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Mr Steve

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Everything posted by Mr Steve

  1. 20 seconds to go -- im calling it
  2. Somebody is having a day out. He can sit up the front of the plane on the way home tonight.
  3. I take a win but six more goals and top spot is ours again.
  4. That will get them both another game.
  5. This ground is not suitable for AFL footy.
  6. Not winnable game, this is our most winnable game.
  7. How far behind the play is the 7 coverage today.
  8. In the words of BT Boy oh Boy oh Boy some money has gone on Port for the upset today.
  9. So Carlton in 7th have 44 points we are 2nd on 48 point. A real must win game tomorrow.
  10. We do it for OOB but have not noticed us standing the mark five meters back like the Dogs with marks and frees.
  11. Go back to round 23 last year. We didn't stand the line, Trac took the five meters in and it's why they kicked out of bounds and won us the game.
  12. A few late goals to the blues would be handy for us. 44 points and a game behind the Cats at the moment.
  13. This makes our current form look not as bad as I thought.
  14. Doing it for the coach "sacked" is an insult as far as I'm concerned.
  15. We need one of those famous home town frees.
  16. S--t that's Bang Bang can they do a Bang Bang Bang.
  17. So if the Blues win tonight we will have six teams on 48 before our game tomorrow.
  18. After a head high free paid to you know who.
  19. Likely to be five teams on 48 points when our game starts tomorrow.
  20. Only reason I can give is that Melksham will be easier to drop for Oliver next week.
  21. 100 point wins are great but I much rather the 74 point wins. They just feel better and last longer.
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