dollars but no conditions. The states will do what they want. Most suspect they will just cost shift to the Commonwealth. You give us a billion we withdraw a billion of state money.

    This was how the Pyne deal was done on the back of a few desperate phone calls. The LNP just don't get it. Improving education outcomes for all kids benefits all of us eventually, it is about lifting national productivity. But they seemed to be about maintaining the class divides and advantages.

    By the watt The Age is reporting that all evidence of the Gonski report has disappeared from the Department of education site. No mention at all of 4 years work by educational experts and no rational explanation of where it has gone. They have some explanation of a Goverment changeover. But other government offices have changed nothing.

    I suspect Chris Pyne is taking us into Orwellian territory. The ministry of truth is up and running.

  19. yes i am. The entire news department and all departments who were in any way connected to the program. (Library,studio,graphics,editors, camera crews, technicians) we were all involved. Late 80's the news in Melbourne was rating around 2.

    Within a year we were pulling 20's. The Boss was a hard [censored] but he got respect because everybody knew there place in the chain.

    LT i am sure is far more modern in its approach but the bottom line s the same.

    Every employee inside the MFC has to pull their weight.

    WYL you make an excellent point. LT for the MFC management in previous years may have saved us at least 5 years of angst. Because its methods may have flushed out the dysfunctional management very quickly. Of that I am confident, but I suspect CS would have buried it all quick smart.

  20. WTF? Liam got to and played at the highest level?

    His issues were, not only unique, but hardly down to the MFC.

    Quite different to Richmond eg Relton Roberts and Troy Taylor

    Although do you remember that scurrilous AFL.com article by an anonymous somebody inferring that Liam first learnt to drink on our tour to China in 2010. It was published when he was having his violence problems and when MFC were being beaten around for the tanking accusations.

    Absolutely a case of the AFL putting the boot in when we were down. Why the MFC did not protest I don't know. To me it was a cheap, unsubstantiated shot at us and Liam.

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